0328 TPS One Word Away From Confusion Contest-Answer and Explanation你能找出混淆字嗎? 正確解答!

Correct Best Answer: Replace “versatile” with “variable.”

“Successful classrooms are so variable that it is difficult for researchers to distinguish crucial factors separating learning students from failing ones.”

Words that look alike, sometimes even sound alike, can pop into the mind while composing a paper. Conveyed from the mind to the computer screen, a word can continue to look correct, but, in fact, turns meaning on its head. In this instance, successful classrooms may be “versatile,” but versatility does not obscure truth. Whereas successful classrooms being “variable” in their make-up does cloud the issue for researchers, who are trying to sort out what does and does not contribute to learning environments.
有些字拼法相似,甚至連讀音都相近,很容易在寫作時一起從腦海裡冒出來。從腦中的印象到電腦螢幕上打字出來,一個字看起來可能依然言之有理,但其實已扭曲了文章的意思。以這個例子而言,成功的課堂學習方式也許可以用“versatile(易變的、反覆無常的)” 來形容,但這個詞並不會模糊對事物的理解。如果說要達到成功的課堂學習,其方法各有不同 “variable”,就可以意會到研究者的困惑,那就是不同的因素太多,難以分辨哪些對促進學習環境真的有貢獻。

Posted at 2011-04-28 14:53:09

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