5 Benefits of Publication in an Academic Journal # 2 – Peer recognition is expanded 投稿學術期刊的五大效益之二:增進同儕認可

投稿學術期刊若不僅能獲得進步的動力,甚至還能發展為個人嗜好,就能讓學者在學術生涯提早創造高峰。發表文章不只是需求,更該是一種渴望。如果您缺乏投稿動力,或不確定自己是否該投稿,接下來的新專欄可讓您重振精力,蓄勢待發。本專欄將詳細介紹發表論文的五大效益,讓您重拾寫作動力,拓展自身實力。Scholars reach a point early in their careers when publication of their scholarly work becomes not only a key to advancement but a personal desire. The impulse to seek publication moves from need to want. For those not yet motivated to publish or who might be second-guessing a decision to do so, the following series might help refocus their energies. Each of the 5 benefits will be presented and explained on the TPS Fan page before being compiled as a series.

Benefit # 2 – Peer recognition is expanded

A scholar being published in an academic journal is like a pebble being tossed into a pool of water. An initial splash of publicity is followed by ripples of influence that can radiate for long distances. This can be explained in one word: respect. Academic journals are peer-reviewed publications, meaning that inclusion of an article in a journal certifies that it has been reviewed by professionals of the same discipline and found worthy of professional consideration.

It is these “referees” who are the first challenge—or opportunity—for a scholar. They are given the responsibility to determine the seriousness of a submitted paper, thereby concluding if it is worthy of publication. While peer reviews vary in purpose, all reviewers look for evidence that a paper meets a discipline’s accepted standards, and that its conclusions are supported by evidence. A tangential, unsubstantiated, poorly written piece of opinion hasn’t got a chance.

When a scholar clears the referee hurdle and eventually has a paper published, his influence begins to ripple outward among his community of peers. While they may not know the author of the published piece, they trust the publication’s review process. Its endorsement of the paper as a meaningful contribution to the discipline is a good enough reason to read it. Thus are doors opened and networks established for the published scholar, rewards that justify the extra effort.

Posted at 2012-05-09 11:44:32

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