10 個導致退稿的常見寫作錯誤之七
10 Common Writing Errors That Can Spell “Rejection” for Your Manuscript: Error 7
10 個導致退稿的常見寫作錯誤之七

Error 7: In the Conditional Tense, Use “Were”

“If the current medical establishment was to tell the truth about the ineffectiveness of statin drugs alone, the American economy would see a crash that would reverberate around the world.”

Conditional sentences are characterized by the presence of the word “if.” The conditional requires a different conjugation of certain verbs, particularly the verb “to be.” An easy way to get your conditional sentences correct is to simply memorize the formula “if…were…would.” When using the conditional “if,” the verb form of “to be” needs to be the plural “were” regardless of the subject.

假設句的特點是含 “if” 一詞。假設句必須用特定的動詞時態作連接,尤其是動詞 “to be”。假設句的正確寫法很簡單,只要把 “if…were…would” 的公式背下來即可。使用假設詞 “if” 的時候,不論主詞為何,“to be” 的動詞形態應該用複數的 “were”。

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