非英文母語者常見寫作錯誤之六:時間與地點 (Time and Place)


1) Government officials work with local volunteers to provide seeds to farmers in several townships where rice farming is the predominant way of life.
1) 政府官員與當地志工合作,提供水稻種子給數個鄉鎮農民種植,而稻作農業是這些鄉鎮農民賴以為生的主要方式。

2) Rice farming is predominant in the townships of A and B, which sit 80 miles away from Yangon. More than 10,000 farmers have been out of work.
2) A鎮與B鎮距離仰光80哩遠,其稻作農業是主要耕作方式。一萬多名的農民都已經失業了。


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Posted at 2016-06-23 09:32:33

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