




    What does that mean? 你真的瞭解這個慣用語嗎?

  • 2011-05-05
  • 很多字詞並非表面所見的意思,字詞的組合會產生不同的解釋。這樣的慣用法,我們稱之為「比喻」。一個成功的比喻,作者本身必須相當瞭解字詞的源起。以下的句子為讀者介紹一個比喻及其來源。 Imagery buries itself in language and takes on new meaning. The transplanted and transformed sets of words are called “figures of speech.” For a figure of speech to be effective, however, a writer must first understand the original meaning of the phrase. The following sentence contains a common figure of speech. Its original meaning is explained. “The scientist gratefully slipped into Harvard’s full professorship and, as if the position were a glass slipper, transformed his itinerant career.” 這位科學家滿懷感激地接受了哈佛的全職教席,如同灰姑娘的玻璃鞋般,改變了他四處漂泊的職業生涯。 “Glass slipper” refers to the worldwide classic tale Cinderella, which some believe is rooted in an ancient Chinese story. It is about a lovely girl, her cruel stepmother and stepdaughters, and a handsome prince who finally finds his princess when Cinderella’s foot perfectly fits a left-behind ballroom slipper made of glass. The sequence has become a metaphor for anything of perfect fit and happy ending. 玻璃鞋(Glass slipper)來自於舉世聞名的童話故事「灰姑娘」,有些人認為這個故事起源於中國。故事中描述了美麗的少女、殘酷的後母與姐姐,還有英俊的王子。灰姑娘的腳恰好地套進遺留在皇宮大廳的玻璃鞋,於是王子終於找到了心目中的王妃。這個故事經常用來比喻完美合適的組合,以及帶來的快樂結局。 As used in a paper about an Asian scientist whose career had a prestigious conclusion, the allusion neatly summarizes a wedding of talent and opportunity. The academic chair offered to the scientist was the equivalent of the slipper offered Cinderella: It was only a fit for a certain individual whose unique talent and resume would qualify him or her. As an aside, whether the scientist can turn a pumpkin into a carriage is a whole other question. 本段論文探討某位亞裔科學家,最終獲得了崇高的職位。玻璃鞋的比喻巧妙地暗指這是天賦與機會的結合。出現在科學家面前的機會就像是灰姑娘面前的玻璃鞋,擁有獨特天賦與過人經歷的人士,才得以配得上這個職銜。順便一提,這位科學家有沒有可能將南瓜變成馬車,這又是另一個問題了! ...
  • 文章來源:TPS News

    Professor Pedantic 教授的考究學問

  • 2011-05-04
  • TPS的編輯教授在此歡迎關於學術文章的所有詢問,當然,其實他並沒有足夠的時間給你。他擁有終身教職的教授身份,也是著名的學術巨作作者。即便如此,他仍大方地接受你們的詢問。將關於學術方面的詢問寫在下方,你將獲得教授的親自指導,陶冶對學術的探索與啟發。 The professor awaits your query on academic writing, though in all honesty, he doesn’t have a lot of time for you. He is a tenured full professor and working on yet another magnificent academic tome. Even so, he has graciously consented to entertain your question. Submit it and prepare to be edified. QUESTION: I want to be an “original thinker” and to have it reflected in my writing. Yet when I read one of my finished papers, it doesn’t seem original at all. What is the key to academic originality? 我想成為「原創思考者」,寫出有新意的文章。但是我重讀舊作時卻覺得它們盡是陳腔濫調、已過時了。什麼才是學術原創性的關鍵呢? We are veering into philosophy. A wise man long ago wrote that it is vain to believe that an “original thought” (or concept or statement) actually is original. The irony is that the wise man wrote down his observation as if it were something new! Perhaps he believed it needed repeating. The lesson there is that original truth indeed is quite rare, but rediscovered truth also is worthy of exposition. 這個問題就涉及哲學領域了。很久以前,有個聰明人曾經寫道,認為自己的「原創思考」(或是原創概念、原創宣言等)絕具創意,其實是相當自以為是的論調。諷刺的是,這位智者仍然慎重其事地寫出自己的觀察與感想,彷彿裡頭確實有著絲毫新意!也許他認為這個看法值得重複一遍吧。但我們從中學到一件事,真正原創的想法其實相當罕見,但事實的重新探究亦具有重讀的價值。 So in your papers, strive to produce something insightful, if not revelatory. Start at the earliest of stages—during topic selection. If a subject seems to have been examined from every angle, choose another one. Or when a topic is assigned, choose a proposition least visited by previous writers, and then rigorously dig into it. Academic writers who are willing to break ground in topic selection and research are more apt to produce a paper that breaks ground in its conclusions. 若是無法寫出全新的見解,至少可以努力於文章中提出令人印象深刻的想法。努力的起點就在首要階段—選擇題目。如果主題似乎已從各個角度被探討過,那就另起爐灶、重擬一個。倘若教授指定某個主題,作者應從最少被討論過的論點出發與進行深入研究。從事學術研究的作者,越是願意打破選題與研究的窠臼與框架,越能寫出發前人之所未見的主張與結論。 Finally, strive for originality in writing the paper. Even a tired topic or thesis has some hope of redemption if it is couched in fresh language. This means banning clichés and overused phrases, and using crisp, active language containing engaging imagery and lucid description. If there is a “key” to originality, it is to cultivate personal independence in thinking and writing. Think independently. Reject copycat language. Take the initiative. Be yourself. You are an original, aren’t you? 最後,請努力在寫作時創造獨特與新意。就算主題是老生常談,只要技巧性的使用新穎、生動的語句,此文章仍擁有獨具一格的新價值。換句話說,應避免隨處可見、俯拾即是的陳腐濫調,盡量使用簡潔、主動的語詞,並且搭配引人入勝的意境與清晰的敘述。如果真有通往「原創性」的關鍵,那就是多培養個人的獨立思考與寫作風格。思考獨立,戒除盲目模仿語句;採取主動,保有自我特色。畢竟「你」才是文章中最原創的部分,不是嗎? ...
  • 文章來源:TPS News

    This is not academic writing 學術文章不是這麼寫的

  • 2011-04-28
  • 並非所有與學術議題相關的文章,就能稱之為「學術文章」。本篇專欄將節錄不同學術議題的內容,分析常見的寫作錯誤,並分享潤修與寫作的技巧。 Not all articles written on academic topics are written in proper academic English. In this "This is not academic writing" column we examine short excerpts from academic texts to illustrate common writing errors and explain how to correct them. Unacceptable 不被認可的文章 “The origins of many medical protocols and products—from organ transplants to bypass surgery to vaccines—are in animal research. So it is unfortunate that people don’t appreciate the contributions of animals to the control and curing of disease. I think this absence of respect is indicative of the general public disrespect for the rights of animals. Everyone should talk to doctors and medical researchers to gain fresh understanding of the valuable contributions of animals to human health.” The previous paragraph is an honest expression of alarm about how some people regard animals. However, it fails to pass muster as academic writing because it is couched in the language of an editorial. In declaring that under-appreciation of animals is “unfortunate,” the writer renders a judgment rather than elucidates an idea. Beginning a sentence with “I think” is personally tendentious. Exhorting readers to act (“Everyone should talk to…”) is more editorializing. The writer seems to have abandoned research-based scholarly exploration in favor of polemics and posturing. A more academic approach appears below. 本段文章如實傳達了作者對部份人士不當對待動物的憂慮,然而,寫作技巧之拙劣,實無法稱之為學術的寫作,因為本文所使用的語言,更像是在閱讀報紙的社論文章。作者將不重視動物犧牲的行為,稱之為unfortunate,這樣的用詞只是作者的主觀判斷,卻未澄清或闡述任何進一步的觀點;使用I think作為句首開頭,極度反應出強調的個人立場;行文間呼籲讀者行動Everyone should talk to…的描述,更是曝露出屬於社論的言論風格。整篇文章似乎已非植基於以學術研究為基礎的理性探索,反而轉向訴諸於論辯與表態的偏見與立場。符合學術風格的文章,刊登如下: Acceptable 認可的文章 “The origins of numerous medical protocols and products—from organ transplants to bypass surgery to vaccines—are in animal research. Yet public surveys in the last decade indicate little public understanding of the contributions of animals to common medical procedures and treatment of disease. A correlation seems to exist between this general unawareness and increasing reports of animal cruelty. However, doctors and medical researchers as a rule do not mirror this ignorance about the beneficial relationship of animal research and human health.” ...
  • 文章來源:TPS News

    12 Recommendations to Help you Submit a Conventional and Acceptable Paper Tip 9: Creating acceptable footnotes, endnotes, references and bibliographies 12個獲得學術認可的論文撰寫技巧之九:善用註腳、附註、參考文獻以及書目

  • 2011-04-27
  • 教授學者們通常會規範寫作標準,制定如何撰寫碩博士論文與學術文章以及格式要求。學術界所評定的標準植基於以何種撰寫方式會被認可,何種撰寫方式則會被拒絕。本專欄提出「12個獲得學術認可的論文撰寫技巧」,幫助你寫出符合規範與認可標準的文章。 The community of scholars has rules that govern how dissertations, theses and other academic papers are composed and formatted. Academic convention has established what is acceptable and what is not. Following is one of 12 recommendations to help you submit a conventional and acceptable paper. Tip 9–Creating acceptable footnotes, endnotes, references and bibliographies 技巧九:善用註腳、附註、參考文獻以及書目 The paper is written! Take a bow. A break is deserved after all the work of researching, outlining, and writing a scholarly composition. However, even though pre-writing and writing stages of the paper are complete, the post-writing phase is just beginning. Like the finishing stage of any creative work, post-writing can, through carelessness, spoil all that preceded it. 論文終於寫完了!準備好下台一鞠躬吧。經過學術寫作過程中不斷研究、確立方向、撰寫論文之後,你的確該給自己放個大假!然而,論文的前置準備與寫作階段雖然結束,最後收尾的重頭戲才正要開始。就像所有創作一樣,若瞻前不顧後、虎頭蛇尾,草率收尾的結果,將會抹煞之前所有努力。 Several final-stage tasks must be satisfactorily undertaken if a paper is to win acceptance. The first of these is the formal attribution of source material to authors and other purveyors. Full credit is given to discoverers of truth, or anyone else whose earlier work enhances a paper, through sequential annotations. These include footnotes, endnotes and bibliographies. 學術寫作的最後階段亦肩負著重要任務,撰寫得宜論文才有機會被採用。論文中必須註明所引述資料的作者資訊與來源。對過去學術成就的事實探索以及歷來具權威性的學術論點,應全數囊括於註解之中,註解的類別包括註腳、附註與書目。 Before beginning writing, a writer should have determined the format required by the assigning professor, e.g. Modern Language Association (MLA), American Psychological Association (APA), or Chicago Style. While several styles are acceptable, they differ in their details. Whichever style is assigned, a writer is expected to work consistently within its framework. 作者於正式開始寫作前,應已先確知指導教授要求的寫作格式,如MLA、APA或Chicago等等。學術界已有數種寫作格式廣為各方學者所使用,主要差別在於各個格式著重的細節不盡相同。不論指定何種格式,作者應依教授要求而保持格式一致。 Each format explains how a writer is to signal the presence of related information in a secondary location. The signaling methods vary. A notation might be parenthetical, or a subscript, or a superscript, and might direct a reader to a footnote, or an endnote. These and other variables in annotation style have to be mastered to avoid confusing a reader or frustrating a professor. 不論選用任何格式,都必須明確記錄作者引用他處的所有資訊。引用的技巧包括,使用引號、利用下標與上標、以及註明註腳或註解等等。作者應熟習不同引用格式的技巧,才能讓讀者與教授不致於感到混淆。 Bibliographical citations also are tightly structured. For example, while an endnote generally is one sentence long, a bibliographical entry often is expected to be three sentences. Furthermore, the familiar Latin abbreviation “ibid”—used to represent a citation identical to one preceding it—no longer is universally acceptable. Familiarity with usages and formats is a key to success. 書目引用方式亦有其嚴格規範。例如,註解通常僅有一句,而書目條列則往往長達三句之多。除此之外,過去常用的拉丁縮寫ibid—意思是該條資料來源與上一條完全一致—現在已不復使用。熟悉用法與格式,將是論文邁向成功的關鍵。 Tightly linking the content of a paper to cited and perused sources is a crucial task, but not a creative one. No imagination is needed. It is a mechanical overlay, a by-the-book consolidation of disparate references and sources that systematically unites the paper. An academic paper with regimented citations earns the paper authority and earns its writer legitimacy as a scholar. 論文內容與參考來源的緊密連結非常重要。這不是創意性的工作,不需發揮想像力,只需一板一眼,專注於機械式的作業過程。也就是說,只需要有系統、有組織的將所有相關書籍的參考資料與來源列示明確即可。學術論文若能善用引用資料,並嚴謹明確列示清楚,則文章將更具權威性,可望立於學者的專業學術地位。 ...
  • 文章來源:TPS News

    0425 TPS Spot the Error Contest-Answer and Explanation 你是挑錯的高手嗎? 正確解答

  • 2011-04-26
  • Answer: “principle” should be “principal.” “Sociological research across several decades has concluded that the basic family unit—mother, father, children—continues to play the principal societal role introduced in primitive communities.” Error: The writer falls victim to a common mistake, misusing one word that sounds like another. Specifically, “principle” was used instead of “principal.” The homophones are similar in meaning—each can connote a central or commanding characteristic—but the shades of meaning are different enough that they cannot be interchanged. The sentence should read, the family unit plays “the principal societal role,” meaning that it has a decisive or primary influence on society. The best academic writing parses words carefully so that ideas can be communicated with precision. 本句的作者犯了一個常見的錯誤,就是混淆了兩個發音相近的字彙。更明確的說,此處的principle應該改為principal。這兩個同音字意義上也有近似之處,都與主要、威權等概念有關—但兩者的意義仍有差距,不能混用。這個句子應該讀作the family unit plays the principal societal role,意思是家庭成員對於社會具有決定性與重大的影響力。學術寫作在追求卓越之際,作者應謹慎選用字詞,以精準地傳達想法。 ...
  • 文章來源:TPS News

    0425 TPS Spot the Error Contest-Win Your NTD200 7-11/Starbucks Prize! 你是挑錯的高手嗎? 有機會獲得200元統一超商/星巴克咖啡禮券!

  • 2011-04-25
  • 下列的句子中,包含了一個錯誤,可能是文法、拼法或是標點符號的錯誤。我們將提供統一超商/星巴克咖啡NTD200元的購物禮券,給予今天前三名挑出正確錯誤、寫出正確答案的粉絲。正確的解答與獲獎的粉絲姓名,將於明天公佈於本TPS的專頁。請將你的答案寫在下方,獲得免費購物禮券的幸運兒可能就是你哦! The sentence below contains 1 grammatical, spelling and/or punctuation error. The first three (3) TPS Fans to respond with the corrected sentence will win a NTD200 7-11/Starbucks Gift Certificate. The corrected sentence and the names of the winners will be published tomorrow on this TPS Fans page. Please post your answers below. Good luck! 題目Contest Sentence: “Sociological research across several decades has concluded that the basic family unit—mother, father, children—continues to play the principle societal role introduced in primitive communities.”...
  • 文章來源:TPS News

    This month only! TPS offers FREE EDITING! 免費潤稿服務—僅剩4個名額,報名從速!

  • 2011-04-21
  • Dear TPS Fans, 親愛的TPS粉絲們: Thanks to our fans' support and participation, we have now received 16 requests for FREE editing. We're ready to edit yours too! There are only spots 4 left. Seize the opportunity and apply now! 感謝所有粉絲們的熱烈支持與回覆,目前僅剩下4個名額,敬請粉絲們把握最後機會,火速報名! For those fans who have submitted their names to this event, but have not yet turned in an article to be edited, we would like to remind you that this event will finish at the end of April. Therefore, we ask that you provide us with your article (and the original Chinese, if available) as soon as possible, in order to avoid missing out on this wonderful opportunity for free, professional editing. 已報名的粉絲們,目前尚有8位粉絲還未寄出作品,提醒您們此潤稿優先名額僅保留至四月底止,請將需潤稿的檔案於期間內提供給我們(有中文內容亦歡迎提供),我們將妥善安排潤稿時間並為每一位粉絲提供美籍編輯顧問的專屬寫作建議。敬請粉絲們盡速寄出您的作品! Have a great day! TPS Team...
  • 文章來源:TPS News

    What does that mean? 你真的瞭解這個慣用語嗎?

  • 2011-04-21
  • 很多字詞並非表面所見的意思,字詞的組合會產生不同的解釋。這樣的慣用法,我們稱之為「比喻」。一個成功的比喻,作者本身必須相當瞭解字詞的源起。以下的句子為讀者介紹一個比喻及其來源。 Imagery buries itself in language and takes on new meaning. The transplanted and transformed sets of words are called “figures of speech.” For a figure of speech to be effective, however, a writer must first understand the original meaning of the phrase. The following sentence contains a common figure of speech. Its original meaning is explained. “Cystic fibrosis cooks up a bitter syrup in the body, blocking lung, pancreatic and other organ functions and leaving the sufferer vulnerable to fatal infections.” 患有囊腫纖維症的患者,如同體內正熬煮劇苦的糖漿一般,阻塞肺部與胰臟,並且破壞其他器官機能,使患者無力抵抗致命的感染。 “Cooks up a bitter syrup” alludes to stovetop creation of syrup through cooking of sugar or sap, water, and various flavoring agents. Syrup is notable for its dense viscosity, which is evident in its slow, even spread across the top of a pancake. Syrup is sticky and tends to uniformly coat whatever surface it encounters. 「Cooks up a bitter syrup」暗指用爐子熬煮混合了砂糖、植物汁液、水與其他調味料以製成的稠狀糖漿。糖漿的特點在於濃稠黏滯,若在鬆餅上淋上糖漿,就能觀察到它緩慢、均勻的流動特質。糖漿具有黏性,往往會鋪滿所接觸的平面範圍。 As used in an academic paper, the figure of speech denotes the slow spread of a thick coat of mucus across the interior surface of lungs and other organs, thus impairing the function of the organs and threatening the life of an individual. To say the disease “cooks up” the mucus refers to the disease’s creative process in which an unusually thick mucus is secreted. To call it a “bitter syrup” both distinguishes the mucus from sweet edible syrup and acknowledges the unhappy impact on an individual’s health. 在學術文章中,這個用法表示體內濃稠的有害黏液已逐漸緩慢的擴散至人體肺部與其附近的器官,破壞了原本器官的功能,更危及生命。“cooks up” 這個動作意指疾病逐漸發展,也就是異常濃稠的黏液是逐漸分泌所造成。作者使用 “bitter syrup”一詞,則是將黏液與一般既定印象中香甜味美的糖漿作出區別,點出此疾病對患者健康的衝擊與不利影響。 ...
  • 文章來源:TPS News

    Professor Pedantic 教授的考究學問

  • 2011-04-20
  • TPS的編輯教授在此歡迎關於學術文章的所有詢問,當然,其實他並沒有足夠的時間給你。他擁有終身教職的教授身份,也是著名的學術巨作作者。即便如此,他仍大方地接受你們的詢問。將關於學術方面的詢問寫在下方,你將獲得教授的親自指導,陶冶對學術的探索與啟發。 The professor awaits your query on academic writing, though in all honesty, he doesn’t have a lot of time for you. He is a tenured full professor and working on yet another magnificent academic tome. Even so, he has graciously consented to entertain your question. Submit it and prepare to be edified. QUESTION: In writing an argumentative essay objectively, is it acceptable to cite the opinions of unspecified experts? 撰寫客觀的議論文時,能否引用不具名的專家意見? Let me say at the outset that writing an essay of opinion “objectively” is like whitewashing a fence with black paint. It is, to say the least, difficult. An argument is a clash of opinions. Any writer who tries to be “objective” in entering such an argument can count on losing. Argumentative writing is a subjective task. The goal is to marshal salient, favorable points of argument and to mitigate damaging, unfavorable ones. 讓我先指出一點,「客觀地」撰寫用以表達意見的文章,就像是欲用黑色油漆把籬笆塗白,若想要成功,可以預見是非常困難的。所謂的論述,就是意見的碰撞與衝突,任何人若是想以「客觀」態度撰寫議論文,獲得的結果必定會大失所望。寫作議論文是非常主觀的課題,必須強化論述中有利的重點,淡化不利或具傷害性的論點。 Can a writer accomplish this by citing “unspecified experts?” Rarely. An anonymous “expert” has little standing in an argument, so little in fact that the very term “expert” tends to be ridiculed. Even a generic “expert” whose authority is virtually unassailable in other settings (“A mother knows these things…”) lacks convincing credentials as a source in a paper. Anonymous experts are the human equivalent of hearsay evidence and should not be counted on to carry an argument. 引用「不具名的專家」 是否能達成上述的效果呢?--難上加難。無名的「專家」在論述中立場薄弱之至,甚至連稱之為「專家」都顯得不恰當。就算一般常被指稱,在一些情況下不會遭致質疑的專家(如『當媽媽的一定都知道…』),在學術論文裡的說服力也不夠。不具名專家的意見,猶如道聽塗說,不適宜引用於學術嚴謹的證明論述。 It is a matter of persuasion. Facts persuade. Facts from the mouths of identifiable authorities persuade convincingly. It is the difference between asserting that “people love cream puffs” and declaring that “9 of 10 surveyed chefs in Taipei vote cream puffs the No. 1 dessert.” The assertion can be easily dismissed as fanciful, whereas if the survey is disputed, the onus to disprove it is on the disputant. Successful authors of argumentative papers know their sources – and identify them. 問題完全出在於能否說服讀者。正確的事實有說服力,而具名的專家所提出的事實更具有舉足輕重的說服成效,其中的差別就像是「大家都喜歡泡芙」與「針對台北主廚所進行的調查結果顯示,十位主廚中有九位認為泡芙是第一名的甜點。」前者口說無憑,易被誤認為作者的無稽之談;而後者的調查結果即便遭受質疑,推翻調查也是讀者的責任。想要成功撰寫一篇議論文章,作者必須瞭解所引用的是那些材料,並且在文章裡清楚的具名與說明。 ...
  • 文章來源:TPS News

    This is not academic writing 學術文章不是這麼寫的

  • 2011-04-14
  • This is not academic writing 學術文章不是這麼寫的 並非所有與學術議題相關的文章,就能稱之為「學術文章」。本篇專欄將節錄不同學術議題的內容,分析常見的寫作錯誤,並分享潤修與寫作的技巧。 Not all articles written on academic topics are written in proper academic English. In this "This is not academic writing" column we examine short excerpts from academic texts to illustrate common writing errors and explain how to correct them. Unacceptable 不被認可的文章 “To have the voices singing in counterpoint in "Eleanor Rigby" was the bright idea of George Martin, who also wrote music for the two violas, two cellos and four violins that played behind the singers. Martin was more responsible than anyone else for creating the song’s unique sound. The music producer also decided to place the recording microphones right next to the instruments so that the instruments’ harshness wouldn’t be filtered out. In another bold move, he had the musicians play their stringed instruments without vibrating the strings.” Sloppy wording can convey the gist of a subject, but it cannot communicate with exactness. The foregoing paragraph, which analyzes the recording of a popular song, is an example of poor word choices. “The bright idea,” for example, is an inexcusably colloquial expression. “Wrote music for” is a wordy equivalent of the more concise “composed.” The listing of eight instruments can be expressed economically as an octet. To say the song has a “unique” sound seriously diminishes the restrictive nature of unique. And playing a stringed instrument “without vibrating the strings” is to not make a sound at all—surely not what a writer intends to convey. A more succinct and precise version of the paragraph appears below. 鬆散、模糊的用詞儘管仍能傳達想法,卻無法精準地與讀者溝通。本段文章討論流行歌曲的錄製,其中用詞選字有多處明顯失當。舉例而言,the bright idea太口語,實在不應出現;wrote music for太累贅,不如以精簡的composed呈現;洋洋灑灑列出八樣樂器,不如寫出八重奏octet來的簡潔;告訴讀者曲子具有獨特的聲音,詮釋的方式不當,反而無法凸顯unique本身獨一無二的意義與價值;最後,作者聲稱演奏絃樂器時,不需震動琴絃—顯然表示一聲未出—作者想傳達的本意應非如此。更簡潔、準確的寫法,刊登如下。 Acceptable 認可的文章 “The contrapuntal play of voices in "Eleanor Rigby" is attributed to George Martin, who also composed a score for the string octet that backed the singers. Martin essentially was responsible for the song’s signature sound. The gifted producer captured the raw feed of the instrumentation by placing recording microphones unusually close to the instruments and by having the musicians play their stringed instruments without undulating vibrato.” ...
  • 文章來源:TPS News


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