0625 TPS Finish the Sentence Contest-Answer and Explanation你是接龍的高手嗎? 正確解答!

Answer: We believe the sentence is best completed this way:

“The flower shop was up a short flight of stairs, above a butcher shop, so customers experienced a variety of aromas that ranged from roseate to roast.”

The sentence is about the unusual proximity of a flower shop and a meat-handling shop. One has to do with beauty and fragrance and the other with the dismantling of animals for eating. Both places of business have savory appeal, but the appetites involved are quite different. The finish of the sentence should reflect this dichotomy, this tension between base and exalted senses. To end it with “ranged from roseate to roast” incorporates some pleasing alliteration that also distinguishes neatly between a flower’s scent and the smell of raw meat.
本句說的是一家花店和一家肉店距離特別近,一家店美麗芬芳,另一家則專門支解動物以供食用。兩家店都有誘人的香味,但兩種味道大相逕庭;句子結尾應該反映這種截然不同的差異,表達基本與高級感官對照的張力。以 “ranged from roseate to roast” 結尾,不僅有巧妙的押韻,同時也清楚區別花香與生肉味的差別。

Posted at 2012-06-26 14:23:46

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