Professor Pedantic 教授的考究學問
The professor awaits your query on academic writing, though in all honesty, he doesn’t have a lot of time for you. He is a tenured full professor and working on yet another magnificent academic tome. Even so, he has graciously consented to entertain your question. Submit it and prepare to be edified.

QUESTION: As a student of social science, I try to see how the thread of a society extends from the past into the future. The past and present are not difficult for me to write about, but I am nervous about making conclusions about the future. Are there any guidelines for applying social theories to future conduct of a society?

The closest I come to being a social scientist is mixing it up in cocktail gatherings—where there always are some interesting observations to be made, though nothing of academic significance. Anyway, I will answer your question as a fellow scholar rather than as a colleague in the social sciences. The question really is about extrapolation, a big word that describes a process wherein known data or experience is projected into an unknown area. By so doing, you really are crossing over into conjecture. Therefore, only time will tell if what you infer will be true.

Future-looking is dangerous—that is, academically disputable—only if the base facts of a proposition are disputed. Consider the equation, 1+1=2. If we assume the decimal system still will be recognized in 2090, it is safe to infer that 1+1 equals 2 will retain its fundamental value. If on the other hand, it is suspected that 1+1 might equal 3 in future computations, inferring otherwise will invite disputes. Social questions are more complex, but the need for inferences to be firmly grounded in incontrovertible fact is the same in any scholarly study.
如果命題所根據的事實有所爭議,那麼對未來的預估就不可靠,也就是在學術上有爭議。以等式 1+1=2 來說,如果我們認為十進位法到 2090 年都還適用,就可以安全推斷屆時 1+1 還是會等於 2。然而,如果未來的計算法則裡 1+1 可能等於 3,做出其他的推論就會引來質疑。社會學的問題比較複雜,但所有學術研究都必須基於確鑿無疑的事實來推論,這點是不變的。

The safest approach to making deductions about the future in social science or any other malleable discipline is to get your facts straight. That includes thoroughly and completely researching the future into which you are going to project your conclusion. Fact and future cannot be accurately joined if future adaptations are not credited. Example: The architecture of future college campuses cannot be safely predicted, because all learning by then might be long distance. So: Know the given facts. Research the future. Extrapolate with confidence.

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