0213 TPS Verbalize Contest-Answer and Explanation你能找出關鍵的動詞嗎? 正確解答!
Suggested answer: “In her effervescent way, the aging actress bubbled about her career until her captive audience began to feel light-headed.”
To “bubble” in conversation is to speak in a lively way, sometimes endlessly, depending upon the level of energy of the person speaking. The actress is described as “effervescent,” so her speech rather naturally is bubbly. A proud actress might have “bragged” or “boasted” about her career, a spoiled one “bitched” about her career, a querulous one “bellyached.” In short, a described person ought to act in accordance with the description. Choosing the right verb can help unify a sentence.
在對話中 “bubble”(高談闊論)表示說話很生動,如果說話的人精力充沛,有時就會滔滔不絕。句中形容女演員 “effervescent”(生氣勃勃),說起話來自然口若懸河。自豪的女演員 “bragged”(吹噓)或 “boasted”(誇耀),被寵壞的女演員 “bitched”(嘮叨),牢騷滿腹的女演員則 “bellyached”(抱怨)。簡言之,人物的行為應符合人物的描述,選擇適切的動詞能整合句子。
To “bubble” in conversation is to speak in a lively way, sometimes endlessly, depending upon the level of energy of the person speaking. The actress is described as “effervescent,” so her speech rather naturally is bubbly. A proud actress might have “bragged” or “boasted” about her career, a spoiled one “bitched” about her career, a querulous one “bellyached.” In short, a described person ought to act in accordance with the description. Choosing the right verb can help unify a sentence.
在對話中 “bubble”(高談闊論)表示說話很生動,如果說話的人精力充沛,有時就會滔滔不絕。句中形容女演員 “effervescent”(生氣勃勃),說起話來自然口若懸河。自豪的女演員 “bragged”(吹噓)或 “boasted”(誇耀),被寵壞的女演員 “bitched”(嘮叨),牢騷滿腹的女演員則 “bellyached”(抱怨)。簡言之,人物的行為應符合人物的描述,選擇適切的動詞能整合句子。
Posted at 2012-02-14 11:49:17