TPS Spot the Error Contest-Answer and Explanation 你是挑錯的高手嗎? 正確解答

Answer: “were” should be “was.”

“The economy of the Byzantine Empires was dominant in Europe and the Mediterranean for hundreds of years, when Constantinople was the center of trading that reached across Eurasia.”

Error: The writer was lulled by the plural word “Empires” into believing that the plural verb “were” would be the correct choice. However, the subject of the sentence is not “Byzantine Empires;” the subject is the singular subject “economy,” which requires a singular verb to match. Prepositional phrases are clarifying and helpful, but when they separate a subject from its verb, they also can be confusing. The key to avoiding this error is always to correctly identify a sentence’s subject. Identifying a correct verb then becomes easy.
作者受到 “Empires” 一字複數形的誤導,以為應該用複數動詞 “were”。然而,本句主詞並非 “Byzantine Empires”,而是單數的 “economy”,應搭配單數動詞。介系詞片語能讓句子清楚易懂,但若介系詞片語隔開了主詞與動詞,便會造成混淆。關鍵就是辨認出句子正確的主詞,如此就不難找出正確的動詞了。

Posted at 2011-07-19 10:39:51

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