TPS年度最佳專欄/競賽 —「你投票了沒!」圓滿結束

親愛的TPS Facebook粉絲與電子報的訂閱讀者,您們好:

TPS年度最佳專欄/競賽 —「你投票了沒!」已順利圓滿結束,感謝各位粉絲熱情參與,能感受到您們對英文的喜愛與付出,而我們也會繼續分享實用且有趣的專欄內容,期許未來有更多的好朋友一起加入這個英文學習樂園!本活動將於2013年1月4日抽獎,1月8日於TPS Facebook官網公佈幸運得主。祝您幸運中獎!

Dear TPS Facebook Fans and E-paper Readers,

The deadline for voting for your favorite TPS Facebook column has passed. We thank everyone who took time to participate and we enjoyed reading all your comments and ideas. We will be drawing for our lucky winners on January 4, 2013, with names posted on our Facebook page on January 8. So stay tuned and see if your 2013 gets off to a lucky start!


TPS Team


Posted at 2012-12-28 14:02:37

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