10 個導致退稿的常見寫作錯誤之二
10 Common Writing Errors That Can Spell “Rejection” for Your Manuscript: Error 2
10 個導致退稿的常見寫作錯誤之二

Error 2: Keep Track of the Primary Subject

“Martha Rigley, along with several other well known biologists, have documented the effectiveness of EDTA Chelation for the treatment of clogged arteries.”

This is a tricky problem that appears in many variations. The subject of the sentence is the singular “Martha Rigley” which requires the singular auxiliary verb “has.” Writers often assume that the noun closest to the verb is also its subject, but English sentences may contain non-restrictive modifying phrases or clauses between the subject and verb of the primary clause. Keep track of the primary subject: “Martha Rigley…has documented….”

這個問題挺棘手,錯誤的形式有很多種。這一句的主詞是單數的 “Martha Rigley”,理應用單數助動詞 “has”。常有作者以為最靠近動詞的名詞就是動詞的主詞,然而在英文句子中,主句的主詞和動詞之間,可能包含非限定的修飾片語或子句。請注意主要的主詞:“Martha Rigley…has documented…”。

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