Authors of academic papers have other things to do. In the general busyness of academia, the deadline for a paper to be handed in or published can get overlooked. The subsequent scramble to complete the paper on time can be painful. Painless deadline-meeting can be learned like any other habit. This series will describe some habits that not only make deadlines less threatening but can improve the quality of the papers themselves. Each of the habits will be presented on the TPS Fan page before being compiled.

Good Habit # 4 – Take a Break

At some point in the development of your academic paper, you need to take a break. I know this flies in the face of the whole idea of meeting a deadline. However, as important as systematically working ahead on a project is walking away from it at the right time. The old maxim is, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” That could read, “All work and no play makes for a dull paper.” Unrelieved immersion in research or writing of an academic piece is likely to produce unrelieved yawning—or worse—among readers. Taking a break helps avoid this consequence.

However, make it a structured break. I know, that also flies in the face of usual counsel about the value of spontaneity in vacations. Yet the purpose of the break is to replenish mental strength, not become flaccid in your thinking. So some mental calisthenics are a good idea during the break. Write a long, chatty letter to your mother, or sister, or fiancé. Why? You tap into the emotional side of your vocabulary and flush the impersonal, academic stuff. It is an exercise in grounding. Also, read a good book or articles written by an admired writer. It might inform your own writing.

How long a break is advisable? You might drop the work for a few days, perhaps a week. This will not be possible, even for a day, if you haven’t scheduled the break at the start of the project and stayed on schedule. In that sense, the break is a reward for good planning and good work. The real reward is a brain that has been rested a bit, and eyes that can see the project with fresh, new perspective. Portraitists work intensely, close to the canvas, and then step back to see what they have wrought. Writers must do the same, stepping back for a few days for a better view.

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