2015 新春飛羊:TPS新專欄,將帶領您掌握寫作要領,拓展自身實力!

親愛的TPS Facebook粉絲與電子報的訂閱讀者,您們好:

Hello TPS fans. My name is Marko and I will be writing TPS’ monthly composition tips for 2015. As an editor and translator with years of experience in correcting English written by non-native speakers, I have come across certain areas that seem to be major pitfalls for Chinese speakers when writing in English. These mistakes are usually the writer’s Chinese grammar or diction unconsciously coming out in their English exposition, or perhaps simply an unfamiliarity with English composition at its higher levels.

I hope this monthly column can teach you to spot these common writing pitfalls and thus avoid having them find their way into your English composition. It will not be a list of grammar rules to follow, but instead a look into how we can improve the style and force of our English writing.

Finally, what you will see will in no way be an exhaustive list; thus, I encourage our readers to send in their own examples so that together we can all grow as writers.
最後,知識是博大無窮盡的,英語學習更無法用短短的專欄就能一一解答所有的難題,誠摯歡迎各位讀者分享您們自身的例子, 讓我們一起教學相長!

Happy Chinese New Year of the Goat!

TPS Team


Posted at 2015-02-12 17:31:24

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