6 Tips in Preparing to Write Your Dissertation Tip 5: Crystallize a topic choice, and determine if it is researchable and manageable 論文撰寫六大準備技巧五:釐清主題,確定內容與範圍適合研究

The final step in earning many master and doctorate degrees is completion of a thesis or dissertation. The process involved typically is lengthy and exacting. Following is one of 6 recommendations to help you get started on your dissertation in such a way that you can successfully complete it. Each tip in the series will appear on the TPS Fans page.

Tip # 5 – Crystallize a topic choice, and determine if it is researchable and manageable

The final criterion in choosing a topic is, how well does it advance your candidacy for a degree? A topic sometimes appeals because it is not challenging enough, neither challenging your research skills, nor your peers’ intellect. The Council of Graduate Schools (an American. organization with affiliate members around the world) says a dissertation must “demonstrate breadth of scholarship, depth of research, and ability to investigate problems independently.” It also must significantly contribute to a body of scholarship. An easy topic will misserve you.

Like any other academic writing, a dissertation reveals how well a writer can analyze raw research data and reports, interpret them fairly and correctly, and then bring together the material into a synergistic document. These research and composition skills are best displayed when the material being plumbed is deep enough to truly warrant “analysis.” Artfully restating what is obvious and shallow is not the same as critical discovery and original reporting. A chosen topic should lead to revelation and surprise, or at least to compelling fresh evidence.

Finally, a chosen topic must be practicable in respect to the methodology used to produce it. An ethnographic study that requires actual assimilation into a foreign culture might not be possible for logistical reasons. An experiment requiring years of blind studies probably won’t work because of time constraints, whereas a survey often is suitable, or a case study, or exhaustive historical research. A topic often dictates methodology, which in turn can determine the feasibility of a topic. When choosing a topic, realistically determine if it can be accomplished.

Last Update at 2011-08-17 AM 10:29 | 0 Comments

Professor Pedantic 教授的考究學問

The professor awaits your query on academic writing, though in all honesty, he doesn’t have a lot of time for you. He is a tenured full professor, after all, and working on yet another magnificent academic tome. Even so, he has graciously consented to entertain your question. Submit it and prepare to be edified.

QUESTION: I write pretty good papers… sometimes. Other times, I hand in plodding, dull papers that embarrass me, papers that I wouldn’t hand in at all were a deadline not upon me. Any ideas on how I can do my best writing all the time?

If you happen upon an answer to your question, patent it (and legally defend your patent); you will make a fortune. That’s because consistent excellence in writing of any kind is among the holiest of grails. So I commend you for your quest; critically examining your work is a very good first step in realizing it. As a rule, self-examination is better than being guided too much by the opinions of others, because acceptance and excellence are not always the same. The goal for an academic scholar is acceptance and excellence.

Guidelines to help a writer consistently submit superior academic papers start with a writer wanting to maintain a high personal standard. Human nature seems to be for us to coast on success rather than to work to sustain its momentum. Don’t expect less of a paper than that it contain indisputable logic, fluid organization, substantial content, and conspicuously good word choices. Those are the markers of excellence. Settling for less than that means settling for a mediocre paper. It really is that simple.

But here is the rest of the story: Writers are individuals with unique cycles of creativity and peculiar work habits. Motivation, inspiration, and creation come together in many different combinations. If you think and write best in the morning—or sitting by the ocean—that is when or where you need to write. Don’t try to fool your muse. Also, write when you are rested; dozing is for dreaming, not thinking. Write when your biorhythms and externals come together for you. Know yourself and how you best write.

Last Update at 2011-08-10 AM 11:06 | 0 Comments

This is not academic writing 學術文章不是這麼寫的

Not all articles written on academic topics are written in proper academic English. In this "This is not academic writing" column we examine short excerpts from academic texts to illustrate common writing errors and explain how to correct them.

Unacceptable 不被認可的文章

“K’ung-fu-tzu, or Confucius, emphasized in his noble teachings the importance of individual study and individual learning. He encouraged his disciples to think for themselves and to harmoniously link society’s past, its present, and its future. Though he taught the virtue of societal order, Confucius didn’t like order being imposed by coercion and favored leaders leading by example. His ideal of human character was inner confidence and gentleness combined with outer benevolence and compassion. Confucius’s model for such ordering of humanity was the family.”
An ancient teacher still is teaching via this paragraph, which contains some questionable word selections. In the first sentence, the writer describes the teachings of Confucius as “noble.” While that might be true, it is a problematic description. Some observers might believe Confucius was daft. Freestanding opinion is not suitable in academic writing. The writer asserts Confucius “didn’t like” coerced order. Actually the likes and dislikes of ancient teachers are not as relevant as what they taught; the sentence should be rephrased. In the last sentence, the reader stumbles over “Confucius’s model…” A good rule to follow is that possessives ending in “s” should be written so that readers don’t have to slop around in “susses.” How else might the paragraph be improved?
經由這個段落,我們又從古代的至聖先師學到不少。此段落有些詞彙的選擇有待商榷,第一個句子形容孔子的學說很「高尚」(noble),無論孔子的學說是否高尚,這樣形容都有問題,畢竟有些人可能認為孔子很愚昧,學術文章不適合使用沒有根據的意見。作者又宣稱孔子「不喜歡」強加命令於人民,其實先賢的教誨比他們的喜歡與否來得重要,此句應修改措辭。最後一句 “Confucius’s model…” 讀來相當拗口,所有格若以 “s” 結尾,寫作時應特別注意,以免讀者在 “susses” 之類的字尾打轉。本段落還可以如何進一步修改呢?

Acceptable 認可的文章

“K’ung-fu-tzu, or Confucius, emphasized in his teachings the importance of individual study and learning. He encouraged his disciples to think for themselves and to harmoniously link society’s past, present, and future. Though he taught the virtue of societal order, Confucius eschewed order being imposed by coercion and favored leaders leading by example. His ideal of human character was inner confidence and gentleness wedded to outer benevolence and compassion. The Confucius model for such ordering of humanity was the family.”

Last Update at 2011-08-04 AM 10:10 | 0 Comments

6 Tips in Preparing to Write Your Dissertation Tip 4: Brainstorm dissertation topic, with guidance from committee and chairperson 論文撰寫六大準備技巧四:與指導委員集思廣益,共同討論題目

The final step in earning many master and doctorate degrees is completion of a thesis or dissertation. The process involved typically is lengthy and exacting. Following is one of 6 recommendations to help you get started on your dissertation in such a way that you can successfully complete it. Each tip in the series will appear on the TPS Fans page.

Tip # 4 – Brainstorm dissertation topic, with guidance from committee and chairperson

Writing a dissertation, or any other academic paper, is at least twice as difficult when a topic is ill-chosen. It is like trying to hit the center of a target with an arrow without having a bull’s eye superimposed on the target. Yes, you can see the general direction you need to let fly, but your eye has no focal point to guide your hand. In the same way, a well-chosen and sharply defined topic will help you coordinate your research, manage your time, and focus your writing. The consequence will be a paper that is marked by organization, consistency, and completeness.

The importance of a topic means that it should not be formulated whimsically. An appealing topic sometimes is quickly found—or even worse, discovered late in the writing process—to be without sufficient substance to merit in-depth examination. Disaster! Parsing ideas way before the start of the dissertation process is advised, sometimes letting it guide final course selection. A superior topic is one a writer can enthusiastically embrace, a graduate school will find eminently worthy, and the larger peer community will conclude is thought-provoking and instructive.

Dissertation committee members, and especially the chair, are instrumental in this process. They ultimately must approve a proposal and final dissertation, so it is wise for a writer to incorporate their thinking in the topic selection process. Their experience—as well as their self-interest in being associated with a well-received dissertation—recommends their recommendations. A dissertation is a team effort, with the committee helping you navigate treacherous shallows and initially plumb some depths. But ultimately it is your vision and strength that must bring it home.

Last Update at 2011-08-03 AM 10:30 | 0 Comments

Professor Pedantic 教授的考究學問

The professor awaits your query on academic writing, though in all honesty, he doesn’t have a lot of time for you. He is a tenured full professor and working on yet another magnificent academic tome. Even so, he has graciously consented to entertain your question. Submit it and prepare to be edified.

QUESTION: A couple of my friends here in school have read my papers and each has said that the papers seem “inconsistent.” They can’t very well explain what they mean and I am left to wonder where I am going wrong. Any ideas about that?

Friends can mess with your mind. An honest appraisal from someone you trust can knock the struts out from under you. I can’t fault your friends for being frank, but they might consider a more constructive approach to friendship. Still, their comments can be useful to you if you are genuinely interested in improving your writing of academic papers. The perceived inconsistency of your papers could be the result of any number of academic writing errors. It might be something you are doing, or not doing.

Do you switch willy-nilly from first person to third person? Changing perspectives can jar a reader. Do you pick your words less carefully the longer you write? Such sloppiness, usually from haste or laziness, is noticeable. Do you get off track? Readers lose the thread of wandering presentations. Are your papers inconsistent in tone? Perhaps you begin in a formal way, then slip into a more casual mode, then return to a formal, didactic voice before ending with a blatant plea for acceptance of your argument. Horrors!

Any of these misguided approaches to academic writing reflect ignorance of the purpose of a paper. Do you remember what that is? The purpose is to professionally argue the case for new understanding of a subject via fresh information, preferably unearthed by you. If your writing is not consistent with this central purpose—from beginning to end—and is not coherent both in its information and its written delivery, you probably are guilty as charged by your friends.

Last Update at 2011-07-27 AM 10:12 | 0 Comments

6 Tips in Preparing to Write Your Dissertation Tip 3: Carefully choose a dissertation committee 論文撰寫六大準備技巧三:審慎選擇論文指導委員

The final step in earning many master and doctorate degrees is completion of a thesis or dissertation. The process involved typically is lengthy and exacting. Following is one of 6 recommendations to help you get started on your dissertation in such a way that you can successfully complete it. Each tip in the series will appear on the TPS Fans page.

Tip # 3 – Carefully choose a dissertation committee

No man is an island, especially a man (or woman) about to undertake a dissertation. A project of this scale is a team effort. Because a dissertation unfolds over months or years, a writer has more than enough time to get lost in it. Having allies in the effort will help you keep your footing if you begin to be swept away by the minutiae of research or undercut by tangential ideas. For these reasons, choosing a faculty dissertation committee is a key part of your preparation. If you fail to do your committee homework, you will have many teeth-gnashing months to regret it.
沒有人是孤島,對準備寫論文的人來說正是如此。寫作論文工程浩大,需要團隊共同努力才能完成。寫作可能需進行數月甚至數 年,作者往往會不自覺而迷失方向。若你被研究細節弄得暈頭轉向,或因想法偏離主旨而感到困擾,只要擁有團隊盟友,就能幫助你站穩腳跟。所以在準備階段,選 擇擔任論文指導委員的教授非常重要。要是挑選指導委員的功課沒做好,你可能將花上好幾個月懊悔不已。

What criteria should you use in selecting committee members? This depends somewhat on the nature of the dissertation. If it is to be technically esoteric, your committee must possess relevant expertise. If the proposal is more interdisciplinary in nature, your committee should have faculty members from relevant disciplines. Academic credentials are not all that matter, however. The people you are choosing to guide and counsel you also should be people you trust. You must know they will be there when you lean on them, and will have your best interests at heart.

Dissertation committee members should be tenured or otherwise available to you for the duration of your project. They and you should be able to work together, congenially and constructively. Your most critical choice is committee chairman. The chairman must support and encourage you without enabling any of your egregiously bad habits. (You say you don’t have any? You really need a chairman!) The chair also must be able to lead the committee—and you. You’re the boss of your dissertation project, but the chairman is the underboss you really want on your side.
指導委員應選擇 有終身職的教授,或是寫作論文期間能隨時指導你的教授。雙方對研究有所共識,並且能給予建設性的建議。指導委員中最重要的是主任委員,他必須支持你、鼓勵 你,但又不會縱容你的壞習慣。(你覺得你沒有壞習慣?問題大了!快找好你的主任委員吧!)主任委員也必須能領導你和其他指導委員。論文由你做主,但主任委員是你得拉攏的幕後老大。

Last Update at 2011-07-20 PM 12:03 | 0 Comments

Professor Pedantic 教授的考究學問

The professor awaits your query on academic writing, though in all honesty, he doesn’t have a lot of time for you. He is a tenured full professor and working on yet another magnificent academic tome. Even so, he has graciously consented to entertain your question. Submit it and prepare to be edified.

QUESTION: My instructor told me before I began my latest paper that this time I should try to avoid a weak conclusion, which he says is a habit of mine. I guess I don’t understand how to write a good conclusion. Can you help?

I don’t know if I can help. Writing habits are tough to change. A writer becomes comfortable assembling words in a familiar way. When a different sentence structure is attempted, it produces discomfort. Because no one is comfortable being uncomfortable, an uneasy writer typically tries to regain writing comfort by returning to a habitual style. So, to change your habit of writing inconclusively, you will have to be OK with change. To overcome writing weak conclusions, you will have to learn to write strong ones.

First, I suspect your problem is mostly about organizing and thinking, not writing. We’ll get to the words in a moment. A paper’s conclusion should reiterate, but not mindlessly list, the paper’s central points. It should distill the paper into its essence. The goal is to have a reader put down your paper with that essence of it in his frontal lobe and well on its way to becoming a long-term memory. A simple reiteration won’t do this. An essential summary will. So you see, writing skill is valuable in a paper clear to the end.

One more tip: Let your conclusion partially be a bridge to future research or discovery. Position yourself as the bearer of new information without presuming to have the last word on the subject. Modesty is a virtue. As to the actual writing, don’t mince words. Boldly state the fruits of your research—as if you believe them! Be declarative, not mousy, in affirming the truth of the paper and the weight of its evidence. If you trust your work, be confident about where it took you. If you hedge, you will arouse skepticism.
寫作結論還有個技巧,即結論有一部分要能推展到後續研究或發現,文章應該傳遞新資訊,但不要妄自為該主題的研究下定論。謙虛是種美德,但實際寫作時,不要 拐彎抹角,果敢地說明研究成果,就像你衷心相信這些成果很重要。不要畏畏縮縮,大方肯定自己的研究發現與重要佐證。如果你相信自己的努力,說明努力的成果 時要有自信,閃爍其詞會讓人懷疑。

Last Update at 2011-07-13 PM 9:45 | 0 Comments

6 Tips in Preparing to Write Your Dissertation Tip 2: Make this project a top priority 論文撰寫六大準備技巧二:以寫作論文為重

The final step in earning many master and doctorate degrees is completion of a thesis or dissertation. The process involved typically is lengthy and exacting. Following is one of 6 recommendations to help you get started on your dissertation in such a way that you can successfully complete it. Each tip in the series will appear on the TPS Fans page.

Tip # 2 – Make this project a top priority
技巧二: 以寫作論文為重

Do you understand how your quest to write a dissertation will affect your life? It is one thing to take on a task of this magnitude; it is quite another to continue to live an ordered life while doing so. A dissertation project is not an addendum; it must necessarily become a priority in a schedule already crowded with primal activities. Setting priorities in any realm—social, professional, intellectual, spiritual—is an indispensable organizational principle. This has been learned from human experience, the chief lesson being that one cannot, at the same time, do two things well.
你知道寫論文會改變生活嗎? 寫作論文是項艱鉅的任務,一邊寫論文還要維持生活井然有序,更是難上加難。儘管你的日常生活已經擠滿各種活動,還是必須將寫論文列為優先要務,不能等心血來潮才進行。規劃時,社交、工作、學術、精神等各方面都務必排定先後次序。我們從老祖宗過去的寶貴經驗中學到重要的一課,就是一心不能二用。

For example, it is virtually impossible to critically read a primary piece of literature for a dissertation while baby-sitting your active two-year-old. Nor can you simultaneously rest after a day’s work and stay up all night writing. Now is the time to evaluate how much time you will have for the project. Dissertation candidates often fail to be realistic. You may be admirably pragmatic in your study habits, but you also must be realistic in a project of this scope. For, as a practical matter, wanting to do something and being able to do something are not the same.

Let’s consider a specific task: It usually is recommended that sections of a dissertation be roughly written as soon as researched material is created, rather than trying to write it all when research ends. What this means is that every week, or every other week, you must have a block of time to write, preferably when you are not exhausted, distracted, or sick. Will you? Which brings up another point: If you do get sick for a week, will you have enough extra time to recoup the lost days and stay on schedule? Better stop and ask yourself: Is this project really feasible?

Last Update at 2011-07-20 PM 12:00 | 0 Comments

Professor Pedantic 教授的考究學問

The professor awaits your query on academic writing, though in all honesty, he doesn’t have a lot of time for you. He is a tenured full professor and working on yet another magnificent academic tome. Even so, he has graciously consented to entertain your question. Submit it and prepare to be edified.

QUESTION: My professor faulted me for using rhetorical questions in my paper. I believe that the questions moved the paper along and served the reader well. What can I do to convince the professor of this?

I’m not sure you are in a position to convince professors of anything. Rather, they are in a position of authority precisely because they are more learned than you. For the most part, professors are the convincers and teachers and students are the learners. Yet a really good professor keeps an open mind on the off chance that he or she might yet have something to learn. So I don’t fault you for challenging an authorized view of academic writing. The tension thus created might shake out a new classroom paradigm.

As for employing rhetorical questions, my first response is to ask, do you really mean questions— plural? That is, did you insert a question, or maybe two, in your paper, or was your paper rife with them? And were they truly rhetorical? A rhetorical question is intended to draw attention to a subsequent statement. Example: “Is the sky blue?” generally is not rhetorical; it actually is asked to elicit a response. Whereas, “So why is the sky blue?” is an introduction to, perhaps, a comment about a person’s state of mind.

While some professors frown on any use of rhetorical questions, others appreciate the power of such a question to introduce a point. It is a literary device that can effectively help bracket and, thus, organize and facilitate orderly expression of thoughts. Yet if the questions are overused—more than two of these questions probably are too many in a paper—they become patronizing and ineffective. My point? Don’t ask a question in a paper unless it really helps advance the narrative.

Last Update at 2011-06-29 PM 7:28 | 0 Comments

6 Tips in Preparing to Write Your Dissertation Tip 1: Commit to finishing what you start 論文撰寫六大準備技巧一:下定決心,有始有終

The final step in earning many master and doctorate degrees is completion of a thesis or dissertation. The process involved typically is lengthy and exacting. Following is one of 6 recommendations to help you get started on your dissertation in such a way that you can successfully complete it. Each tip in the series will appear on the TPS Fans page.

Tip # 1 – Commit to finishing what you start

Congratulations on pursuing an advanced degree. The question is, do you really intend to capture it? The pinnacle of the graduate degree process is completion of a dissertation or thesis. Every year, candidates for a degree stop their climb just short of the pinnacle. They become one of the many ABD (All But Dissertation) ex-students whose post-graduate education, while enhancing their lives, failed to produce a credential of value in the workplace. Employers generally are not impressed by applicants who almost earned a graduate degree.
能追求更高深的學位是件好事,問題是,你真的想獲得學位嗎?研讀碩博士學問的最高原則是完成碩博士論文。每年許多碩博士候選人只差一步就能抵達終點,卻無法堅持下去,成為「萬事俱備,只欠論文」 (ABD, All But Dissertation) 的肄業生。研究的所學所聞雖然提升了生活,卻因為沒有證書,無法為職場加分-雇主通常不會太看重「差一點」拿到學位的求職者。

If you have navigated the post-graduate process to this point, resolve to finish the course. A dissertation can take anywhere from a year to several years, depending upon how it fits in a program’s structure and the circumstances of a student’s life. A completed document can run anywhere from 15,000 to 150,000 words, a longer paper than most students have previously undertaken. It follows that completing a dissertation is a daunting prospect for almost any student, regardless of how much a degree is coveted.

So it is important for any post-graduate degree candidate to understand the purpose and function of a dissertation: It is a tool to define you as a scholar. Because most research and writing for a dissertation occurs without close faculty scrutiny, a candidate must work alone. Must correctly evaluate and filter research material. Must plan and execute interim and final steps. Must recognize effective writing and rigorously self-edit. Must stay on schedule. As you begin your dissertation, now is the time to resolve to grow as a scholar and a person by finishing the task.

Last Update at 2011-06-27 AM 11:52 | 0 Comments