




    Professor Pedantic 教授的考究學問

  • 2011-01-05
  • TPS的編輯教授在此歡迎關於學術文章的所有詢問,當然,其實他並沒有足夠的時間給你。他擁有終身教職的教授身份,也是著名的學術巨作作者。即便如此,他仍大方地接受你們的詢問。將關於學術方面的詢問寫在下方,你將獲得教授的親自指導,陶冶對學術的探索與啟發。 The professor awaits your query on academic writing, though in all honesty, he doesn’t have a lot of time for you. He is a tenured full professor and working on yet another magnificent academic tome. Even so, he has graciously consented to entertain your question. Submit it and prepare to be edified. QUESTION: I’ve been told that, if I use some big and long words, I will get a better grade. True? 我曾經聽說,用艱深或是字母長的字,就能得到較高的分數,請問這是真的嗎? Well, I suppose that depends on the professor grading your paper, doesn’t it? Every profession has its clunkers. Don’t count on your prof being seduced by ostentatious words—though, in all honesty, too many are. You did well in coming to me for an answer. 我相信,這應該是取決於你的教授給分數的標準,對吧! 每一個專業領域都有專業術語,別全盤接受你的教授講究艱深、華麗詞藻的影響,雖然,老實說,很多教授的確頗好此道。聰明的你既然來問我的意見,就讓我來給你一個答案吧! I am curious: What is a big word? Is “doctorate” a bigger word than “doctor?” Yes, doctorate is comprised of more letters, but is it weightier? Which takes up more space in a room, a doctorate or a doctor? The size of a word is measured in its import, its relevancy, its relationship to the words surrounding it. Tell me, which word in the following sentence has the largest impact upon a reader: “Grandchildren gratefully die.” I would argue the shortest word in that sentence is a 20-pound hammer to the heart. 我很好奇,什麼叫做艱深的字? "doctorate" 比 "doctor"更有深度嗎? 的確,"doctorate" 包含較多的字母。然而,它在學術領域的權重夠份量嗎? "a doctorate" 與 "a doctor"那一個應該得到較多的尊重? 一個字的地位存乎於它本身的意義、關連性以及是否用字的精巧可貫穿全文主旨。你來試著說說看,下列的句子 “Grandchildren gratefully die”,以一個讀者的眼光,那一個字具有較大的影響力? 我會說,句中最短的字,將能重重的敲入我們的心,帶來極大的震撼。 In an academic paper, the heft of a word is measured in how forcefully the word conveys meaning. Appropriate word length is calibrated in how long the word echoes in the mind of the reader. So don’t use “humongous” if “big” will do. Don’t “illuminate” when “brighten” works as well. And, I might add, don’t just write the paper to “get a better grade.” Since you are going to the trouble of writing the paper, why not also try to learn something from the project? 在學術論文中,一個字的重要性取決於如何巧妙運用字本身的意義傳達作者的想法。所謂適宜的單字長度,植基於這個字在讀者心目中造成的回響與共鳴。換句話說,若"big"已足夠表達你的想法,就無須使用“humongous”;若“brighten”已能傳達你的本意,就無須使用 “illuminate”。有句話我想要再次叮嚀,不要以"得到好分數"的目的而寫論文,既然你將要面對寫作的挑戰,何不把它當成是藉由寫論文的過程,可學習一生受用的寫作技巧呢? ...
  • 文章來源:TPS News

    This is not academic writing 學術文章不是這麼寫的

  • 2011-01-05
  • 並非所有與學術議題相關的文章,就能稱之為「學術文章」。本篇專欄將節錄不同學術議題的內容,分析常見的寫作錯誤,並分享潤修與寫作的技巧。 Not all articles written on academic topics are written in proper academic English. In this "This is not academic writing" column we examine short excerpts from academic texts to illustrate common writing errors and explain how to correct them. Unacceptable 不被認可的文章 “The classic background of many of the early agronomists, including Sanginga and Borlaug, shows the power of book-learning in the schooling of modern soil scientists. Their contributions were not all “by guess and by golly.” Heck no! They leaned on the thinking of 19th-century farmer-scientists and then put in their own ideas. I suspect even the earliest farm thinkers got some of their stuff from somebody else, though what they got didn’t amount to much.” While the previous paragraph communicates coherently, it violates several recommended principles of academic writing. The “book-learning” phrase is purely colloquial, as is “by guess and by golly.” Such informal and casual phraseology is not appropriate for academic papers. The “heck no!” emotive outburst has no place in rational scholarly writing. “I suspect…” is an inappropriate first-person intrusion into the text and a weak assertion to boot. Finally, several other colloquial phrases—“leaned on the thinking” … “put in their own ideas” … “some of their stuff” … “amount to much”—might be all right for conversation, but they are too imprecise for an academic paper. The original version of the paragraph appears below. 這段文章看似條理分明,事實上已違反許多學術英文的撰寫大忌。 “book-learning”只有口語時才會使用,“by guess and by golly” 也是一樣。不正式與隨性的用語不適合在正式的學術文章出現。抒發情緒的用詞,如“heck no!”,更不可表現在專業、理性的學術性文章中。以第一人稱“I suspect…”為句首切入內文不但不恰當,本句更透露出作者對研究發表主張不堅定的態度。最後,其它口語化的用詞,如 “leaned on the thinking” … “put in their own ideas” … “some of their stuff” … “amount to much” 等等,或許可應用於日常會話,然而,站在學術性文章的角度來說,用詞的技巧實在不夠嚴謹。此段文章編輯潤飾後內容,刊登如下。 Acceptable 認可的文章 “The classic background of many of this century’s agronomists, including Sanginga and Borlaug, highlights the efficacy of formal study in the education of modern soil scientists. Their contributions were not all intuitive. Rather, they incorporated into their thinking the corpus of 19th-century agricultural knowledge before adding incomparably to its mass. Even the earliest recorded agronomic thinkers were derivative, though necessarily from less pure sources.” ...
  • 文章來源:TPS News

    1/3 TPS Spot the Error Contest-Answer and Explanation 你是挑錯的高手嗎? 正確解答

  • 2011-01-04
  • Answer: “to give” should be “giving.” “The ecological system in the park is largely in balance, giving more strength to the proposition that human intrusion inhibits natural diversity.” Error: The writer of this sentence got off track in the course of tacking on a second phrase. Parallel construction in grammar requires that individual sentence components stay in sync; when in doubt, a safer choice is to break a sentence with two thoughts into two sentences. In this case, the writer uses “to give” when the correct word choice is “giving.” Or the writer might have written a second sentence beginning, “The park’s balance gives…” This writing mistake is No. 10 of 10 Common Writing Errors That Can Spell “Rejection” for Your Manuscript, which are posted elsewhere on The Published Scholar site. 錯誤之處:這句話的作者在第一句與第二句的接軌上沒有使用正確的用詞。文法中的平行結構必須是一個獨立句子中保持句構的同步與平行規範,最安全的方式,是將一個句子分開成為兩個獨立想法的句子。因此這次的題目,正確答案應使用"giving" ,而不是 “to give。另一個寫法是,作者可為第二句重新起頭,如 “The park’s balance gives…”。這樣的寫作錯誤可參照本專頁所張貼之「10 個導致退稿的常見寫作錯誤之十:“Avoid Faulty Parallelism”」。 ...
  • 文章來源:TPS News

    1/3 TPS Spot the Error Contest-Win Your NTD200 7-11/Starbucks Prize! 你是挑錯的高手嗎? 有機會獲得200元統一超商/星巴克咖啡禮券!

  • 2011-01-03
  • 下列的句子中,包含了一個錯誤,可能是文法、拼法或是標點符號的錯誤。我們將提供"統一超商/星巴克咖啡NTD200元禮券",給予今天前三名挑出正確錯誤、寫出正確答案的粉絲。正確的解答與獲獎的粉絲姓名,將於明天公佈於本TPS的專頁。請將你的答案寫在下方,獲得免費購物禮券的幸運兒可能就是你哦! The sentence below contains one (1) grammatical, spelling and/or punctuation error. The three (3) TPS Fans to respond with the corrected sentence will win a NTD200 Starbucks Gift Certificate. The corrected sentence and the name of the winner will be published tomorrow on this TPS Fan Page. Please post your answers below. Good Luck! 題目Contest Sentence: “The ecological system in the park is largely in balance, to give more strength to the proposition that human intrusion inhibits natural diversity.” ...
  • 文章來源:TPS News

    2011 Blessing Poem to TPS Fans! 獻給TPS粉絲迎接2011年的祝福!

  • 2010-12-31
  • Dear TPS Fans, The new year is upon us. It is great to share these wonderful moments with you. Thank you for being a part of TPS. Happy is the scholar in a quest for knowledge. Great is the challenge of research and proof. We wish you all success, and family honor. As you joyfully, hungrily, root out the truth. Our wish is that you will have a fantastic year in 2011 ! TPS Team 親愛的TPS Fans, 新的一年即將到來,很高興與你一起渡過這美好的時刻,歡迎你的加入,與TPS一同探究學術的知識。 學者知識的探索渴望是最大的快樂, 學問研究的搜查論證是最強的挑戰, 獻上誠摰祝福慶賀你的成功與榮耀, 展望豐富知識迎接你的歡欣與驕傲。 願你擁有最美好的2011年! TPS團隊 敬祝...
  • 文章來源:TPS News

    12 Recommendations to Help you Submit a Conventional and Acceptable Paper 12個獲得學術認可的論文撰寫技巧之一

  • 2010-12-30
  • 教授學者們通常會規範寫作標準,制定如何撰寫碩博士論文與學術文章以及格式要求。學術界所評定的標準植基於以何種撰寫方式會被認可,何種撰寫方式則會被拒 絕。本專欄提出「12個獲得學術認可的論文撰寫技巧」,幫助你寫出符合規範與認可標準的文章。每一個技巧將陸續公佈於本TPS專頁。 The community of scholars has rules that govern how dissertations, theses and other academic papers are composed and formatted. Academic convention has established what is acceptable and what is not. Following is one of 12 recommendations to help you submit a conventional and acceptable paper. Each tip in the series will appear on the TPS Fans page on successive weeks. Tip 1 – Choose an appropriate topic 技巧一:選擇適合的主題 At the university level, scholarly papers are written for other scholars. Therefore, the topic of an academic paper should appeal to a scholar. What appeals to scholars? Ideas. So the central topic of a paper should be an idea, a theory, a concept. Unless your professor assigns you a topic, you must put on your thinking cap and brainstorm an idea to build a paper around. 在大學的學習領域中,學術文章是為了其它學者而寫。因此,學術文章的主題必須成功吸引學者的目光。如何能吸引他們的目光? 用你的想法。也就是說,學術文章的中心主題必須是一個想法,一則理論,或是一個概念。除非你的指導教授給你論文主題,否則你必須靠自己好好思考,腦力激盪出自己的主題,進而圍繞主題寫出文章。 The topic should be relevant. That is, it should add value to a particular academic discipline. Writing about a new French apple for a Chinese literature class will not be well received, regardless of how well you write. A chosen topic should be interesting, but it need not be provocative, or particularly original, though inventive and stimulating topics are welcome. 主題論述必須具相關性。也就是說,它對於該領域的學術貢獻必須具有價值。像是在中國文學課程中描寫法國蘋果的新品種議題肯定不會被接受,即使撰寫技巧很高明。主題的選擇朝向趣味性,無挑臖意味,引經據典、原創性、激勵性等等方面,最受歡迎。 For example, a mathematics paper might introduce a new theorem stemming from an accepted equation. A humanities paper might offer fresh perspective on a philosophical statement. A business paper might explain a weakness of a retailing model. Sample titles of papers include “Circus Sociology: The Gravitas of a Clown,” and “Architecture: How Tokyo Copied Topeka.” 舉例來說,數理論文一開始可介紹已被社會接受的一組程式而引導出新理論;人文論文可能提出在哲學理論上的一個新看法;商業論文或許是針對零售業經營模式分析其缺點。其它論文參考主題包括:“Circus Sociology: The Gravitas of a Clown” 與 “Architecture: How Tokyo Copied Topeka”。 Unless a professor specifically assigns a report, your paper is expected to be a reasoned argument. Simply compiling and presenting information will not be acceptable. So you should choose a topic with divergent points of view and claim one for yourself. The topic also should be substantial enough to be explored at length without resorting to redundancy and word padding. 除非指導教授特別交代你某個主題,否則你的論文應該具有推論的爭議性。若僅僅寫出眾所皆知的資訊,將無法被學術界認可。所以,你必須選擇一個新概念作主題,並且主張這是專屬於你的論點。同時必須確認主題內容的蘊含量足夠發揮與探究,避免發生日後在文章上大玩文字遊戲或是不斷重覆句子內容以刻意拉長文章篇幅的窘境。 Treatment of the topic should be focused. That is, your paper should be limited in scope even if the topic is a universal condition. Example: Write about saving a species of tree on a Pacific island knoll rather than defending the world’s forests against mankind. A finite proposition is more compelling than a sweeping generalization, and a scattershot conclusion never convinces. 主題論述必須具專注性。也就是說,學術論文必須侷限於某一特定範圍,即使主題是一個放諸四海皆知的定論。例如,寧可撰寫如何在太平洋島嶼上拯救樹種生態,而不要提出保護世界樹林免於遭受人為迫害的議題。選定一個特定主題遠比一個廣大、空泛的概念更能引起學者興趣。一個毫無目標的論文將無法讓任何人信服。 To review: The topic of an academic paper should be relevant and interesting. It should contain the seeds of opposing views. It should be complex enough to allow dissection and simple enough to be forceful. It should be narrow and deep in scope. Good luck! 總而言之,學術文章的主題必須具關連性與專注性,它必須具有異於凡俗的視野與觀點,除了豐富的題材可延展論文內容,還要有專一且具說服力的主張。論文主題必須縮小範圍並深入剖析。希望對你有所幫助,祝你好運! ...
  • 文章來源:TPS News

    What does that mean? 你真的瞭解這個慣用語嗎?

  • 2010-12-29
  • Imagery buries itself in language and takes on new meaning. The transplanted and transformed sets of words are called “figures of speech.” For a figure of speech to be effective, however, a writer must first understand the original meaning of the phrase. The following sentence contains a common figure of speech. Its original meaning is explained. 很多字詞並非表面所見的意思,字詞的組合會產生不同的解釋。這樣的慣用法,我們稱之為「比喻」。一個成功的比喻,作者本身必須相當瞭解字詞的源起。以下的句子為讀者介紹一個比喻及其來源。 “Avicenna’s pioneering work in neuropsychiatry was the dawn of understanding about the linkage between body and mind.” 亞維塞那在神經精神病學的創舉,猶如曙光乍現般清楚說明身體與心靈間的關連。 “Dawn of understanding” alludes to the early morning hour when the sun rises above the horizon. The ability for us to see a greater distance rather suddenly returns when the darkness of night is replaced by daylight. 「曙光般清楚(Dawn of understanding)」暗指清晨當太陽初昇至水平線上,黑夜完全被陽光取代,我們才得以見到不同於黑夜的耀眼光亮。 As used in an academic paper about one of Persia’s notable thinkers, the figure of speech denotes enlightenment. That is, connections between our psychological and physiological conditions were beginning to be seen for the first time. As the “sunshine of scholarship” continued, more and more relationships between the mind and the body were discovered. 此慣用語是來自於波斯一名偉大的思想家,在學術文章的應用上,比喻為「教化、啟蒙」。也就是說,連結生理與心理間交互影響源自於這個時期開始發展。繼“陽光論”後,更多心靈與身體間的相互關係相繼被探究出來。 ...
  • 文章來源:TPS News

    12/27 TPS Spot the Error Contest-Answer and Explanation 你是挑錯的高手嗎? 正確解答

  • 2010-12-28
  • Answer: “amount” should be “number.” The 'number' of historians who write at length about the cruelty of Chinggis Khaan is large compared to those who dwell on Khan’s religious tolerance. 有別於描述成吉思汗的宗教自由與包容面,史學家們描述其殘暴行徑者居多。 Error: The sentence contained only one true error. The writer misused the indefinite pronoun 'amount', which is reserved for describing a portion of a whole, such as amount of rain that fell, amount of money in the bank. The correct choice—number—is used when individual units are being counted, such as number of people in the car, number of coins in the purse. This writing mistake is No. 1 of 10 Common Writing Errors That Can Spell “Rejection” for Your Manuscript, which are posted elsewhere on The Published Scholar site. 錯誤之處:這句話僅有一個主要的錯誤。作者錯誤使用不可數代名詞amount,它是用來描述某數量的一部分,如降落的雨,銀行裡的錢等等。正確的是number,用在可數的個別單位,如車裡的人,皮包裡的錢幣等等。這樣的寫作錯誤可參照本專頁所張貼之「10 個導致退稿的常見寫作錯誤之一:“Know Your Numbers”」。 Some interesting corrections were suggested for this sentence. Unfortunately, the suggestions either muddied the sentence or rendered it a non-sentence. However, several respondents correctly noted that Khaan was spelled two ways (also Khan). While we should have been more careful not to use two spelling variations, neither spelling actually is incorrect, depending upon the cited source. 這個題目有粉絲提出了其它的修正。但是,這些建議可能會混淆了句意或是使得句構不完整。然而,許多的粉絲有發現Khaan有兩個拼音方式,另一個為Khan,當然我們應更加謹慎對於同一句子中應使用同一種拼法,事實上,使用那一個字都可以,取決於取材的來源句子為何。 The winners of this week's prize are Evan Tsai, Welson Xiong, and Pin-Jen Chen. Thanks for everyone's participation in this week's Spot the Error Contest, it's been fun! 這次獲獎的的粉絲為Evan Tsai, Welson Xiong, and Pin-Jen Chen。 謝謝所有粉絲們參與本周的「你是挑錯的高手嗎?」活動,將實用、有意義的知識和大家交流與分享。 TPS Editorial Team ...
  • 文章來源:TPS News

    12/27 TPS Spot the Error Contest-Win Your NTD200 7-11/Starbucks Prize! 你是挑錯的高手嗎? 有機會獲得200元統一超商/星巴克咖啡禮券!

  • 2010-12-27
  • 下列的句子中,包含了一個錯誤,可能是文法、拼法或是標點符號的錯誤。我們將提供統一超商/星巴克咖啡NTD200元的購物禮券,給予今天前三名挑出正確錯誤、寫出正確答案的粉絲。正確的解答與獲獎的粉絲姓名,將於明天公佈於本TPS的專頁。請將你的答案寫在下方,獲得免費購物禮券的幸運兒可能就是你哦! The sentence below contains one (1) grammatical, spelling and/or punctuation error. The three (3) TPS Fans to respond with the corrected sentence will win a NTD200 Starbucks Gift Certificate. The corrected sentence and the name of the winner will be published tomorrow on this TPS Fan Page. Please post your answers below. Good Luck! 題目Contest Sentence: “The amount of historians who write at length about the cruelty of Chinggis Khaan is large compared to those who dwell on Khan’s religious tolerance.” 欲參加活動者,歡迎上TPS Facebook專頁踴躍參加。 ...
  • 文章來源:TPS News

    Professor Pedantic 教授的考究學問

  • 2010-12-24
  • TPS的編輯教授在此歡迎關於學術文章的所有詢問,當然,其實他並沒有足夠的時間給你。他擁有終身教職的教授身份,也是著名的學術巨作作者。即便如此,他仍大方地接受你們的詢問。將關於學術方面的詢問寫在下方,你將獲得教授的親自指導,陶冶對學術的探索與啟發。 The professor awaits your query on academic writing, though in all honesty, he doesn’t have a lot of time for you. He is a tenured full professor and working on yet another magnificent academic tome. Even so, he has graciously consented to entertain your question. Submit it and prepare to be edified. QUESTION: "Ember of airy longing, Ache of unbeing, Is your heart not stone? Hour, light, fare well.” This secondary poem that I read hidden within Fred Chappell's “Narcissus and Echo” contains a potent message, but what does it mean? 「不切實際的渴望,無法存在的痛楚,你的心莫不像石頭一般?別了,時光。」 Fred Chappell 在<納西斯與艾可>詩中隱藏了這第二首詩,我感受到詩中帶有強烈的訊息,請問它的意思是什麼呢? 好的,這個問題,你真的想知道我的回答嗎? 我相信問你問題的文學系教授或是老師會想知道你的答案,而不是聽你最喜歡的TPS教授的答案。不過,時下青年通常會喜歡看林志玲的海報,難得你花時間看Chappell的詩句,非常值得嘉許。我想我能回答你的是:我不知道答案。 Well, that is the question—and you really expect me to answer it? I am quite certain the literature faculty member who asked the question would rather receive your answer than that of your favorite TPS professor. However, on the off chance you actually were reading Chappell’s poetry in your free time instead of ogling a Lin Chiling layout, let me say this: I don’t know. 事實上,應該沒有任何讀者能"真正"瞭解詩句背後所隱含的真實意義,除非詩人自己陳述這句詩的真義,但他們鮮少這樣做。就如同很難要求歌曲的作詞人"解釋"任何艱澀難懂的歌詞,如果你需要問,顯然那首歌不適合你。同樣的,詩句的價值在於依靠讀者自身層次的靈敏度,才能在詩人的境界裡溝通其微妙的情緒與意境。一旦失去與詩人產生共鳴的連結,詩句就僅僅是文字而以。 The truth is, no one really knows the true intent behind the words of poets, unless the poets happen to confess to particular meanings and they hardly ever do. Nor do lyricists “explain” their more obscure lyrics; if you have to ask, a song clearly is not meant for your ears. In the same way, a poem depends upon a reader’s heightened sensibility to complete the artful communication of an emotion or image. Absent such linkage, the words are mere words. 今天,若你問我個人對於這句詩句的”詮釋”,我還是可以回答你。就僅僅從Chappell的作品中另外節錄的詩來看,我感受到回音女神(nymph Echo)的悲傷,由於無法戰勝納西斯(Narcissus)的自戀,更無法得到他的寵愛,她只能藉由不斷重覆納西斯的話以傳達她的真摰與心碎,最後只好傷心的向他告別。這詩句優美且傳神的傳達神話故事的唯美。假設對詩句的解釋,仍然使你無法理解,那麼請你不要難過,畢竟,它的原文是希臘文。 Now, if you are asking for my interpretation of the secondary poem, well, that is something else entirely. I interpret Chappell’s vertical poem on the edge of the main poem to be a lament of the nymph Echo. She cleverly echoes the words of Narcissus in expressing her heartfelt loss at failing to win his affection and to overcome his self-love; sorrowfully, she bids him good-bye. The poem is a delicate and adroit handling of a mythological conversation. If the likely meaning still is unclear to you, well, it is, after all, Greek. ...
  • 文章來源:TPS News


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