1029 TPS Verbalize Contest-Answer and Explanation你能找出關鍵的動詞嗎? 正確解答!

Answer: “When the children swing the jump rope to their left using their left hands, the central arc of the cord ripples more than when the rope is swung to the right using their right hands.”

Sometimes people have subtly different functional levels in left-side and right-side physical manipulation. In this instance, a jumping rope brought out some apparent differences in coordination of its handlers. In saying that the leftward rotation “ripples” the arc more than when the rope is rotated right, the writer describes a smooth path becoming a bucking one, like still water becoming choppy. Some other “r” verbs will work—such as ravels and ricochets. However, few other words describe as well the image of an arc, which by definition is smooth and unbroken, becoming irregular in its motion. The key word to consider then is arc, which is smooth. A rippled surface is not smooth. Superior sentences pull together all their elements.


Posted at 2012-10-30 11:06:34

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