Professor Pedantic 教授的考究學問

The professor awaits your query on academic writing, though in all honesty, he doesn’t have a lot of time for you. He is a tenured full professor and working on yet another magnificent academic tome. Even so, he has graciously consented to entertain your question. Submit it and prepare to be edified.

QUESTION: I love poetry and wrote a paper on a favorite sonnet, but it was not well-received by the instructor. “Too much feeling, not enough analysis,” he said. On writing about subjects I love, what is the best way to downplay my feelings?

You seem to be a passionate person, not only liking subjects or finding them interesting, but loving them. This is admirable and shows a verve for life and, perhaps, for academic writing, which bodes well for a career as a scholar. However, there is a distinction between aggressively and enthusiastically researching a topic and imbuing the subsequent paper with great emotion. The academic realm is built upon analytical and grounded thinking and composition; feelings are suspect because they can betray logic and deduction. Such betrayal is not rewarded in academia.

You don’t want to train yourself to “feel” less strongly in subsequent assignments—passion is not a weakness—but you would be wise to channel your feelings into substantive, factual analysis and conclusions. There is great power in strong writing that is not diffident about making a point, especially if it challenges conventional wisdom. But the strength of the writing should be in its intellectual vigor rather than its emotive underpinning. Choose words that characterize subjects in concrete terms rather than in illusory, heart-felt, disputable terms.

Poetry, as an example, is full of imagery, structure, meter, and rhyme. The language of an academic paper also can effectively contain images and effortlessly flow to a conclusion like any other masterly writing. But the content is prose, and should be a work of hard analysis, discerning examination, deep understanding, and critical thinking. If you can work in flattering comment about a poet or poem without compromising your standing as a scholar, fine. Otherwise, let the love be felt in the intensity of the research and utter honesty of the writing.


Posted at 2012-08-17 12:37:25

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