8 Ways to Choose a Perfect Research Paper Topic # 3 – Be alert to potential topics in course material and elsewhere 完美撰題八大原則三:留意潛藏在教材與其他地方的研究主題

“Perfect” is a relative term in academic writing, but it always is the ideal. The first rule in the pursuit of perfection in a paper is to choose a topic wisely. This essay introduces and explains one guide in selecting a topic. Each guide is contained in “8 Guides in Choosing a Perfect Research Paper Topic” and will be posted on the TPS Fan page as introduced.

# 3 – Be alert to potential topics in course material and elsewhere
原則三 留意潛藏在教材與其他地方的研究主題

Sometimes the perfect topic is perfectly hidden … right under your nose. When an assignment is given in a class, the tendency is to focus on the assignment as if it exists separate from the rest of your intellectual activity. Not true. Assignments do not occur in vacuums. They are part of what is going on around you in the class—and outside the class. All knowledge is part of the same intellectual continuum; the sooner this is understood, the fuller a learning experience becomes.

So the first place to begin a search for a topic is in the class material itself. Lectures. Textbooks. Laboratory or field experiences. Even conversations with classmates contain the seeds of ideas. This might seem to be a superfluous suggestion, yet too many students turn off their minds when the class bell rings, or a formal discussion period ends. Learning to listen engagingly at unstructured times and to critically explore material in depth will help the topic search.

The other great place to look for topical revelation is in wholly unrelated reading material. Almost regardless of how specialized a research assignment is, valuable insight can be gleaned from general circulation publications. Sometimes a popular writer’s approach to a completely different subject can suggest a new academic approach. Or a word might jump out that sparks fresh thinking. The world is awash with ideas. Splash around in it and see what you can find.

Last Update at 2011-10-13 AM 10:17 | 0 Comments

Professor Pedantic 教授的考究學問

The professor awaits your query on academic writing, though in all honesty, he doesn’t have a lot of time for you. He is a tenured full professor and working on yet another magnificent academic tome. Even so, he has graciously consented to entertain your question. Submit it and prepare to be edified.

QUESTION: I sometimes am frustrated—maybe even peeved—by the disinterest shown my research by scholars in other disciplines. For various reasons, I would feel more fulfilled if they showed more interest in my work. What can I do to elicit their interest?

It is interesting to me that you want your peers in other scholarly disciplines to show interest in your work. I mean, if you have a particular peer in mind, possibly the one with the dimpled smile and terrific hair, well, yes, I understand that and offer a one-word piece of advice: flirt. However, if your concern is more general in scope and intellectual in nature, your dilemma is much more interesting to me. Let me note that some scholars simply confine themselves to notoriously narrow fields of interest. Don’t take it as a personal affront that they don’t have time for you.

Still, there is much to be said for interdisciplinary fraternization as an intellectual exercise. While the aforementioned scholar who becomes a mental hermit can be applauded for his intense focus, approval is given with a caveat: Such narrow vision is unlikely to produce anything of broad significance. Academic research and writing always are deeper than they are wide, but both research and writing fall short of excellence when they lack context. Context is the “outside” information that gives a paper parallel meaning. Hermit-scholars often lack such perspective.

Your sense of wanting to interact with scholars across disciplines is a good one. The benefits of doing so are mutual. I would suggest that the surest way to attract the interest of such academic researchers is to demonstrate genuine interest in their research. Not only will you then win their interest in your work, you will likely come away with some arcane tidbit discovered by them in the course of their work. It is interesting how such esoteric knowledge can spur fresh thinking in an entirely unrelated field. Good luck with encouraging your peers to open their minds to you.

Last Update at 2011-10-06 AM 1:31 | 0 Comments

8 Ways to Choose a Perfect Research Paper Topic # 2 – Clearly identify the parameters of an assigned topic 完美撰題八大原則二:確認研究報告的主題範圍

“Perfect” is a relative term in academic writing, but it always is the ideal. The first rule in the pursuit of perfection in a paper is to choose a topic wisely. This essay introduces and explains one guide in selecting a topic. Each guide is contained in “8 Guides in Choosing a Perfect Research Paper Topic” and will be posted on the TPS Fan page as introduced.

# 2 – Clearly identify the parameters of an assigned topic

This suggestion is closely related to the first one, which was to understand an assignment. But rather than dealing with miscommunication between student and instructor, this suggestion has to do with a writer’s judgment. Case in point: A clear-thinking student in a culinary curriculum who is assigned an academic paper on tuna should ultimately conclude that a paper on the health benefits of tuna salad is more appropriate than a paper on the economics of tuna fishing.

Yet professors are regularly surprised by topical tangents. Students sometimes ending up fishing for good grades in strange and irrelevant places. Unfortunately for them, the result is a marked-down paper. This doesn’t mean that instructors don’t appreciate writers who bring fresh ideas and subjects to a topical mix. Willingness to stretch a topic is an indication of intellectual heft and confidence. But stretch a topic too far and usually it will collapse into irrelevancy.

A general guideline to follow in evaluating the relevancy of a subject is to work outward from the core. If the assigned topic is tuna, for example, a concentric line of reasoning might go like this: Tuna – Fresh / Canned – Properties of canned tuna in water / oil – Albacore vs. Pacific bluefin – Mercury vs. low fats – Protein content – Tuna hash vs. Grilled tuna – and so on. While the process can go on for some time, it should end well before Charlie the Tuna is considered.
評估主題是否相關有一條通則,就是寫作時從核心向外探索。舉例來說,如果題目是鮪魚,思考論證的同心圓邏輯應該是:鮪魚-罐頭或新鮮鮪魚-水煮與油漬鮪魚的特性-長鰭鮪魚與太平洋藍鰭鮪魚-含汞量與低脂肪-蛋白質含量-鮪魚馬鈴薯或煎烤鮪魚…等等。諸如此類的清單可以延伸下去,但如果討論到鮪魚罐頭品牌的卡通吉祥物 Charlie the Tuna ,就表示你離題太遠啦。

Last Update at 2011-10-13 AM 10:18 | 0 Comments

Professor Pedantic 教授的考究學問

The professor awaits your query on academic writing, though in all honesty, he doesn’t have a lot of time for you. He is a tenured full professor and working on yet another magnificent academic tome. Even so, he has graciously consented to entertain your question. Submit it and prepare to be edified.

QUESTION: I have been encouraged to make my papers more “charming.” That seems like an odd word to use in describing an academic paper. Is my professor setting me up to fail?

You sound oddly distrusting of your professor. In my experience, classroom instructors work hard to help their students succeed, not fail. Of course, there is the occasional miscreant standing in front of the classroom who encourages student failure as a backhanded compliment to his self-declared high standards. Tenure is wasted on such people, and I am sorry for you if you are stuck with such a don. However, I will assume for the purposes of this column that your professor has your best interests at heart in advising you to become more “charming” as a writer.

In fact, I rather like the professor’s word choice. The definition of “charming” is “extremely pleasing or delightful.” Is there something in the DNA of an academic paper that precludes writing that is delightsome and pleasant? I think not. Too many academicians—though certainly not all—seem to labor under the weight of accumulated degrees; their capacity for joy has been squeezed right out of them. Delightful writing always is acceptable and should be joyously received. Yes, academic writers must be substantive, but they should try to delight their readers.

A writer charms readers by pleasantly surprising them. It is true that academic writing seriously examines important topics, so it is not a place for frivolous composition. Papers are straight-line writing projects without room for detours, even pleasant ones. Yet fresh expression of ideas through imagery and imaginative word choice doesn’t sidetrack a paper. Subtle wit that is pertinent is not a defect. Writing a paper so that the eventual reader might actually enjoy it is not a perverse impulse. Remember, academic writers are two people in one: academics, and writers.

Last Update at 2011-09-21 PM 3:16 | 0 Comments

8 Ways to Choose a Perfect Research Paper Topic # 1 Understand the assignment 完美撰題八大原則一:了解研究報告題目

“Perfect” is a relative term in academic writing, but it always is the ideal. The first rule in the pursuit of perfection in a paper is to choose a topic wisely. This essay introduces and explains one guide in selecting a topic. Each guide is contained in “8 Guides in Choosing a Perfect Research Paper Topic” and will be posted on the TPS Fan page as introduced.

# 1 – Understand the assignment

When a professor assigns a paper to a class, the implicit understanding is that a student will produce a paper in harmony with the assignment. The submitted paper may or may not be competently researched and well-written, but at the very least it is expected to be in the assigned area of research. Yet instructors still are disappointed to receive papers on, say, William Shakespeare’s classic family tragedies when the assignment was on the Bard’s sonnets.

Researching and writing a paper that almost meets the assigned criteria isn’t good enough. Professors are the experts in their disciplines and in their classrooms. They are familiar with the many facets of a subject. They intentionally assign papers on one slice of a broader subject in the expectation that students will examine that slice in some depth. When a student chooses to write on another facet of the subject, it not only is disappointing, it portends a failing grade.

Sometimes the fault lies with a professor for not clearly laying out the assignment. Sometimes it is the student who fails to grasp an assignment and to question it. As Cool Hand Luke famously said, “What we’ve got here is a failure to communicate.” But ultimately it is the student who will suffer the most when such confusion occurs, so it is the student who must clear away the confusion before proceeding. Always know the assignment before beginning to fulfill it.

Last Update at 2011-10-13 AM 10:18 | 0 Comments

Professor Pedantic 教授的考究學問

The professor awaits your query on academic writing, though in all honesty, he doesn’t have a lot of time for you. He is a tenured full professor and working on yet another magnificent academic tome. Even so, he has graciously consented to entertain your question. Submit it and prepare to be edified.

QUESTION: I generally enjoy writing papers assigned by my professor, regardless of the subject. But sometimes I get so hung up on a word or a section that I can’t go on. What is the best way to overcome writer’s block or whatever you want to call a sudden inability to write?

Most writer’s block is easily overcome by momentarily quitting. It’s that simple. Of course, professional writers on deadline—and students who have procrastinated working on an assignment—can’t step away from a writing project for long. Yet giving the right side of the brain some rest now and then tends to revive it. Straighten up the room or wash dishes instead, go jogging, watch a Lady Gaga music video. Let your thoughts wander down less disciplined lanes. Then sit again at your desk and see if your brain hasn’t regained its capacity to breach a barrier.

If the micro-vacation hasn’t recharged you, stronger measures are required. A first one is to determine if the fault lies with your brain or with the material it is being called upon to process. If you are trying to communicate a murky thought in writing that is so turgid that your brain can’t follow it, this tells you all you need to know: Start over. Clarity of thought and clarity of expression work in tandem. When an argument is clear in your mind, writing it clearly is easy. While subsequent word choices still may be difficult, they shouldn’t block the way

One other impediment to the flow of copy onto a page is plain old stubbornness. A writer sometimes will fall in love with a word, or a phrase, sometimes with an entire idea, and refuse to relinquish it even though it leads nowhere. The word or phrase or idea might, in fact, be a perfectly beautiful one. Yet if it interrupts or entirely blocks the writing process, it clearly is the wrong word or phrase or idea for that moment. Eliminate it. Delete as far back as necessary to get a clean start on another word or phrase or idea. It is the only way to get moving ahead.

Last Update at 2011-09-07 AM 10:43 | 0 Comments

This is not academic writing 學術文章不是這麼寫的

Not all articles written on academic topics are written in proper academic English. In this "This is not academic writing" column we examine short excerpts from academic texts to illustrate common writing errors and explain how to correct them.

Unacceptable 不被認可的文章

“During four decades of observing chimpanzees in Tanzania, Jane Goodall found some presumed truths about the animal’s behavior to be wildly untrue. She also shattered a few myths about anthropological methods. In her study of several chimp families, for example, Goodall learned to recognize each individual and to give each a name. She thus anthropomorphized the chimps—attributed to the chimps human characteristics—an approach that some of her scientific peers found wanting. Her unconventional methods stemmed from Goodalls’ background as an unlettered researcher, the absence of dogma giving her freer reign in her studies.”

This paragraph about a famed anthropologist and her discoveries passes muster if merely skimmed. More careful reading finds weaknesses. The “four decades” reference can be more simply expressed as “40 years.” In the second sentence, “presumed truths” can be more succinctly stated as “assumptions.” The phrase “found wanting” is not wrong, but it is imprecise; “criticized as unscientific” specifically states her peers’ complaint. In the last sentence, the phrase “freer reign” is a common misuse of “reign” instead of “rein,” and is further weakened by the absence of the modifier “intellectual.” Can you find the two errors in the use of the apostrophe to denote possession? One is “animal’s…” instead of “animals’…” What is the other?
本段文章描述著名的人類學家珍古德以及她的研究發現,大略讀過後看來沒有問題,但仔細讀後就會找到一些缺陷。“Four decades” 可以寫成 “40 years” 就好,第二句 “presumed truths”(假定的事實)改成 “assumptions”`(假設)會更精簡。“Found wanting” (缺失)並沒有錯,但改成 “criticized as unscientific” (不科學)更精確,以具體點出同儕的批評。最後一句 “freer reign” 犯了常見的錯誤,誤將 “rein”(拘束)寫成 “reign”(疆域)了,此外若加上 “intellectual” 會更清楚。有兩個代表所有格的符號有誤,其中一個是“animal’s…” 應改為 “animals’…”,另一個你找得到嗎?

Acceptable 認可的文章

“During 40 years of observing chimpanzees in Tanzania, Jane Goodall found some assumptions about the animals’ behavior to be false. She also dispelled a few myths about anthropological methods. In her study of chimp families, for example, Goodall learned to recognize each individual and to give each a name. She thus anthropomorphized the chimps—attributed to the chimps human characteristics—an approach that some of her scientific peers criticized as unscientific. Her unconventional methods stemmed from Goodall’s background as an unlettered researcher, the absence of dogma giving her freer intellectual rein in her studies.”

Last Update at 2011-09-01 AM 10:26 | 0 Comments

6 Tips in Preparing to Write Your Dissertation Tip 6: Crystallize a topic choice, and determine if it is researchable and manageable 論文撰寫六大準備技巧六:撰寫論文大綱、安排時間表、勤作筆記

The final step in earning many master and doctorate degrees is completion of a thesis or dissertation. The process involved typically is lengthy and exacting. Following is one of 6 recommendations to help you get started on your dissertation in such a way that you can successfully complete it. Each tip in the series will appear on the TPS Fans page.

Tip # 6 – Roughly outline the paper; adopt a research schedule and method of note-taking

Having committed to writing a dissertation and chosen a topic acceptable to a dissertation committee, a candidate for an advanced degree is almost ready to begin researching and writing a paper—almost, but not quite. One final phase of preparation is left, one as important as any that preceded it, for now is the moment when the theoretical begins to yield to reality. Now is when the machinery of creation is oiled, the belts checked, tires kicked. These preparatory actions ensure that steady production will ensue once the research/writing engine actually is cranked up.

First, a rough outline of the paper should be composed. A general understanding of the paper’s structure should already exist, but getting it on paper is critical. Like a roadmap, a rough outline will help keep research on track. The outline is rough because it will be adjusted as new material and ideas are integrated. After all, research should produce new material! The outline also should correlate to the project’s calendar; stress is what a dissertation writer feels when a quarter of research is complete at the halfway point of the schedule. Management of time is crucial.

Finally, as research actually begins, a writer should establish an effective method of note-taking and materials organization. Any long-form writing project, especially one involving much research, must be systematically undertaken. This is because, as time passes, the key to deciphering cryptic notes sometimes is lost, rendering the notes worthless. A writer should at the outset choose one method to record notes, observations, and insights in an orderly, rational, and transparently understandable way. This will speed writing, reduce errors, and never be regretted.

Last Update at 2011-08-31 AM 10:30 | 0 Comments

Professor Pedantic 教授的考究學問

The professor awaits your query on academic writing, though in all honesty, he doesn’t have a lot of time for you. He is a tenured full professor and working on yet another magnificent academic tome. Even so, he has graciously consented to entertain your question. Submit it and prepare to be edified.

QUESTION: My friend read two of my papers and told me I wasn’t a confident writer. I asked her how she could tell, and she couldn’t say. But it is true: I am not overly confident. How can I seem to be confident until I actually gain confidence?

Without reading your papers, I can’t really tell you how your lack of confidence manifests itself in your writing. Yet it is true that writers of uncertain mastery always run the risk of showcasing their shaky command of the writing craft. Their shakiness ripples through a sentence. But supremely confident writers sometimes produce weak writing, too, victims of their hubris. Given the choice, I would rather be an under-confident writer and use it as a prod to improve. So don’t lose faith in yourself and in your ability.

Your objective—to fool a professor into thinking you are a confident academic author—is legitimate and worthwhile. Confident writing is a tool of persuasion. Even the appearance of confidence is more apt to persuade. So how can you do it? One way is to write emphatically. That is, use forceful, declarative words that unmistakably make a point. Stay away from diffident word choices. Avoid fuzzy words like “probably” and “things” and “kind of” and phrases like “stuff like that.” (I joke. You wouldn’t dare.)

Another way to show confidence is to have your sentences lead somewhere. If they wander to and fro, they suggest that you as a writer are lost. A sentence should declare itself, rather than hint and mince. Let a sentence introduce a thought to be embellished or completed by a following sentence. Such tight construction, rife with thoughtful word choices, leaves a reader so caught up in reading that questions of confidence never arise. It is simple: Research thoroughly; organize cleanly; write as if you believe it.

Last Update at 2011-08-24 AM 10:20 | 0 Comments

This is not academic writing 學術文章不是這麼寫的

Not all articles written on academic topics are written in proper academic English. In this "This is not academic writing" column we examine short excerpts from academic texts to illustrate common writing errors and explain how to correct them.

Unacceptable 不被認可的文章

“Political science studies government, and thoroughly examines nations and the institutions that guide and direct them. As a society grows older and incorporates more of its citizens in political decisions, the science also expands. New attention is paid to cultural and social blocs that come into being and begin to influence how government operates and how a general public relates to their government. A primary concern of political science is power and how one organized center of public influence develops and imposes its will upon another organized center of public influence.”

This paragraph about the social science dealing with politics contains near-misses in word choices. For example, it is not accurate to say political science “studies government.” The study also explores political parties, interest groups, and the mechanisms of public authority. It also is wrong to say political science studies “nations,” because political science also focuses on jurisdictions within a nation. The phrase “guide and direct” is mostly redundant and trite. After the word “expands,” a semi-colon is better used than a period because the following sentence actually expands on the previous one; the sentences are closely related. Can you spot the errant pronoun in one sentence? How else might the paragraph be improved?
這段文章與社會科學有關,討論的是政治,用字遣詞上有許多「擦邊球」。例如,說政治學「研究政府」並不正確,因為政治學也研究政黨、利益團體,以及政府的機制。說政治學研究國家 (nations) 也有問題,因為政治學也關注一國內部的司法。片語 “guide and direct” 基本上是多餘的陳腔濫調。“expands” 一字後最好不要接逗號,改接分號,因為其後的句子其實進一步詳述了前一個句子;兩個句子關係密切。此外,你看得出有個句子的代名詞有問題嗎?本段還可以如何修改呢?

Acceptable 認可的文章

“Political science studies public governance, and empirically and analytically examines states and their institutions. As a society matures and incorporates more of its citizenry in political decisions, the science also expands; new attention is paid to cultural and social blocs that arise to influence how government operates and a general public relates to its government. A primary concern of political science is power and how one political unit imposes its will upon another political unit.”

Last Update at 2011-08-18 AM 10:17 | 0 Comments