1212 TPS Finish the Sentence Contest-Answer and Explanation你是接龍的高手嗎? 正確解答!

Answer: We believe the sentence is best completed this way:

“The transference of feelings toward his psychologist was strong because of her physical likeness to his mother, and he listened raptly each session like an adoring man-child.”

Those three words complete the picture of a man caught between love for his mother and affection for his psychologist. In describing the man as “adoring,” the writer built upon the stated observations that his doctor looked like his mother and that he listened to the doctor “raptly.” Had the man hated his mother, the attention paid the doctor would have been described differently, perhaps as “coldly.” And rather than describe the man simply as an adoring “son,” the writer chose instead “man-child,” which conflates the man’s feelings as an adult for his doctor and as a child for his mother. Picking words carefully is so crucial to good writing.
填上這三個字使語意更完整,形容男子陷在對母親的愛慕與對心理醫生的感情間。根據描述,心理醫生長得像母親,所以文章說男子“adoring”(充滿孺慕之情),且 “raptly”(全神貫注)地聽醫生說話。如果男子討厭母親,文章描述他對醫生的態度就會不同,或許是“coldly”(冷淡地)。文章不僅將男子形容為充滿仰慕之情的 “son”(兒子),而是選擇形容他為 “man-child”(長不大的男人),同時描寫了男子兩種感覺,既像成人依賴醫生,也像兒童依附母親。想寫出好文章,一定要注意遣詞用字。

Posted at 2011-12-13 10:26:38

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