10 個導致退稿的常見寫作錯誤之六
10 Common Writing Errors That Can Spell “Rejection” for Your Manuscript: Error 6
10 個導致退稿的常見寫作錯誤之六

Error 6: Be Careful When the Subject is an Indefinite Pronoun

“While patients with oligodendrogliomas are routinely screened for loss of certain chromosomes, none of the doctors have yet reached a consensus on how to treat tumors lacking them.”

This sentence seems correct, but it is not. The subject of the main clause is the indefinite, singular pronoun “none” which requires the singular verb “has.” The prepositional phrase “of the doctors” does not change the tense of the verb. Pronouns like “none,” “nobody,” “no one,” “anyone,” “anybody,” “each,” “neither,” “everyone,” “everybody,” “either,” and a few others are singular and require singular verbs. If it feels wrong to you, alter the sentence to say, “…the doctors have not yet reached a consensus…”

這一句乍看之下正確,其實不然。主句的主詞是不定的單數代名詞 “none”,因此動詞應該用單數的 “has”。介詞片語 “of the doctors” 對動詞時態沒有影響。代名詞如 “none”、“nobody”、“no one”、“anyone”、“anybody”、“each”、“neither”、“everyone”、“everybody”、“either” 以及其他幾種代名詞都是單數,應該搭配單數動詞。如果覺得彆扭,可把句子改成 “the doctors have not yet reached a consensus…”。

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