7 Ways to Pace Yourself through a Paper # 4 – Know your writing strengths and weaknesses 按部就班寫作論文的七大建議之四:了解自己寫作的長短處

 A writer peering ahead at an academic writing project should respect the task. It not only will require research and writing abilities, it will tax the writer’s endurance and concentration. Learning to become efficient and self-regulating as a researcher and writer is the reason for this series, “7 Ways to Pace Yourself through a Paper.” Each of the suggestions will be presented on the TPS Fan page before being compiled.
若您即將致力於學術寫作專題,應該好好重視這項工作。這不僅需要研究與寫作技巧,也仰賴毅力與專注。「按部就班寫作論文的七大步驟」將教您學會如何自律,提高研究與寫作的效率。每項建議都會刊登在 TPS 粉絲專頁,並在最後集結於 TPS 學術電子報中。

Way # 4 – Know your writing strengths and weaknesses

The Greeks advised subsequent generations of mankind to “know thyself.” The adage acknowledges the difficulty an individual has in sorting through the many facets of his being and honestly acknowledging his character. We tend to make excuses or to wishfully inflate our abilities. An academic writer is no less prone to glossing over weaknesses. A long-term writing project is no place to fool oneself. Rather, it is when a writer should practice total self-honesty.

Do you have the imagination and predisposition to “see” the general outline of a paper as you research it? Some writers can easily extrapolate what they know and roughly project it into a finished written product before they ever begin the actual word-by-word creative process. Or maybe your strength is your vocabulary. If you are word rich, enrich your paper. (Be careful, though, not to lard your paper with so much erudite language that it begins to get in the way.)

Just as important is to know your weaknesses. Do you have difficulty concentrating for effective lengths of time? Do you write half an hour and then take an hour’s break? This is a problem. Recognize it and either schedule plenty of time for the project or learn to lengthen your focus. Do you habitually and extensively rewrite? Plan to finish a first draft in time to allow for successive ones. In short, pace yourself according to your actual writing skills and habits, not imagined ones.

Last Update at 2012-08-21 AM 10:18 | 0 Comments

Professor Pedantic 教授的考究學問

The professor awaits your query on academic writing, though in all honesty, he doesn’t have a lot of time for you. He is a tenured full professor and working on yet another magnificent academic tome. Even so, he has graciously consented to entertain your question. Submit it and prepare to be edified.

QUESTION: I love poetry and wrote a paper on a favorite sonnet, but it was not well-received by the instructor. “Too much feeling, not enough analysis,” he said. On writing about subjects I love, what is the best way to downplay my feelings?

You seem to be a passionate person, not only liking subjects or finding them interesting, but loving them. This is admirable and shows a verve for life and, perhaps, for academic writing, which bodes well for a career as a scholar. However, there is a distinction between aggressively and enthusiastically researching a topic and imbuing the subsequent paper with great emotion. The academic realm is built upon analytical and grounded thinking and composition; feelings are suspect because they can betray logic and deduction. Such betrayal is not rewarded in academia.

You don’t want to train yourself to “feel” less strongly in subsequent assignments—passion is not a weakness—but you would be wise to channel your feelings into substantive, factual analysis and conclusions. There is great power in strong writing that is not diffident about making a point, especially if it challenges conventional wisdom. But the strength of the writing should be in its intellectual vigor rather than its emotive underpinning. Choose words that characterize subjects in concrete terms rather than in illusory, heart-felt, disputable terms.

Poetry, as an example, is full of imagery, structure, meter, and rhyme. The language of an academic paper also can effectively contain images and effortlessly flow to a conclusion like any other masterly writing. But the content is prose, and should be a work of hard analysis, discerning examination, deep understanding, and critical thinking. If you can work in flattering comment about a poet or poem without compromising your standing as a scholar, fine. Otherwise, let the love be felt in the intensity of the research and utter honesty of the writing.

Last Update at 2012-08-17 PM 12:37 | 0 Comments

7 Ways to Pace Yourself through a Paper # 3 – Develop and employ systems 按部就班寫作論文的七大建議之三:制定並善用有系統的方法

A writer peering ahead at an academic writing project should respect the task. It not only will require research and writing abilities, it will tax the writer’s endurance and concentration. Learning to become efficient and self-regulating as a researcher and writer is the reason for this series, “7 Ways to Pace Yourself through a Paper.” Each of the suggestions will be presented on the TPS Fan page before being compiled.
若您即將致力於學術寫作專題,應該好好重視這項工作。這不僅需要研究與寫作技巧,也仰賴毅力與專注。「按部就班寫作論文的七大步驟」將教您學會如何自律,提高研究與寫作的效率。每項建議都會刊登在 TPS 粉絲專頁,並在最後集結於 TPS 學術電子報中。

Way # 3 – Develop and employ systems

Writers of academic papers can be as guilty as any other kind of writer in believing that inspiration rules the creative process. While we should never underestimate how much inspiration can contribute to a creative enterprise, the fact is that perspiration and planning also are important to success. After all, creative geniuses whose brains deliver blinding flashes of inspiration often need their work systematically organized, edited, and prepared for publication.

So even if you are a creative genius, your work will only be helped by becoming systematic in your approach to it. Like deadlines, systems are external aids through which a writer can channel his energy. Systems are like doors and stairs and sidewalks: They assist a writer in getting from Point A to Point E—the end. One such system is a work schedule. A writer who systematically works on a project for a set number of hours each designated work day is a disciplined worker.

Another system is organized research and note-taking. A researcher who flips willy-nilly through research volumes, making abstract notes on odd pieces of paper and in margins, is sure to waste time later revisiting the same text. The same is true of a researcher who doesn’t review his findings systematically each day to see where they are taking him. Such reviews can organize a paper in the mind. Being systematic is a key way to pace yourself and conserve your energy.

Last Update at 2012-08-03 AM 10:54 | 0 Comments

Professor Pedantic 教授的考究學問

The professor awaits your query on academic writing, though in all honesty, he doesn’t have a lot of time for you. He is a tenured full professor and working on yet another magnificent academic tome. Even so, he has graciously consented to entertain your question. Submit it and prepare to be edified.

QUESTION: I sometimes must cite a researcher with an unusual first name and I don’t know if the person is male or female. I can’t even find a photo to help me. This is a recurring problem. How can I avoid such confusion?

Life would be a bit simpler if there were a universal rule about the naming of boys and girls. But then we all would break it, wouldn’t we? That’s because naming a child is too personal a thing to be regulated. No, we must carry the names we are given and, more to the point, sometimes puzzle out the gender of a person with a seemingly androgynous name. You are on a good track in researching for a photo, though occasionally photos can deceive, too. LinkedIn and other professional networking Internet sites often will contain valuable ID clues, including a photo.
如果為男孩女孩命名有個統一的規則,事情就好辦了。不過要是真有規則,我們也會打破規則,對吧?為小孩命名是很私人的事,無法規範;我們得用父母給我們的名字,更重要的,有些名字看起來很中性,難以判斷性別。你找照片是正確的,雖然照片有時也會騙人。LinkedIn 等專業網站通常包含有用的身分線索,例如照片。

If a person is only cited in a brief footnote or other addenda, the full name can be used without elaboration. However, if the style of the report requires titles in front of names and the person in question has not earned a doctorate, then Mr., Mrs., Ms., or Miss is required; it indeed poses a problem when the person’s gender—and marital state!—is unknown. This is exacerbated if the person is quoted more than once within a report. The second usage of the person’s name in text typically calls for a pronoun, and the only choices you have are she/her and he/him. Dilemma!
如果只是在簡短的註腳或其他附錄中引用某人,寫出全名就可以了,無須進一步解釋。但是,如果你用的論文格式必須在名字前加上稱謂,引用的人又沒有博士學位,就必須寫出 Mr.、Mrs.、Ms.、或 Miss,如果不知道對方的性別-以及婚姻狀態-確實會造成問題。若一篇報告中引用同一人兩次,問題就更嚴重,第二次提到同一個人時,一般必須用代名詞,你只好寫成「她/他」,或「她的/他的」了,真令人為難!

Here’s what I would do: 1) Scour the Internet for journal articles by the person, which might contain pronoun clues or photos; 2) Explore online for articles in professional publications that might give more identifying information; 3) Check with your librarian and professor—a person of sufficient stature for citation should be known to peers in the field; and 4) Contact the person directly with this request: “I am citing your excellent work in my paper and am wondering how you prefer to be addressed in a second reference.” Then wait for an answer from her/him.
我的解決方法是:1) 在網路上用對方的名字搜尋期刊文章,文章裡可能有代名詞或照片;2) 搜索網路上專業期刊的文章,或許會找到更多身份的訊息;3) 詢問圖書管理員或教授。若對方成就足以受到引用,同領域的研究人員應該都會認識;4) 直接連絡對方,詢問:「我在論文中引用您傑出的研究成果,不曉得文中第二次提到您時,該如何稱呼比較恰當?」接著靜候她/他的回音。

Last Update at 2012-07-27 AM 10:28 | 0 Comments

7 Ways to Pace Yourself through a Paper # 2 – Embrace deadlines and use them 按部就班寫作論文的七大建議之二:善用截止期限

A writer peering ahead at an academic writing project should respect the task. It not only will require research and writing abilities, it will tax the writer’s endurance and concentration. Learning to become efficient and self-regulating as a researcher and writer is the reason for this series, “7 Ways to Pace Yourself through a Paper.” Each of the suggestions will be presented on the TPS Fan page before being compiled.
若您即將致力於學術寫作專題,應該好好重視這項工作。這不僅需要研究與寫作技巧,也仰賴毅力與專注。「按部就班寫作論文的七大步驟」將教您學會如何自律,提高研究與寫作的效率。每項建議都會刊登在 TPS 粉絲專頁,並在最後集結於 TPS 學術電子報中。

Way # 2 – Embrace deadlines and use them

Every project of every kind—physical or intellectual—has a starting date and a finishing date. The author of a paper can’t begin until a topic is assigned or approved, at which point the clock starts ticking. A date to turn in the paper also is given, which is when the work must be completed. While these two mileposts are helpful in guiding the overall progress of a paper, they are too far apart to keep a writer on course. Interim deadlines are the critical benchmarks.

The midpoint deadlines may vary according to the kind of paper being written. They also might be assigned by a professor with the expectation that the writer will show evidence at each checkpoint of continuing progress. Or a self-reliant writer might take the initiative to establish interim deadlines of his own. Whichever is the case, the interim goals—research done, outline created, first draft completed, and so on—can keep a writer steadily moving ahead.

A seasoned writer will see these interim deadlines as stepping stones, as helpful indicators of a project being on schedule… or not. They let a writer know when he can take a breather from the project or when he needs to put in some overtime. By maintaining a steady pace, the writer will not have to make up ground in a hurry. That kind of crunch-time research and writing should be avoided because it never results in a writer’s best work. Use interim deadlines to pace yourself.

Last Update at 2012-07-20 AM 10:24 | 0 Comments

Professor Pedantic 教授的考究學問

The professor awaits your query on academic writing, though in all honesty, he doesn’t have a lot of time for you. He is a tenured full professor and working on yet another magnificent academic tome. Even so, he has graciously consented to entertain your question. Submit it and prepare to be edified.

QUESTION: I nearly always open a paper by posing a question. Sometimes it is rhetorical, sometimes it is meant to be tantalizing. Either way, it is designed to get a reader’s attention. My professor suggests I try something else. But it if works, why do something different?

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it—that’s your theory? And you are correct that abandoning a proven outline and writing style for no reason doesn’t make much sense. But in this case, there are reasons to change. There are, in fact, good reasons to substitute another introductory style for one of your choice that has worked in the past. The first good reason is: Your professor has suggested it. Unless you have some reason to believe he doesn’t have your best interests at heart, you would do well to accept his suggestion as a valid one. Why else would he suggest it?

Another reason to try another lead is that at some point in your writing career you are going to be assigned a subject that simply does not lend itself to introduction via a question. No matter how clever you might be, in that instance you will not be able to effectively start your paper by asking a question. When that occurs, you will wish you had developed several lead paragraph techniques from which to choose a best one—a startling declaration, perhaps… announcement of new evidence and findings… affirmation of an old truth. These, too, can capture reader interest.

Possibly the most important reason to develop a variety of paper introduction methods is that it stretches your brain and adds to your expertise as an academic writer. The desire to keep learning and growing as a scholar is intrinsic in every facet of your work. If you are complacent about learning—in this case, learning additional ways to start a paper—you are exhibiting a serious defect in your intellectual make-up. A better attitude would see you welcoming such suggestions from teaching staff and showing them you have it in you to try new things and be successful.

Last Update at 2012-07-17 AM 11:01 | 0 Comments

7 Ways to Pace Yourself through a Paper # 1 – Recognize pacing and admit you need it 按部就班寫作論文的七大建議之一:了解按部就班的重要

A writer peering ahead at an academic writing project should respect the task. It not only will require research and writing abilities, it will tax the writer’s endurance and concentration. Learning to become efficient and self-regulating as a researcher and writer is the reason for this series, “7 Ways to Pace Yourself through a Paper.” Each of the suggestions will be presented on the TPS Fan page before being compiled.
若您即將致力於學術寫作專題,應該好好重視這項工作。這不僅需要研究與寫作技巧,也仰賴毅力與專注。「按部就班寫作論文的七大步驟」將教您學會如何自律,提高研究與寫作的效率。每項建議都會刊登在 TPS 粉絲專頁,並在最後集結於 TPS 學術電子報中。

Way # 1 – Recognize pacing and admit you need it

Academic paper projects are not 100-meter dashes. They are marathons. They require intellectual and physical stamina. A writer who understands this stands a far better chance of completing a paper with the same levels of energy and inspiration shown at the beginning of a project. This is a significant advantage, because finishing a paper well is as vital as starting it properly. Burning out, getting off track, lowering standards—these are the results of a writer not pacing himself.

Returning to the running metaphor, sprinters are as strong as long-distance runners. They are as skilled. But they are not conditioned to endure an extended run. In the same way, wonderful essay exam-takers are not necessarily adept at in-depth writing projects. They might lack research skills, the ability to write complex explanations and analyses, or the talent to stay on course over weeks and months of exploring a subject. This is why academic writing assignments are called projects.

So the wisest approach to a “project” is to realize that planning is required to ensure that the project does not overwhelm the writer during its middle or late stages. To acknowledge this possibility is a sign of maturity as a writer. Though you as a writer might be especially bright, brilliance will not overcome disorganization or lack of fortitude. Whereas intellectual vigor coupled to a sustainable work pace can carry a writer across the finish line in a winning effort.

Last Update at 2012-07-06 AM 10:46 | 0 Comments

Professor Pedantic 教授的考究學問

The professor awaits your query on academic writing, though in all honesty, he doesn’t have a lot of time for you. He is a tenured full professor and working on yet another magnificent academic tome. Even so, he has graciously consented to entertain your question. Submit it and prepare to be edified.

QUESTION: I am a slow, slow writer, or so people tell me. I admit I take longer than most people to complete a paper. It is because I try to choose each word rather than just to fill up a page with them. Isn’t it virtuous to select words carefully?

An old maxim is, “Moderation in everything.” I don’t believe in it. (Is it better to swallow moderate amounts of water while swimming, or none?) But the saying does address the issue of being inflexible to the point of becoming an extremist. Most of us know where the line generally falls between being faithful to a principle and being obsessed by it. It really is a question of judgment. In regard to writing, while word choice indeed is a key ingredient in effective written communication, words ultimately must be chosen reasonably fast or nothing gets expressed.

So, you are exactly right to care about each word. Such dedication is one mark of a good writer. If you are as careful in your research and attribution, you undoubtedly are producing scholarly papers to be admired. However, another virtue a writer should cultivate is efficiency. With notable exceptions, successful writers learn to write with certain dispatch, marshaling their thoughts and effectively matching the thoughts to words—and completing the creative exercise within a reasonable timeframe. This economy allows them to write at length in an allotted time.

The process is helped immeasurably by development of a vocabulary from which a writer can extract a perfect word. Reading, writing, thinking, and listening are tools that build vocabularies. A tool for learning to write more quickly is confidence. This comes into play in rewriting. A good writer can feel comfortable assembling words at a fast pace that captures fleeting thoughts, knowing that the wording can be revisited and revised as part of a general rewrite. A writer is freed from worrying over a first draft when he has an ample vocabulary and the rewriting habit.

Last Update at 2012-06-29 AM 11:04 | 0 Comments

5 Benefits of Publication in an Academic Journal # 5 – Reach across disciplines and into lay audiences 投稿學術期刊的五大效益之五:跨越學科分際並和大眾溝通

投稿學術期刊若不僅能獲得進步的動力,甚至還能發展為個人嗜好,就能讓學者在學術生涯提早創造高峰。發表文章不只是需求,更該是一種渴望。如果您缺乏投稿動力,或不確定自己是否該投稿,接下來的新專欄可讓您重振精力,蓄勢待發。本專欄將詳細介紹發表論文的五大效益,讓您重拾寫作動力,拓展自身實力。Scholars reach a point early in their careers when publication of their scholarly work becomes not only a key to advancement but a personal desire. The impulse to seek publication moves from need to want. For those not yet motivated to publish or who might be second-guessing a decision to do so, the following series might help refocus their energies. Each of the 5 benefits will be presented and explained on the TPS Fan page before being compiled as a series.

Benefit # 5 – Reach across disciplines and into lay audiences

Scholarly writings are usually narrow in their scope and deep in their treatment. They are not popular surveys drafted for a mass readership. The publications a serious writer will consider for submission of a significant paper will be respected within a specific area of intellectual discovery, but hardly will be coffee table fare. Still, the very seriousness of their content can recommend the publications to serious readers across a surprisingly wide spectrum.

The first extra-discipline appeal is to scholars in other fields whose developed sense of inquiry leads them to explore subject matter outside their area of expertise. Clear, accessible writing enhances the prospects of these scholarly associates assimilating their academic colleague’s thinking. As a practical matter, then, the writer has extended his influence from a small discipline into a larger academic community. His standing as a scholar takes on an added dimension.

Additionally, the writer of a published paper that communicates clearly to readers in another academic realm sometimes attracts the attention of professional and popular media. This can mean a further distribution of a paper’s content, or excerpts thereof. More to the point, it means a widening of a writer’s influence. All of this extra recognition for a scholar is made possible by clear language that neither insults a core constituency nor panders to a peripheral one.

Last Update at 2012-06-20 AM 11:40 | 0 Comments

Professor Pedantic 教授的考究學問

The professor awaits your query on academic writing, though in all honesty, he doesn’t have a lot of time for you. He is a tenured full professor and working on yet another magnificent academic tome. Even so, he has graciously consented to entertain your question. Submit it and prepare to be edified.

QUESTION: In introducing a new subject in my paper, I wrote, “The dictionary defines…” My professor objected to the general dictionary citation. Is it better to give the name of the dictionary?

Giving the name of a dictionary sourced for a particular citation is not a bad idea because being specific usually is better than being general. Such details give a paper weight and credibility. This rule would hold true for other citations, including encyclopedias and other reference materials. On the other hand, if a source is one of meager standing in academia—such as Wikipedia—it might be better to generalize and hope the professor doesn’t notice. In conversation or writing, dropping a name always is done to impress, so choose names carefully.

That said, introducing a new element in a paper with the phrase, “The Cambridge (or Webster’s or whatever) dictionary defines…” often is no more than a cliché. In such cases, it is inserted not to substantiate what follows, but to help pad a paper. The writer is not as interested in establishing the legitimacy of a fact as he is in reaching a minimum level of words in a paper. A professor who reads such a padded paper is apt to have a quite opposite complaint—that identifying the source of a citation is another example of writing extra words to say nothing.

So, unless the subject being introduced is especially esoteric and some extra authority is needed to properly establish its meaning, the best way for a writer to define a new element in a paper is to do so in his own words. Rather than use a dictionary as a crutch, use it as a foundation for a definition of one’s own creation. Original expression—imagine that! Academic writers sometimes forget that they are writing rather than transcribing. As writers, they are asked to put their thoughts and findings on paper using their own vocabularies and individual writing skills.

Last Update at 2012-06-15 AM 10:16 | 0 Comments