0829 TPS One Word Away From Confusion Contest-Answer and Explanation你能找出混淆字嗎? 正確解答!

Correct best answer: Replace “board” with “broad.”

“An automobile designer knows that broad acceptance of a design is as much about the emotional response of buyers as it is about the stylized sheet metal itself.”

Welcome to the confusing world of typos. That is the most likely reason for the use of “board” instead of “broad.” The computer’s automatic spell-check feature might even have “corrected” it from one to the other. (If so, the responsibility for the error still remains with the writer.) On the other hand, the writer might have been thinking about an automotive company’s board of directors in the beginning of the sentence, but by the middle of the sentence, the acceptance of the “buyers” is the central concern. For whatever reason, the use of “board” weakened the sentence and sparked at least momentary confusion in the minds of readers.
拼寫錯誤會使文意不清,本段文章誤將 “broad” 拼為 “board” 就是最好的例子。電腦的自動拼字檢查「修正」時可能誤植為另一個字,但作者應負起確實檢查的責任。另外,作者一開始可能想寫汽車公司的董事會 (board of directors),不過寫到一半,卻改將句子重點放在客戶(buyers)身上。無論如何,“board” 這個錯字使句義模糊,也令讀者匪夷所思。

Posted at 2011-08-31 10:28:43

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