5 Benefits of Publication in an Academic Journal # 4 – Professional growth is spurred 投稿學術期刊的五大效益之四:促進學術事業成長

投稿學術期刊若不僅能獲得進步的動力,甚至還能發展為個人嗜好,就能讓學者在學術生涯提早創造高峰。發表文章不只是需求,更該是一種渴望。如果您缺乏投稿動力,或不確定自己是否該投稿,接下來的新專欄可讓您重振精力,蓄勢待發。本專欄將詳細介紹發表論文的五大效益,讓您重拾寫作動力,拓展自身實力。Scholars reach a point early in their careers when publication of their scholarly work becomes not only a key to advancement but a personal desire. The impulse to seek publication moves from need to want. For those not yet motivated to publish or who might be second-guessing a decision to do so, the following series might help refocus their energies. Each of the 5 benefits will be presented and explained on the TPS Fan page before being compiled as a series.

Benefit # 4 – Professional growth is spurred

The decision to write a paper for publication sparks a scholar’s personal development as a writer because the requirements for publication in academic journals are stringent and rather inflexible. It cannot be accomplished without commensurate effort and the brunt of the effort is internal—writing, responding to editing critiques, etc. Once a paper is accepted and published, however, external forces begin to shape a career. Acceptance brings collegial alliances and challenges.

Peer review leading up to publishing is like the laying of logs on kindling, the final preparation for an academic bonfire. When the scholarly paper is published, the fire is ignited and both heat and light are produced. The heat comes in the form of professional criticism and other challenging feedback. The light is the professional esteem expressed by peers of the realm. Each type of response to a published piece shapes and steels the author for additional career growth.

Additional professional development ensues in post-publication in the form of new opportunities. A published scholar is a credentialed scholar and one of the privileges of the credential is professional standing to review other work. In reviewing the submitted papers of peers, a scholar raises his profile in the academic community and begins to build networks. These are the fruits of an author’s painstaking research, writing, and submission of a paper—and sweet they are.

Posted at 2012-06-08 10:19:38

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