12/20 TPS Spot the Error Contest-Three Lucky Winners 你是挑錯的高手嗎? 獲獎粉絲名單!

Congratulations to the 3 winners!

The winners are:
Yifan Lee
Welson Xiong
Jocelyn Cheng

Bonus prize goes to:
Pin-Jen Chen
Yifan, Welson, Jocelyn, and Pin-Jen, please send your name, E-mail, mailing address, and telephone number to info@publishedscholar.com, or visit our CONTACT TPS page on the TPS website at http://www.publishedscholar.com/about/survey.signup.php?survey_sn=4 We will send the NTD200 gift certificate to you within three days. Your personal information will only be used for sending the gift certificate to you.

Let's give our big applause for the three winning TPS fans!
Would you like to be one of them? Look for the next「TPS Spot the Error Contest」coming soon! Join us and good luck!

TPS Team


請將您的姓名、E-mail、住址、電話寄送到本公司Email info@publishedscholar.com 或逕上http://www.publishedscholar.com/about/survey.signup.php?survey_sn=4 聯絡TPS,我們將於收到資料後三個工作天內將獎品寄出給您。以上粉絲的個人資訊僅供寄送獎品使用,絕不對外公開,敬請放心。



Posted at 2012-04-06 10:36:44

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