7 Tips for Avoiding Plagiarism Tip # 7 – Do not steal ideas either. 避免抄襲的七大方法之七:剽竊想法亦不可取

真正的學者不會竊取他人的想法,不過研究過程中,有時可能無意間侵占了其他研究者的想法或表達方式。本系列「避免抄襲的七大方法」提供訣竅,幫助你避免不小心冒用他人的心血結晶。每則訣竅將刊登在 TPS 專頁。
A true scholar is not a thief. Yet stealing another researcher’s ideas or method of expressing them sometimes happens inadvertently in the course of research. How to avoid accidentally passing off someone else’s work as your own is the subject of this series, “7 Tips for Avoiding Plagiarism.” Each of the tips will be presented on the TPS Fan page before being compiled with the others as a series.

Tip # 7 – Do not steal ideas either.

The most common plagiarism is the verbatim copying of another person’s writings or recordings without crediting the original author. However, there is another dimension of plagiaristic practice that is even more fundamental: stealing a person’s ideas. This is a grayer area of theft because ideas exist as concepts, dreams, theories, and postulations. If recorded at all, they are skeletal. Nonetheless, they have been conceived by someone else and the conception should be honored.

As in so many other cases, idea-stealing often is an accidental result of sloppy or casual research practices. It often happens when note-taking has mingled source material with some personal observations and sparked an epiphany. The problem is, the epiphany really is an axiomatic rendering of someone else’s formulations. The other person thought of it; you merely absorbed it into your thought process after reading his writings, and failed to attribute it to him in your notes.

This happens easiest when a writer is dispositionally inclined to round corners. In other words, lazy and unconscionable writers will rationalize the similarity of their ideas and a predecessor’s. For such writers, there are no tips that will save them. For the great body of true academic researchers, however, it is enough to know that an idea is sacrosanct, and that honesty and accurate note-taking can preserve professional integrity as well as honor the work of others.

Posted at 2012-04-16 11:54:37

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