Professor Pedantic 教授的考究學問

The professor awaits your query on academic writing, though in all honesty, he doesn’t have a lot of time for you. He is a tenured full professor and working on yet another magnificent academic tome. Even so, he has graciously consented to entertain your question. Submit it and prepare to be edified.

QUESTION: My professor advised me during an interim review that I ought to start over completely on my paper. I thought he was kidding. He wasn’t. Have you ever heard of anything so crazy?

Craziness comes in many flavors. When your professor advised you, was he sitting on his desk in his bikini pajamas, a Teddy bear on his lap, and peering at you through an eyeglass? That would be crazy. By comparison, his suggestion that you begin anew on your paper might be the sanest advice you’ll get all year. Your professor has seen enough academic writing to recognize early on when a paper is lame enough to warrant a mercy killing. That’s what he was doing, telling you to put it out of its misery. You should thank him, not question his mental stability.

Let’s assume for a moment that your professor is correct. I also will assume that he told you why he believed your efforts were destined to fail. You don’t share those details, so I will guess the writing was thin and nonacademic, the structure faulty, and / or the research inadequate. It really doesn’t matter. What matters is your reaction. You balked. This tells me two things: You have so little regard for your instructor that you doubt he knows as much about paper-writing as you do, or you have become so attached to your writing that you can’t give it up when challenged.

Revising an entire paper, or even a passage, can be an ordeal. Every writer blanches at the prospect. We fall in love with our words. We convince ourselves our premise is sound, our research complete, our argument unassailable. Yet writers can get so close to their work that they lose all perspective. A professor is a perspective-restorer. He isn’t there at the creation. He only sees what the paper has become, or where it is headed. Your dismissal of his critical opinion suggests that you are not serious about learning. Be smart. Heed his advice. Rewrite the paper.

Last Update at 2012-03-16 AM 10:23 | 0 Comments

7 Tips for Avoiding Plagiarism Tip # 5 – Take notes meticulously 避免抄襲的七大方法之五:仔細作筆記

真正的學者不會竊取他人的想法,不過研究過程中,有時可能無意間侵占了其他研究者的想法或表達方式。本系列「避免抄襲的七大方法」提供訣竅,幫助你避免不小心冒用他人的心血結晶。每則訣竅將刊登在 TPS 專頁。
A true scholar is not a thief. Yet stealing another researcher’s ideas or method of expressing them sometimes happens inadvertently in the course of research. How to avoid accidentally passing off someone else’s work as your own is the subject of this series, “7 Tips for Avoiding Plagiarism.” Each of the tips will be presented on the TPS Fan page before being compiled with the others as a series.

Tip # 5 – Take notes meticulously

There are many reasons to take notes carefully in researching a paper, beginning with the admonition of your professors to do so. They have been around for an academic season or two and have read the drab texts of poorly recorded research. The drabness is from inadequate quotation, incomplete attribution, and quite evident guesswork. When a writer does not create clear notes from clearly identified sources, the paper produced will lack the sheen of scholarship.

Note-taking is not a science, nor an art. It is a process that each academic writer can master by being methodical. What method a writer chooses is up to him. But it should be consistent and clear. Example: If a source is being quoted, always use quotation marks. If it is a paraphrase with a quoted element, always ensure the quote is in quotation marks. The key takeaway in that recommendation is not “quotation marks;” it is “always.” Be consistent. Be methodical.

Carefully separate source material from personal notes about the material. Otherwise, a writer can unknowingly end up quoting himself. When interviewing someone, record the date and name of the interviewee. When drawing from books, articles, and audio and video recordings, precisely note the point of extraction. In all note-taking, be neat. And whatever else you do, don’t rely on memory. The time between research and writing can wipe memory clean, or mangle it.

Last Update at 2012-03-09 AM 10:30 | 0 Comments

7 Tips for Avoiding Plagiarism Tip # 4 – Quote, paraphrase, or don’t use 避免抄襲的七大方法之四:「引用」與「換句話說」

真正的學者不會竊取他人的想法,不過研究過程中,有時可能無意間侵占了其他研究者的想法或表達方式。本系列「避免抄襲的七大方法」提供訣竅,幫助你避免不小心冒用他人的心血結晶。每則訣竅將刊登在 TPS 專頁。
A true scholar is not a thief. Yet stealing another researcher’s ideas or method of expressing them sometimes happens inadvertently in the course of research. How to avoid accidentally passing off someone else’s work as your own is the subject of this series, “7 Tips for Avoiding Plagiarism.” Each of the tips will be presented on the TPS Fan page before being compiled with the others as a series.

Tip # 4 – Quote, paraphrase, or don’t use

What are quotations and paraphrases and why do writers employ them? The question is a good one. Some writers clearly haven’t figured it out. A person is quoted or paraphrased because the person speaking is a relevant, authoritative voice. A quote is used because it is weighty or memorable. Paraphrasing occurs either as a succinct summary of something relevant, or because the paraphrase contains a key word or phrase, which is bracketed in quote marks for emphasis.

Always clearly attribute paraphrased or quoted material to its author, such as, “According to city historian Lee Chen,…” Attribution should be near the borrowed material to avoid confusion. Quotations should be exact and in proper context, whereas paraphrases obviously should not be word for word, but must be accurate in thrust and tone. And beware of writing sentences that duplicate a source’s original structure; it is possible to plagiarize the construction of content.

You say, if quoting a source is fraught with so many dangers, why should I do it? You shouldn’t, unless a paper will be weaker without attributed material. But it also is true that a paper will be weak if it contains too much borrowed material, even when attributed, so use only as much as necessary to document a point. Research uncovers worthy ideas and statements. Using them to buttress an argument in a paper is perfectly justified—so long as you don’t try to steal them.

Last Update at 2012-02-24 PM 4:17 | 0 Comments

Professor Pedantic 教授的考究學問

The professor awaits your query on academic writing, though in all honesty, he doesn’t have a lot of time for you. He is a tenured full professor and working on yet another magnificent academic tome. Even so, he has graciously consented to entertain your question. Submit it and prepare to be edified.

QUESTION: I hate deadlines for papers, but, of course, I can’t get away from them. Is there any secret to learning to live happily with deadlines?

You bring a realistic, if dispirited, attitude to the whole subject. Yes, deadlines are a fact of life, certainly of academic life. If there is a secret, it is this: Rather than pine to “get away from them,” embrace deadlines and use them to your advantage. That always is the choice when rules are imposed. One can either consider a rule a restraint and try to get out of it, or look upon it as structure upon which you can order your life. In the case of a deadline for submitting a paper, view it as a target, a goal, as something you want to reach, rather than as something to overcome.

Deadlines serve two functions, three if you count the cutoff date a professor gives himself to have in hand assigned papers. For a writer, the first function of a deadline is as planning tool. The day a piece of academic writing is assigned is the starting point, the day it is due is the ending point. Between the two points is an amorphous period of time waiting to be shaped and utilized. A wise writer will look at the writing project and methodically divide the allotted time into planning, researching and writing blocks—interim deadlines!—and adhere to them.

The other primary function of a deadline is to motivate a writer. The end date can be viewed as a negative motivator—“I dread thinking about it!”—or as a positive one. A sensible writer will recognize his personal work habits and adjust them to accommodate a deadline. The fact is, some people are methodical and systematic in their pacing and routinely finish their work early without a deadline even being imposed; others have work habits characterized by spells of drifting interspersed with spurts of efficient labor. To the latter, a deadline is a best friend.

Last Update at 2012-02-17 AM 10:17 | 0 Comments

7 Tips for Avoiding Plagiarism Tip # 3 – Resolve to give credit generously 避免抄襲的七大方法之三:詳實引注,解決剽竊疑慮

真正的學者不會竊取他人的想法,不過研究過程中,有時可能無意間侵占了其他研究者的想法或表達方式。本系列「避免抄襲的七大方法」提供訣竅,幫助你避免不小心冒用他人的心血結晶。每則訣竅將刊登在 TPS 專頁。
A true scholar is not a thief. Yet stealing another researcher’s ideas or method of expressing them sometimes happens inadvertently in the course of research. How to avoid accidentally passing off someone else’s work as your own is the subject of this series, “7 Tips for Avoiding Plagiarism.” Each of the tips will be presented on the TPS Fan page before being compiled with the others as a series.

Tip # 3 – Resolve to give credit generously

If ever there is a time to go the extra mile—and life is rife with such opportunities—giving full credit in a paper to the work of another scholar is one such time. Penury is a foolish habit in general, but being ungenerous in the academic realm can be particularly dangerous. Egos that drive academicians to discover new truths are easily bruised when the work is not duly credited. In the worst case, such insults can come back to haunt the slighter in legal and professional ways.

So in laying out the framework of a paper and preparing to dive into research, let the good scholar thus resolve: Where the work of a previous researcher is a springboard to new understanding, the debt owed the earlier discoverer will be openly and frankly paid. Honesty is the best policy. Transparent appreciation for the work of predecessors not only strengthens a paper by firmly grounding it in a discipline, it sets the stage for new revelation and argument.

Where it can get tricky is in the slog of research. As the weeks of reading and notation creep by and the number of sources mounts, careless attribution can unwittingly become part of the process. Who said that… this guy or that one? Oh-oh, is that my jotted observation or the stated view of another? Such mistakes are understandable, but unless they are cleared up prior to submission or publication, they can explode into mighty embarrassments. Don’t get sloppy.

Last Update at 2012-02-24 PM 4:17 | 0 Comments

Professor Pedantic 教授的考究學問

The professor awaits your query on academic writing, though in all honesty, he doesn’t have a lot of time for you. He is a tenured full professor and working on yet another magnificent academic tome. Even so, he has graciously consented to entertain your question. Submit it and prepare to be edified.

QUESTION: I set out to do a case study and to write about it. The results weren’t pretty. They were ugly, in fact, but my professor’s criticism wasn’t especially constructive. What are the rules for good case study papers?

I apologize for your professor not being constructive in analyzing your paper. Coaching students through error is one of an instructor’s primary missions and it sounds as though your instructor forgot that. Maybe it was just a bad day. Perhaps you could add something to the literature of teaching by doing a case study of your professor! Seriously, whatever errors you made in the paper in question are correctable. Try again. A case study can be a powerful research tool and, when properly reported, is an exemplary investigative approach to new understanding.

A primary rule is that a case study report must be structured correctly. Typically, this means introduction of a studied subject, followed by a detailed, chronological report of the conduct of the study, and then a systematic account of the results of the study. Each section is equally important. The other usual requirement is that study results either affirm a standing theory or enunciate a new theory. Unless this relationship of theory and practice (the case study) is established, all you have is an anecdote. Anecdotal reports are not always meaningful.

A case study should be tied to a theory in the planning stage. A researcher can determine in advance what principle is likely to be reaffirmed in a case study or what theoretical principle might be identified. The outcome of a genuine case study never should be presumed, nor should the results conformed to fit a presumption, but the concept and hypothesis surrounding a study should be identified up front. By so doing, study results—expected or unexpected—can be cleanly interpreted. After data and observations are compiled, the task becomes writing it well.

Last Update at 2012-02-01 AM 10:38 | 0 Comments

7 Tips for Avoiding Plagiarism Tip # 2 – Strive to produce original content 避免抄襲的七大方法之二:力求論文內容原創

真正的學者不會竊取他人的想法,不過研究過程中,有時可能無意間侵占了其他研究者的想法或表達方式。本系列「避免抄襲的七大方法」提供訣竅,幫助你避免不小心冒用他人的心血結晶。每則訣竅將刊登在 TPS 專頁。
A true scholar is not a thief. Yet stealing another researcher’s ideas or method of expressing them sometimes happens inadvertently in the course of research. How to avoid accidentally passing off someone else’s work as your own is the subject of this series, “7 Tips for Avoiding Plagiarism.” Each of the tips will be presented on the TPS Fan page before being compiled with the others as a series.

Tip # 2 – Strive to produce original content

Academic research and writing never is 100 percent original. Even the author of a paper of profound discovery and revolutionary argument must acknowledge predecessors whose foundational work has been eclipsed by the new paper. Citation of previous work always should be complete to give proper credit, as well as to indicate where new thinking begins. The point is, even the most original of papers will incorporate old material to some extent.

Yet academic writing with the most impact is writing that has not previously been read. The interest of a reader is immediately captured and held by an intellectual argument that has not been formulated and written down before. Fresh conclusions that reflect fresh research will have a reader thumbing back through a paper for its highlights. This is the value of trying for originality in academic papers—a reward that is measured in respect and superior ranking.

Striving for original content in a paper is a bulwark against plagiarism, too. A mind set upon finding “new stuff” is not nearly as likely to steal someone else’s work as is a person content to cobble together “old stuff” in a way that disguises its roots. Intent separates the accidental, and often excusable, plagiarist from the person of lesser conscience who would rather expend energy swiping another’s work than to labor at true discovery. Such slatternly thinking is inexcusable.

Last Update at 2012-01-18 AM 10:32 | 0 Comments

Professor Pedantic 教授的考究學問

The professor awaits your query on academic writing, though in all honesty, he doesn’t have a lot of time for you. He is a tenured full professor and working on yet another magnificent academic tome. Even so, he has graciously consented to entertain your question. Submit it and prepare to be edified.

QUESTION: I always include statistics when I can to prove different points of a paper, because the numbers sometimes tell the story better than words can. How do I know when I have overused statistics in a paper?

One cannot address this subject without rolling out the truism about statistics, namely, that there are lies, damned lies, and statistics. The inference is, of course, that while hard numbers might seem straight-forward fact, when misused, numbers can be as misleading as any stated falsehood. For example, an imbalanced sampling can produce numbers skewed one way or the other. Or a false cause-and-effect relationship might be deduced from raw data, either from error or on purpose. Statistics unquestionably do not tell a whole story when they are used mischievously.

So how often should you employ statistics in an academic paper? As often as the numbers can honestly advance or bolster an argument. That is the purpose of every argumentative device employed by a writer in a paper, to persuade the reader of the worth of an argument. Yet you are right to fear that too much of a good thing can detract from, rather than add to, the overall effort to persuade. At some point, numbers piled on numbers begin to look like padding. After all, academic papers are exercises in written communication, not statistical round-ups.

The other misstep in using statistics concerns interpretation. Some data need no interpretation beyond a succinct restatement. Other compiled numbers need restating in some detail to reinforce the import of the numbers or to ensure that the reader grasps their meaning. (If even more explanation is needed, a footnoted table probably is the wiser choice.) Where some writers err is in misinterpreting numbers or in applying them too generally to make a case. A pertinent reminder: The professor reading a paper is apt to be as statistically conversant as the writer.

Last Update at 2012-01-11 AM 11:55 | 0 Comments

7 Tips for Avoiding Plagiarism Tip # 1 – Know plagiarism when you see it 避免抄襲的七大方法之一:了解何為剽竊

真正的學者不會竊取他人的想法,不過研究過程中,有時可能無意間侵占了其他研究者的想法或表達方式。本系列「避免抄襲的七大方法」提供訣竅,幫助你避免不小心冒用他人的心血結晶。每則訣竅將刊登在 TPS 專頁。
A true scholar is not a thief. Yet stealing another researcher’s ideas or method of expressing them sometimes happens inadvertently in the course of research. How to avoid accidentally passing off someone else’s work as your own is the subject of this series, “7 Tips for Avoiding Plagiarism.” Each of the tips will be presented on the TPS Fan page before being compiled with the others as a series.

Tip # 1 – Know plagiarism when you see it

First of all, the assumption is that no true scholar wants credit for another scholar’s work. Such a desire nullifies any claim to being a scholar, after all, for a plagiarizer quite evidently has not learned enough to teach anyone anything. The root word of plagiary refers to kidnapping; there is no question that a plagiarist is a person trading in ill-gotten information. So every true researcher should be able to identify plagiarism and want to avoid it to ensure the integrity of a work.
首先,我們假設真正的學者不會侵占其他學者的心血,否則他就失去學者的資格;畢竟,如果一個人只會剽竊,他的學識必定不足以為人師。剽竊 (plagiary) 一詞的詞根意謂巧取豪奪,無疑地,剽竊者傳遞的知識都是以不正當的方式取得。因此,每個真正的研究者應該要能判別何為剽竊,並竭力避免,如此工作成果在道德誠信上才站得住腳。

Yet accidents happen. An academic project of any length has multiple entry points for inadvertent plagiarism by the most respected researcher. Such slip-ups—with the attendant embarrassment and professional penalties upon exposure—can be avoided if a researcher knows what constitutes plagiarism and maintains a guard against it. This presumes a scholar is not outright copying material or otherwise trafficking in forgery. For that, there is no hope.

Plagiarism’s danger area for honest researchers is about fully giving credit. When credit for authorship is insufficiently accorded, a reader attributes to the writer something properly attributed to someone else. This can happen through incomplete quotations, or paraphrases that really are exact quotes, or from some other failure to fully identify a source. It is critical that a researcher separate original and borrowed ideas by clearly declaring the latter. Know your mind.

Last Update at 2012-01-04 AM 11:14 | 0 Comments

Professor Pedantic 教授的考究學問

The professor awaits your query on academic writing, though in all honesty, he doesn’t have a lot of time for you. He is a tenured full professor and working on yet another magnificent academic tome. Even so, he has graciously consented to entertain your question. Submit it and prepare to be edified.

QUESTION: I seem to lack “tense sense.” That’s how a classmate puts it. I can’t seem to get the tense right in many of my research paper sentences, switching back and forth between present and past tenses. Is there a rule to help me?

“Tense sense.” Cute. I suppose your classmate says using periods and commas inconsistently is “punctuation fluctuation” and being pretentious in your word choices is “grammar glamour.” (If I continue much longer in this vein, I will be guilty of “cluster bluster.”) Yes, correct and consistent use of verb tense in sentences helps weld a paper into a whole document, whereas sloppily constructed sentences loosen the grip of a paper on a reader. The impact of shifting tenses often is so subtle that a reader can’t pin down the cause of the drift; however, it is sensed.

Generally, an introductory section of a paper uses the present tense to good advantage. The body of the work is often couched in the past tense in describing completed research and materials of generally established authority. The concluding segments of a paper often allude to future research on a subject, which can, of course, employ the future tense. While a writer is not locked into this pattern of tense usage, it is a functional application of tenses and, in the end, how writing functions is the critical difference between clear communication and fogginess.

No neat rules have been formulated to guide academic writers except to have clearly in mind both time and place. This is especially important if an attempt is made to tinker with timelines for dramatic effect. For example, it can gratify a writer and enlighten a reader when a particularly satisfying research moment is reported in a tense that transports the reader back to the exciting moment of discovery. You are there! Yet if the transition into and out of the present tense is not smooth and seamless, the reader is not excited; he is confused by the shifting perspective.

Last Update at 2012-01-02 PM 4:56 | 0 Comments