0402 TPS One Word Away From Confusion Contest-Answer and Explanation你能找出混淆字嗎? 正確解答!

Correct best answer: Replace “pose” with “poise.”

“The accomplished young pianist performed a little glissando off the piano bench, promenaded to a chair at the rear of the stage, and, poised as ever, sat.”

There is no i in error, but there is one in “poise.” Neglecting to insert it between the o and the s creates a different word and, to some extent, a different characterization. “Poise” is a condition of genuine self-assurance that manifests itself in personal decorum. It is especially notable in the young. On the other hand, “pose” is an affectation, an unnatural display, and is frequently seen in young people. Either word might have been used—though awkwardly in the case of “pose”—but “poise” seems more appropriate for a young, accomplished artist whose skill cannot be affected.
錯誤 (error) 這個字裡沒有 i,但 “poise” 裡有。如果你忘了在o 和 s 中間加上 i,就創造出另一個字,也創造出了不同的性格。“Poise” 是指一個人的舉止泰然自若、充滿自信,特別是在年輕人身上。另一方面,“pose” 則是舉止矯揉造作、裝腔作勢,也經常在年輕人身上看到。兩個字都可以用,但 “pose” 不太恰當,“poise” 比較適合形容年輕有成的鋼琴家,他的琴技可是沒辦法假裝的。

Posted at 2012-04-03 12:17:54

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