0827 TPS Punctuation Mastery Contest-Answer and Explanation你是善用標點符號的高手嗎? 正確解答!

Corrected sentence:
“The conundrum, which is undisputed among scholars, is that none of the writers of that period were faithful to the strict, traditional rules governing Latin-based syntax.”

This sentence contains four punctuation errors. The dependent clause near the front of the sentence—“which is undisputed among scholars—requires a comma at the front and rear of it. One way to identify the need for a comma is the word “which.” A phrase beginning with “which” always must be separated from the rest of the sentence, as opposed to a similar phrase beginning with the word “that.” The third error is the lack of a comma between “strict” and “traditional.” Combinations of adjectives must be separated. The final error is the absence of hyphenation for the compound adjective “Latin-based.” With the proper punctuation in place, the eye races through the sentence.
本句標點有四個錯誤。首先,句子前半的從屬子句-「which is undisputed among scholars」(學者均認為無庸置疑)前後應該加逗號。要知道是否需加逗號,可以從「which」這個字判斷,以「which」開頭的詞組必須和句子其他部分分開,相較之下,以「that」為首的類似詞組就沒有這個必要。第三個錯誤是「strict」和「traditional」之間也少了逗號;兩相鄰的形容詞也一定要分開。最後則是複合形容詞「Latin-based」之間少了連字號。標點符號用得好,句子讀起來就流暢了。


Posted at 2012-08-28 12:09:05

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