




    12/20 TPS Spot the Error Contest-Answer and Explanation 你是挑錯的高手嗎? 正確解答

  • 2010-12-21
  • Answer: “effect” should be “affect.” To determine how much the writings of Niccolo Machiavelli still affect political discussions, one need only count the number of citations of The Prince. 欲得知馬基維利(Niccolo Machiavelli)的評論是如何影響當代的君主政治,只需細數他的名作君王論(The Prince)一書中受到後代傳頌的次數便可知曉其重要性。 Error: The writer of this sentence has confused similar sounding words, affect and effect. The correct choice—affect—is a verb, whereas effect usually is a noun. This writing mistake is No. 9 of 10 Common Writing Errors That Can Spell “Rejection” for Your Manuscript, which are posted elsewhere on The Published Scholar site. 錯誤之處:這句話的作者在affect 與effect類似發音字詞的使用上產生混淆。 正確的解答affect是動詞,而effect則多以名詞呈現。這樣的寫作錯誤可參照本專頁所張貼之「10 個導致退稿的常見寫作錯誤之九:“Affect” Is Not the Same as “Effect”」。 Some respondents suggested "one needs only" as a correction. The confusion lies partly in the word "need." When a negative or restrictive, such as "only," is paired with it, the "s" is dropped. So it is tricky. One can find a sentence like this (substitute "he" for "one" if it helps clarity): "Once one finds the road, one need only stay on it." If the infinitive "to" is added, the complexion of the sentence changes to this: "Once one finds the road, one only needs to stay on it." 昨日的題目中,粉絲們挑出的其中一個錯誤為"one needs only"。其實,主要的關鍵在於"need"這個字。當句子呈現否定句型或是限制型句型,如本題目中的 "only"與"need"搭配在一起,就不加"s"。這是個相當細微的用法。請看下列的例句(可試試用"he"代替句中的"one"):"Once one finds the road, one need only stay on it."(當找到未來方向之後,唯一要做的就是堅持下去。) 假如加入了不定詞"to",這個句型的結構則改為:"Once one finds the road, one only needs to stay on it." I'll share a trick for comparing how common different usages are among professional writers. This is not 100% accurate in determining which usage is "correct," since even professional writers and editors make mistakes, but it is a useful guide. 在此分享一個技巧,身為專業作者,如何針對不同的習慣用法進行比較。 這並非是100%準確的斷定那個用法為”正確”,但有的時候連專業的作家與編輯都也不免失誤,所以這的確是一個相當實用的技巧。 First, go to Google and type in the phrase you want to check on, e.g. "one need only". Next, type in the name of the site you'd like to check. The New York Times is a carefully edited publication, and so I often scan their website archives by typing site:nytimes.com 首先,上Google搜尋,並將想查詢的字串鍵入,如:"one need only"。 再者,將你想查詢的網址鍵入。在此建議的是New York Times (nytimes.com),它的文章編輯技巧堪稱非常嚴謹,所以我們推薦參閱他們的網站。 Here are the Google results for four different variations: 以下是在Google鍵入不同字串的搜尋結果: "one need only" site:nytimes.com 47,700 results "one needs only" site:nytimes.com 3,910 results "one need only to" site.nytimes.com 4,580 results "one needs only to" site:nytimes.com 2,360 results Thus, the editorial consensus at the NYT seems support the grammatically correct choice. 因此,在New York Times的編輯共識中,的確提出實際的證明,支持此次題目中文法使用的正確性。 The winners of this week's prize are Yifan Lee, Welson Xiong, and Jocelyn Tsai. A bonus prize goes to Pin-Jen Chen for her explanation of how "effect" could also be interpreted as a correct answer, if used in its relatively rare use as a verb meaning "to bring about." 這次獲獎的的粉絲為Yifan Lee, Welson Xiong, and Jocelyn Tsai。 而特別獎頒發給Pin-Jen Chen,在effect亦可作為正確答案方面,感謝她提供了詳細的說明。effect作動詞使用較為罕見,指"帶來某些效益、實現某事"的意思。 Thanks for everyone's participation in this week's Spot the Error Contest, it's been fun! 謝謝所有粉絲們參與本周的「你是挑錯的高手嗎?」活動,將實用、有意義的知識和大家交流與分享。 TPS Editorial Team ...
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    12/20 TPS Spot the Error Contest-Three Lucky Winners 你是挑錯的高手嗎? 獲獎粉絲名單!

  • 2010-12-21
  • Congratulations to the 3 winners! The winners are: Yifan Lee Welson Xiong Jocelyn Cheng Bonus prize goes to: Pin-Jen Chen Yifan, Welson, Jocelyn, and Pin-Jen, please send your name, E-mail, mailing address, and telephone number to info@publishedscholar.com, or visit our CONTACT TPS page on the TPS website at http://www.publishedscholar.com/about/survey.signup.php?survey_sn=4 We will send the NTD200 gift certificate to you within three days. Your personal information will only be used for sending the gift certificate to you. Let's give our big applause for the three winning TPS fans! Would you like to be one of them? Look for the next「TPS Spot the Error Contest」coming soon! Join us and good luck! TPS Team 恭禧此次競賽答對獲獎的粉絲們! 請將您的姓名、E-mail、住址、電話寄送到本公司Email info@publishedscholar.com 或逕上http://www.publishedscholar.com/about/survey.signup.php?survey_sn=4 聯絡TPS,我們將於收到資料後三個工作天內將獎品寄出給您。以上粉絲的個人資訊僅供寄送獎品使用,絕不對外公開,敬請放心。 再次恭禧獲獎的TPS粉絲們。 別忘了下周還有「你是挑錯的高手嗎?」活動,敬請大家踴躍參加! TPS團隊 ...
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    12/20 TPS Spot the Error Contest-Win Your NTD200 7-11/Starbucks Prize! 你是挑錯的高手嗎? 有機會獲得價值200元統一超商/星巴克咖啡禮券!

  • 2010-12-20
  • 下列的句子中,包含了一個錯誤,可能是文法、拼法或是標點符號的錯誤。我們將提供統一超商/星巴克咖啡面值NTD200元的購物禮券,給予今天前三名挑出正確錯誤、寫出正確答案的粉絲。正確的解答與獲獎的粉絲姓名,將於明天公佈於本TPS的專頁。請將你的答案寫在下方,獲得免費購物禮券的幸運兒可能就是你哦! The sentence below contains one (1) grammatical, spelling and/or punctuation error. The three (3) TPS Fans to respond with the corrected sentence will win a NTD200 Starbucks Gift Certificate. The corrected sentence and the name of the winner will be published tomorrow on this TPS Fan Page. Please post your answers below. Good Luck! 題目Contest Sentence: To determine how much the writings of Niccolo Machiavelli still effect political discussions, one need only count the number of citations of The Prince. 欲參加活動者,歡迎上TPS Facebook專頁踴躍參加。 ...
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  • 2010-12-20
  • 廖教授在書中介紹了能偵測學習者寫作中的錯誤、並提供建議的工具,如清華大學的MUST雛形系統。根據最近的一份研究報告Automated Grammatical Error Detection for Language Learners指出,MUST是目前動詞偵錯效果最好的系統。這份研究報告還介紹了其他如Educational Testing Service(即舉辦托福考試的ETS)、微軟公司、英國牛津大學等研究單位,積極開發的主動式寫作工具,目前都已經有不錯的成效。隨著資料擴大到網路規模的趨勢,這些工具都會愈來愈成熟。 詳細資訊,請參考來源網址:http://blog.udn.com/JONGWANBOOKS/4630139...
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    What does that mean? 你真的瞭解這個慣用語嗎?

  • 2010-12-20
  • 很多字詞並非表面所見的意思,字詞的組合會產生不同的解釋。這樣的慣用法,我們稱之為「比喻」。一個成功的比喻,作者本身必須相當瞭解字詞的源起。以下的句子為讀者介紹一個比喻及其來源。 Imagery buries itself in language and takes on new meaning. The resulting phrases are often called “figures of speech.” For a figure of speech to be effective, however, a writer must first understand the original meaning of the phrase. The following sentence contains a common figure of speech, followed by an explanation of its origin: 「Reynolds早期文學評論,在所有年輕作家認知上,是沒有幫助的。」 “Critics of Reynolds’ early literature found themselves swimming against the tide of support for everything the young writer conceived.” 「逆潮流而動、有違常理(Swimming against the tide) 」在此舉例中是指在順流的潮水中卻以反方向游去,暗指在長期的爭戰中身體的不堪負荷。水流的流動只向著一個方向,將阻礙了游泳者往反方向行進。 Swimming against the tide alludes to the physical difficulty of battling a resisting force, in this case, swimming in the opposite direction of the flow of tidewater. The movement of the entire body of water in one direction can hinder a swimmer’s movement through the water in the opposite direction. 在學術文章的文學應用上,此慣用語比喻為「徒勞無功、浪費氣力」。也就是說,作者的評論對作家普遍支持的聲浪沒有影響。這樣的評論是無法獲得成效的。 As used in an academic paper about a literary phenomenon, the figure of speech denotes futility. That is, the critics of the writer were described as making no headway against the public support enjoyed by the writer. Their criticism was ineffectual. ...
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    你是挑錯的高手嗎? 有機會獲得價值200元統一超商/星巴克咖啡禮券!

  • 2010-12-14
  • TPS Spot the Error Contest-Win your NTD200 Prize! 你是挑錯的高手嗎?  有機會獲得200元統一超商/星巴克咖啡禮券! *本活動已於12月13日結束,獲獎的粉絲已公佈於Facebook 官網上,歡迎上TPS Facebook專頁查詢。 Let's give our big applause for the three winning TPS fans! Would you like to be one of them? Look for the next「TPS Spot the Error Contest」coming soon! Join us and good luck! 再次恭禧獲獎的TPS粉絲。 別忘了下周還有「你是挑錯的高手嗎?」活動,敬請大家踴躍參加! ...
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    The Published Scholar Facebook

  • 2010-12-10
  • 英文學術發表專家 The Published Scholar 成立Facebook 了! Dear Friends, We are TPS, The Published Scholar. We provide top-quality academic editing services to professors and graduate students in Taiwan and around the world. Please join us! http://www.facebook.com/pages/ying-wen-xue-shu-fa-biao-zhuan-jia-The-Published-Scholar-TPS/110363182363450 TPS Team...
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