0312 TPS Finish the Sentence Contest-Answer and Explanation你是接龍的高手嗎? 正確解答!
Answer: We believe the sentence is best completed this way:
“The shiniest star in our solar system is a hundred and fifty million kilometers from my front door, but its power to warm me is as close as my window.”
Distance is a relative thing. Actual distance between one object and another can be measured in miles, or years, or emotions. Even unpoetic observers know how the sun can seem comfortingly close on a cloudless day. This sentence juxtaposes the sun’s great distance with the personal space of “me.” The conjunction “but” suggests the comparison should be contrasting, such as … the sun is far away, but it feels close to me. Had the sentence’s conjunction been “and,” the sentence could have conveyed an entirely different meaning. The parts of a good sentence work in harmony.
距離是相對的,兩物體間實際的距離可以用英哩、年歲或情緒衡量。即使是最死板的觀察也知道,萬里無雲的日子裡,太陽看起來離我們不遠。本句以太陽遙遠的距離,對照「我」的個人空間,連接詞 “but” 暗示兩者應該形成反差,例如太陽很遙遠,但感覺很接近。若連接詞是 “and”,則本句就會傳達完全不同的意義。好句子每個部分都應該搭配得宜。
“The shiniest star in our solar system is a hundred and fifty million kilometers from my front door, but its power to warm me is as close as my window.”
Distance is a relative thing. Actual distance between one object and another can be measured in miles, or years, or emotions. Even unpoetic observers know how the sun can seem comfortingly close on a cloudless day. This sentence juxtaposes the sun’s great distance with the personal space of “me.” The conjunction “but” suggests the comparison should be contrasting, such as … the sun is far away, but it feels close to me. Had the sentence’s conjunction been “and,” the sentence could have conveyed an entirely different meaning. The parts of a good sentence work in harmony.
距離是相對的,兩物體間實際的距離可以用英哩、年歲或情緒衡量。即使是最死板的觀察也知道,萬里無雲的日子裡,太陽看起來離我們不遠。本句以太陽遙遠的距離,對照「我」的個人空間,連接詞 “but” 暗示兩者應該形成反差,例如太陽很遙遠,但感覺很接近。若連接詞是 “and”,則本句就會傳達完全不同的意義。好句子每個部分都應該搭配得宜。
Posted at 2012-03-13 10:44:35