Professor Pedantic 教授的考究學問

The professor awaits your query on academic writing, though in all honesty, he doesn’t have a lot of time for you. He is a tenured full professor and working on yet another magnificent academic tome. Even so, he has graciously consented to entertain your question. Submit it and prepare to be edified.

QUESTION: I usually pick an off-the-wall topic for a paper when none is assigned, or choose an edgy variation of an assigned theme. My professor generally approves them, but she has suggested that I not try so hard to be different. Isn’t originality a plus in a paper?

Is originality of theme and expression a good thing? Absolutely. I suspect this is why your professor doesn’t push too hard to get you to fall more in line with other writers. Kudos to the prof for encouraging fresh thinking! Still, her suggestion that you “not try so hard” is a valid one. It boils down to the difference between serious originality and novelty. The former has real substance, while the latter is more of a veneer of thinking; its shallowness can’t withstand much examination. In a topic search, look for a solid body of material needing fresh presentation.

Another good guide in choosing a topic, which your professor undoubtedly would endorse, is that the material you present actually be useful. Some academic papers are so esoteric that they admittedly are of minimal use to a general readership. Yet to a narrow slice of academia or to a research community, even such papers are wonderfully useful. The utility of a paper is a genuine consideration because a useful paper is a practical one as opposed to a merely academic, or theoretical, one. When scholarship produces material of real-world application, it contributes.

So by all means, look for topics and themes that are unusual, unpredictable, and even unique. The desire to think for oneself and to examine a topic that has been overlooked or under-reported shows good scholarly instincts. However, an academic paper is not an entertainment venue. The idea is not to surprise or otherwise impress someone with a gimmicky topic. The purpose of a paper is to engage in scholarly conversation, to add to a body of scholarship, to learn and then share what you have learned. If by so doing you introduce a brand new topic, so be it.


Posted at 2012-08-24 15:19:59

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