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TPS總監親自編撰的「10 個導致退稿的常見寫作錯誤 10 Common Writing Errors that Can Spell “Rejection” for Your Manuscript 」書冊,累積數年編輯經驗及研究成果集結而成,即日起至2011年7月15日止,透過致贈方式,分享寫作的技巧。填寫基本資料後,精心編著的實用寫作技巧 書冊,將寄送給您。僅限量150本,請把握機會! 體貼忙碌的您,特別推出TPS電子月刊,囊括該月份英文寫作知識,啟發你的學術能量、激發你的學習熱情。這樣的月刊,讓你所有知識,一次到位,不錯過任何 精彩的內容,歡迎免費訂閱「學術知識e月刊」。

Bringing together years of editing expertise and research, the director of TPS has written a booklet in which he lists several important mistakes to avoid when writing an academic paper. Entitled, Common Writing Errors that Can Spell “Rejection” for Your Manuscript, this is one booklet that should be on every aspiring academic’s shelf. From now till July 15th 2011, we are giving away 150 copies of this booklet for FREE. Simply fill out your contact information below and we will send you the booklet right away. Remember, only the first 150 are eligible for this offer, so apply now. And while you’re at it, why not sign up for our TPS monthly e-paper, Academic Writing Knowledge and Skills. Packed with the latest information on writing clear and concise academic papers, you’re sure to come away inspired to start that next chapter of your latest paper. Subscribing is also a great way to ensure that you don't miss out on any of the valuable tips that come with each issue.
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