Professor Pedantic 教授的考究學問

The professor awaits your query on academic writing, though in all honesty, he doesn’t have a lot of time for you. He is a tenured full professor and working on yet another magnificent academic tome. Even so, he has graciously consented to entertain your question. Submit it and prepare to be edified.

QUESTION: I am a logical person and my papers are logical. Yet I have been told my logic sometimes is faulty and my conclusions wrongly drawn. Is there a fail-safe way to check logic?

Is any system “fail-safe?” Man has found imaginative ways to override safeguards of all kinds and done himself injury. Logic has its own internal mechanisms that guard against failure, but they are only as good as the person employing them. So if you are indeed a logical person, yet you are submitting academic papers that contain illogical formulations and conclusions, one of three factors is happening: A) You are wrong about being logical; B) your professors are wrong in attributing illogical behavior to you; or C) you think logically, but write illogically.
有什麼方法「保證不會發生錯誤」?人以各種想得到的方法違反邏輯規則,結果害了自己。邏輯自有內在機制避免錯誤,但這些機制必須加以運用才能發揮成效。如果你確實是合乎邏輯的人,但寫出的學術文章還是有不合邏輯的式子或結論,原因可能是:A) 你其實缺乏邏輯,B) 說你缺乏邏輯的教授錯了,或 C) 你的想法符合邏輯,但寫作卻不然。

I will assume “C” is the answer and will suggest ways to bring your writing into conformity with your thinking. First of all, understand this: Being essentially logical in your conduct is not a high enough standard for academic writing. Powerful papers are not middlingly logical. They are studiously logical with reasoning so tightly woven into the organization and text of a paper that it takes on a life of its own. This is accomplished by carefully planning the flow of material so it unfailingly carries a reader to a conclusion. Weak assertions and logical eddies are not allowed.

Deductive reasoning is the preferred logic sequence because it is the surest. It employs known truths or facts to reach a verifiable or indisputable conclusion. Inductive reasoning also can be used. However, it is more dangerous because inadvertent faulty reasoning can more easily slip into it. In short, if you use straightforward logic grounded in deduction and communicate it clearly, your papers will not be deemed illogical. This assumes, of course, that you strictly adhere to rules of logic. A system of thinking is only as effective as the person using it.


Posted at 2012-10-19 10:22:23

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