0416 TPS Verbalize Contest-Answer and Explanation你能找出關鍵的動詞嗎? 正確解答!

Suggested answer: “The study habits of the foreign language student were not those of the mathematician, who divided each hour into tasks and seemed to multiply his minutes.”

Students come in various intellectual packages with different mental approaches to absorbing knowledge. They seem to be either artists or scientists in terms of their approach to learning. This sentence speaks of the more practical, calculating, systematic study methods of a mathematics major who “seemed” to get more from his study hour than the sum of the minutes. In a word, he appeared able to “multiply” them, an apt description. Other possible “m” words include master, manipulate, and massage. Choosing words carefully can keep a narrative clear.
每個學生的聰明才智不同,吸收知識的方法也不同,他們的學習方法可以分為藝術家型或科學家型兩種。本句討論主修數學的學生,學習時實事求是、精心計算、有條不紊,讀一小時的書,成果「似乎」超過一小時可以學到的內容。簡單來說,他似乎可以 “multiply”(加乘)學習效果。這個動詞用得很貼切。其他 M 開頭的答案還有 master、manipulate 和 massage。仔細挑選適當的字,可以讓描述更清晰。

Posted at 2012-04-17 10:42:06

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