8 Ways to Choose a Perfect Research Paper Topic # 8 – Find a topic that is intriguing or can teach 完美撰題八大原則八:尋找耐人尋味、有啟發力的題目

“Perfect” is a relative term in academic writing, but it always is the ideal. The first rule in the pursuit of perfection in a paper is to choose a topic wisely. This essay introduces and explains one guide in selecting a topic. Each guide is contained in “8 Guides in Choosing a Perfect Research Paper Topic” and will be posted on the TPS Fan page as introduced.

#8 – Find a topic that is intriguing or can teach
原則八 尋找耐人尋味、有啟發力的題目

In choosing a research paper topic, a writer should make a genuine effort to find one that forces him to learn something. This rule is a tough one for someone who already knows it all. For the rest of us, it applies. A familiar topic not only is more likely to have been beaten to death by previous writers, it is apt to produce nothing new. Whereas an intriguing topic will spur a curious researcher to dig, and the writer’s evident conviction will come through in the paper.

Obviously, a writer can be too ambitious. Even when preliminary research indicates a plethora of sources are available on a topic of genuine interest, the time allowed to plumb them all might be too short. Or the complexity of a multi-layered topic might preclude handling the topic in a single paper. So finding a possible topic to be interesting is only good to a point; it also must be a topic that is suitable for encapsulating in a research paper of finite length.

In short, daring to delve into unfamiliar territory is a test of one’s desire to produce a paper of worth. It is an indicator of the mindset of an academic writer. Unwillingness to explore and to risk failure in a quest for learning suggests that a writer is a poseur. The cachet of scholarship and academia—and, of course, the incredible benefit of knowledge—is enviable, but the prestige comes from hard work and exemplary conviction. In other words, the title “scholar” is earned.

Last Update at 2011-12-21 AM 10:27 | 0 Comments

Professor Pedantic 教授的考究學問

The professor awaits your query on academic writing, though in all honesty, he doesn’t have a lot of time for you. He is a tenured full professor and working on yet another magnificent academic tome. Even so, he has graciously consented to entertain your question. Submit it and prepare to be edified.

QUESTION: I was so embarrassed when I gave a paper to my friend to read and he later admitted that he had fallen asleep reading it. And this was in the morning after he had good night’s sleep! Seriously, how do I write an “eye-opening” paper?

Writing snoozers comes naturally to most writers. It happens when their guard is down, at which time they settle for clichés, general terminology and lots and lots of words. To a reader of such tedious writing, catching a few Zs just seems like a natural response. So don’t blame the reader if your writing put him to sleep—and to your credit, you didn’t. Your goal now should be to produce content that sparkles, word choices that startle, and phrasing that engages your brain—all in support of lively ideas. Papers characterized by these elements produce cheers, not yawns.

A tired word dulls the senses in the same way fog muffles sounds, obscuring by its very presence. Imprecise words and phrases suggest an idea without really illuminating it for a reader. Wordiness clutters the mind without contributing anything to memory. A good writer works—that’s right, writing is work—to avoid all this tedium by crafting sentences, rather than mass-producing them. While a good writer might use some of the aforementioned unworthy elements in a first draft, he will replace them in later drafts with exacting, exciting, engaging language.

How can you know whether your writing is boring or buzzworthy? The easiest way is to honestly gauge your own reaction to it. Are you bored by it? If you are, chances are excellent that your readers will be bored, too. Do this: Pick a low-energy sentence and spike it with a brazen word—say, “rowdy” instead of “boisterous”—and see if the sentence is energized. Or this: Sub an unusual word—say, “kerfuffle” for “disturbance”—and see if the sentence has a different lilt. Common words are great, but uncommon ones sometimes are greater. Experiment and learn.

Last Update at 2011-12-14 AM 10:46 | 0 Comments

8 Ways to Choose a Perfect Research Paper Topic # 7 – Don’t be afraid to explore the edge of a subject 完美撰題八大原則七:勇敢探索學科的邊緣領域

“Perfect” is a relative term in academic writing, but it always is the ideal. The first rule in the pursuit of perfection in a paper is to choose a topic wisely. This essay introduces and explains one guide in selecting a topic. Each guide is contained in “8 Guides in Choosing a Perfect Research Paper Topic” and will be posted on the TPS Fan page as introduced.

#7 – Don’t be afraid to explore the edge of a subject
原則七 勇敢探索學科的邊緣領域

As in the previous guideline about an original topic, this suggestion is about how to make a paper distinctive from hundreds of similar papers. The recommendation is to look toward the edges of a subject where previous researchers have been reluctant to explore. After all, while plowing the same ground sometimes turns up new topical material, an aspiring researcher is very likely to find fresher, more compelling information by turning over rocks on the edge of the field.

Working the edges of a subject doesn’t lessen the value of a paper. Content is king regardless of where it is found. Relevancy is not related to how central a topic is, but how it contributes to the overall understanding of a subject. For example, everyone might know that a minor emperor was a stout man, yet no one know that he secretly wore a padded cummerbund to enhance his girth, believing it befit his rank. Such revelation can introduce new psychological perspective.
論文的價值不會因為主題較邊緣而減少,因為不管資料從哪裡發現,內容才是重點。論文的價值無關主題是否為學科重心,重點是能否促進了解整體學科。例如,多數人都曉得minor emperor是不具影響力的君王,即使他會暗地裡配戴有填充物的寬腰帶增加腰圍,想藉此與他的地位相襯,世人也不覺得重要或值得探究。其實,像這類人們口中所謂的「小事」,若深入去研究,反而說不定能找到特別的新發現,對於心理學研究者而言,這樣的發現或許有機會引入新的心理學觀點。

Looking to the edge of a subject for new topical material is not the same as being edgy, though being edgy is OK. Edgy might be defined as flirting with irrelevancy by looking “way out there” for a topic. The key is not to drift so far from a core subject that one loses sight of an assignment. Professors are not amused by such independence. Nevertheless, one should feel free to explore the entire range of a subject, hither and yon, with an open mind about what you discover yon.

Last Update at 2011-12-07 AM 10:40 | 0 Comments

Professor Pedantic 教授的考究學問

The professor awaits your query on academic writing, though in all honesty, he doesn’t have a lot of time for you. He is a tenured full professor and working on yet another magnificent academic tome. Even so, he has graciously consented to entertain your question. Submit it and prepare to be edified.

QUESTION: I have a problem moving smoothly between paragraphs, and sometimes between sections of my papers. My friend calls it herky-jerky. My professor describes it as “uneven pacing.” How can I smooth out my papers so they flow?

An academic paper indeed should “flow,” as you say, though there are times when the flow should be interrupted, too. Formal papers aren’t casual conversations in tone or content, but they do share with chit-chat the goal of communication. I imagine your everyday conversation is not herky-jerky. When you pause in conversation, you do so because you have completed a thought. When you are in mid-thought, you link your sentences in ways that signal to your listener that you are not done talking, you are only taking a breath. Write in the same fluid way you talk.

Words and phrases, as well as punctuation, can function as transitional tools. Their purpose is to smoothly connect sentences, paragraphs, and sections. Probably the most common transitional word is “and.” A common transitional punctuation mark is the comma. Without these two aids, lists become choppy, and sequential explanations stop and start. Some transitional words—such as “although”—redirect the flow, but all transitional tools share a common goal: They introduce continuity to written thought, thereby helping a writer hold reader interest clear to the end.
字句和標點符號一樣,都有銜接的功能,能夠順暢連接句子、段落與章節。最常用的銜接詞是「和」(and),最常用的銜接符號則是逗號 (comma),沒有這些銜接方法,列舉不同事物時會支離破碎,有先後順序的說明則會顯得斷斷續續。「雖然」(although) 一類的銜接詞會轉折語氣,不過所有銜接方法都有同樣的作用,就是讓寫出的事情前後連貫,讓作者抓住讀者的興趣,直到文末。

The key in mastering transitions goes back to the overall injunction to think well before trying to write well. If you tend to prattle on in conversation, it is a reflection of your thinking. In the same way, if your thoughts are jumbled and disconnected, your writing will truly reflect it. So, first organize your thoughts, then tie the end of one sentence to the beginning of the next one using a phrase, a word, a variation in sentence structure. Incrementally build to a conclusion rather than trying to leap to one. Your readers will follow you without break if given these helpful bridges.

Last Update at 2011-11-30 AM 10:29 | 0 Comments

8 Ways to Choose a Perfect Research Paper Topic # 6 – Strive for originality in a topic 完美撰題八大原則六:力求主題創新

“Perfect” is a relative term in academic writing, but it always is the ideal. The first rule in the pursuit of perfection in a paper is to choose a topic wisely. This essay introduces and explains one guide in selecting a topic. Each guide is contained in “8 Guides in Choosing a Perfect Research Paper Topic” and will be posted on the TPS Fan page as introduced.

#6 – Strive for originality in a topic
原則六 力求主題創新

The old saying is that there is nothing new under the sun. Even sayings are old. It is true that the first writer of an academic paper could choose from a longer list of unwritten-about topics than is possible to find today. Consequently, a search now for an original topic is much longer. In fact, a wholly original subject might not exist, depending upon the discipline. Still, enough nuances do exist to allow today’s writers to bring fresh perspective to a topic, and that is sufficient.

The first rule in the search for an original topic is that a writer must want to find one. While a student’s willingness to tiresomely revisit a tired subject will satisfy an assignment, it will not land the student a grade in the upper echelon of scores. Those are reserved for fresh thinkers. So in considering a topic, examine it from the standpoint of (1) how often it has been addressed and (2) how much fresh insight is possible this time around. If it fails this freshness test, drop it.

Selection of a topic gives a professor a glimpse of the character of a student. Academic writers are first of all academic thinkers whose brains are attuned to challenge, discovery, and the search for information that expands the common base of knowledge. Any student unwilling to put real effort into this process is only loitering in the academic realm, rather than establishing himself there. A serious search for original material is one of the defining markers of a serious student.

Last Update at 2011-11-23 AM 10:21 | 0 Comments

Professor Pedantic 教授的考究學問

The professor awaits your query on academic writing, though in all honesty, he doesn’t have a lot of time for you. He is a tenured full professor and working on yet another magnificent academic tome. Even so, he has graciously consented to entertain your question. Submit it and prepare to be edified.

QUESTION: As a student of social science, I try to see how the thread of a society extends from the past into the future. The past and present are not difficult for me to write about, but I am nervous about making conclusions about the future. Are there any guidelines for applying social theories to future conduct of a society?

The closest I come to being a social scientist is mixing it up in cocktail gatherings—where there always are some interesting observations to be made, though nothing of academic significance. Anyway, I will answer your question as a fellow scholar rather than as a colleague in the social sciences. The question really is about extrapolation, a big word that describes a process wherein known data or experience is projected into an unknown area. By so doing, you really are crossing over into conjecture. Therefore, only time will tell if what you infer will be true.

Future-looking is dangerous—that is, academically disputable—only if the base facts of a proposition are disputed. Consider the equation, 1+1=2. If we assume the decimal system still will be recognized in 2090, it is safe to infer that 1+1 equals 2 will retain its fundamental value. If on the other hand, it is suspected that 1+1 might equal 3 in future computations, inferring otherwise will invite disputes. Social questions are more complex, but the need for inferences to be firmly grounded in incontrovertible fact is the same in any scholarly study.
如果命題所根據的事實有所爭議,那麼對未來的預估就不可靠,也就是在學術上有爭議。以等式 1+1=2 來說,如果我們認為十進位法到 2090 年都還適用,就可以安全推斷屆時 1+1 還是會等於 2。然而,如果未來的計算法則裡 1+1 可能等於 3,做出其他的推論就會引來質疑。社會學的問題比較複雜,但所有學術研究都必須基於確鑿無疑的事實來推論,這點是不變的。

The safest approach to making deductions about the future in social science or any other malleable discipline is to get your facts straight. That includes thoroughly and completely researching the future into which you are going to project your conclusion. Fact and future cannot be accurately joined if future adaptations are not credited. Example: The architecture of future college campuses cannot be safely predicted, because all learning by then might be long distance. So: Know the given facts. Research the future. Extrapolate with confidence.

Last Update at 2011-11-16 AM 10:37 | 0 Comments

8 Ways to Choose a Perfect Research Paper Topic # 5 – Determine the depth and breadth of a possible topic 完美撰題八大原則五:判斷主題的深度和廣度

“Perfect” is a relative term in academic writing, but it always is the ideal. The first rule in the pursuit of perfection in a paper is to choose a topic wisely. This essay introduces and explains one guide in selecting a topic. Each guide is contained in “8 Guides in Choosing a Perfect Research Paper Topic” and will be posted on the TPS Fan page as introduced.

#5 –Determine the depth and breadth of a possible topic
原則五 判斷主題的深度和廣度

This suggestion might seem to put an extra burden on a writer, but the opposite is the case. Nothing is more difficult than to write in depth on a topic that is shallow. Nothing is more challenging than to write substantively about a subject that is transparently simplistic. In such cases, writers resort to setting up straw arguments, belaboring the obvious, and larding the paper with adjectives, adverbs, general wordiness, and sometimes the kitchen sink and cabinetry.

Know thy topic—but not too quickly. If a writer can instantly see how to proceed with writing about a possible topic, the topic probably is too facile to seriously consider. Genuinely complex topics for a paper are not that transparent. They are too deep to have their bottoms seen. They hide undercurrents of information that only can be discovered by diving into them. On the other hand, sometimes they are too deep for a paper. Discerning a topic’s depth is important.

The other important dimension to consider is breadth. A topic worth writing about should have wide enough application to have value beyond whatever grade is earned by its writer. For example, the pin oak tree might be too narrow a biological topic unless one incorporates the tree’s migration to Australia. On the other hand, as with depth, a topic can be too broad to be addressed in a paper. A thorough survey of depth and breadth is key in any topic selection.

Last Update at 2011-11-09 AM 10:17 | 0 Comments

Professor Pedantic 教授的考究學問

The professor awaits your query on academic writing, though in all honesty, he doesn’t have a lot of time for you. He is a tenured full professor and working on yet another magnificent academic tome. Even so, he has graciously consented to entertain your question. Submit it and prepare to be edified.

QUESTION: My grammar is nearly always perfect in my papers. I’m not bragging; it is just an innate ability. But sometimes I believe I care too much about being grammatically correct and too little about the flow of thought. What is the middle ground?

Good question. It reminds me of a fellow I know who would spend as long as an hour carefully trimming his beard and mustache without realizing how ragged his hair looked at the back of his head. The total effect was less than awesome. It indeed is possible to become too word-centric in composing a paper and, in doing so, lose sight of the purpose of the paper—to communicate an idea clearly and completely. Word consciousness is the equivalent of navel-gazing. In the end, you might know your navel perfectly, but you have sacrificed the whole body of your work to it.

I would suggest two general guides to help steer you away from excessive concentration on individual words and sentence structure. The first is that you pay relatively little attention to grammatical soundness in working up an early draft of a paper. The first draft can be as rough as bark on a black walnut tree; so long as the direction and thrust of a paper is established, word choice and sentence framework matter little. There is plenty of time in later drafts to revise, clean up, and smooth out the content. Run with your ideas first and see where they take you.

The second suggestion is that you not become enslaved by grammar. Rules of writing are established to free language, not to restrain it. If the framework of a sentence is too rigid, or word choices are too precise, life is sucked right out of the writing. It becomes stilted, or wooden, or vapid. You are quite right to be concerned about focusing too much on words and too little on the integrity of a thought being conveyed. In the end, a paper is about ideas, not words. Carefully chosen and assembled, a paper’s words should almost disappear behind the power of the idea.

Last Update at 2011-11-03 AM 10:27 | 0 Comments

8 Ways to Choose a Perfect Research Paper Topic # 4 – Keep an open mind 完美撰題八大原則四:保持心胸開放

“Perfect” is a relative term in academic writing, but it always is the ideal. The first rule in the pursuit of perfection in a paper is to choose a topic wisely. This essay introduces and explains one guide in selecting a topic. Each guide is contained in “8 Guides in Choosing a Perfect Research Paper Topic” and will be posted on the TPS Fan page as introduced.

#4 – Keep an open mind
原則四 保持心胸開放

This suggestion really shouldn’t be necessary. An open mind should be a chief characteristic of any writer laboring in the academic field. The whole purpose of academia is to learn and, in the learning, to expand the body of knowledge that undergirds understanding and progress. Learning is stifled by barriers to learning; the most insidious of these is the closed mind. So in searching for a research topic, an academic writer should be open to virtually all possibilities.

One of the indicators of openness is the capacity for surprise. When a mind is partly or entirely shuttered, it is less receptive to peripheral flashes of insight. It is so focused on a preconceived agenda that it simply doesn’t sense glancing inspiration. A writer open to inspiration is more apt to be startled by a new thought, which might enter his mind through an unrelated conversation. Such revelations are the direct result of a person’s willingness to be surprised.

The rest of the story is how a surprising idea is handled. A closed-minded person dismisses such an idea because it disrupts his ordered mindset. An open-minded person muses upon it. Explores it. Evaluates it. Weighs it. Only then might the person drop the idea because it is found to be wanting or, better yet, to abandon it in favor of yet another idea spawned by the first one. The beauty of openness is that it is expansive in nature. Growth and learning are the natural results.

Last Update at 2011-10-26 AM 11:47 | 0 Comments

Professor Pedantic 教授的考究學問

The professor awaits your query on academic writing, though in all honesty, he doesn’t have a lot of time for you. He is a tenured full professor and working on yet another magnificent academic tome. Even so, he has graciously consented to entertain your question. Submit it and prepare to be edified.

QUESTION: I write well I am told, but my papers are faulted for being “superficial.” How do I know when I have researched a topic deeply enough to satisfy my professor’s need for in-depth analysis and presentation?

Unfortunately, I cannot answer that definitively because in all probability I don’t know your professor. A level of research that satisfies your professor might be deemed overkill by another professor or insufficient by a third. Besides, some topics have voluminous amounts of material available for probing while other topics are a slim volume on the library shelf. Still, some general expectations exist for academic researchers. The general one is that a paper should give evidence of being complete—that is, it should be without loose ends, unanswered questions, and holes.

Sometimes a researcher gives himself a superficial topic, unwittingly or on purpose. This makes it difficult to do in-depth research because the pool of available information is quite shallow. Conversely, sometimes a chosen topic is so deep and wide that a researcher cannot completely explore it without producing a book. Therefore, it is important to wisely pick and frame a topic. Next, a writer should brainstorm a topic’s chief facets. Even if this initial mental outline is not conclusive, it guides a writer as he plumbs a topic. Guided research is less apt to miss something.

Finally, an academic researcher must know himself or herself. It is not a question of character or intellect, but of mindset and habit. Ask yourself: How inquisitive am I? Am I content to offer a generally correct answer or do I want to indisputably pin down the facts? The latter thinking characterizes the best researcher. Again, how thorough am I? Am I OK with lightly surveying a topic or do I want to examine it in detail? A survey, after all, tends to be wider than it is deep. To produce a paper of depth and completeness, a researcher must be geared for the work.

Last Update at 2011-10-19 PM 12:15 | 0 Comments