4 Characteristics of a Scholar # 1– Am I curious? 學者的四個特質之一:我好奇嗎?

At some point, an academic writer should ask a fundamental question: Am I a scholar? Pursuit of an academic career will be in vain if a person is ill-suited for academia. Even students who are just passing through the realm are wise to examine if they are a good fit for academic scholarship. If not, the academic writing will forever be fitful and the writer frustrated. Hereafter are ways to examine thyself.

Characteristic # 1: Am I curious?

An old maxim is, curiosity killed the cat. It is a warning against being too inquisitive, about a person not poking his nose into affairs that don't concern him. It is decidedly the wrong counsel for a scholar and writer of scholarly material. Being curious is where scholarship begins, as a mind considers an unknown and methodically begins to explore it. There would be no scholarly discovery without curiosity, and there would be no scholarly curiosity without the intellectual satisfaction that comes from discovery.

Curiosity is as much a habit as a genetic gift. It is true that some people are born with an innate need to master a subject, to parse a topic till it gives up all its secrets. Yet life can instill in a person a sense of wonder that is as durable as anything rooted in instinct or genetic constitution. Being curious is a mental trait, after all, and good minds can be trained to function according to a person's will. If a person resolves to not stopping asking questions till all possibilities are exhausted, he becomes pragmatically curious.

The curious state of mind is easier to develop when a person is interested in a subject. Disinterest in a field of study might lead a young academic to conclude that he suffers from lack of curiosity. In fact, only Renaissance thinkers are truly interested in many areas of study. The rest of us are better off focusing on an area of inquiry that vitally interests us, for that is where the habit of curiosity can most easily be cultivated. Finding our intellectual niche lets us proceed unfettered in our quest for knowledge.

Last Update at 2014-07-07 PM 5:17 | 0 Comments




TPS將於7月份揭曉「4 Characteristics of a Scholar 學者的四個特質」,提供幾項檢視方式供您參考。

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Last Update at 2014-06-17 AM 11:49 | 0 Comments

4 Key Features of Academic Writing # 4– Use Hedging Language 學術寫作四大要訣之四:抽離

撰寫學術論文必須遵守某些特定風格和技巧的規範,雖然這些規範不至於讓創作學者寫得縛手縛腳,但某些經濟的寫作方式和表達法的限制向來被視為奉行不悖的圭臬。本專欄為撰寫學術論文的四大要訣,每項要訣都會刊登在TPS 粉絲頁,最後集結於 TPS 學術電子報。
Academic writers must conform to certain expectations about writing style and techniques. The rules are not so tight as to place a creative scholar in a straitjacket. However, certain economies of writing and constraints on expression are generally considered de rigueur. Following are four of the principal guidelines for writers of academic papers. Each part in the series will be presented on the TPS Fan page before being compiled.

4th Writing Guideline – Use Hedging Language

Hedging is a term that describes a writer distancing himself from what he writes. Wait a minute! That sounds a lot like imprecision! How can a writer concisely assert that a source or conclusion is valid and then vacillate about it? Strange as it sounds, this apparent dichotomy actually is quite complementary. A writer can, and should, make important points in a paper with both firmness and caution. After all, test results, experts and historical records often can be shown to produce opposite results, depending upon interpretation and circumstance. Writers need some cover.

Scholars produce papers for peer review and dialogue, so it is not necessary that a writer have the final word on a subject, in disciplines where finality on a subject actually is achievable. Rather, the purpose of writing an academic paper is to contribute to the body of knowledge. Therefore, a writer can assert a truth and base it on best available evidence, leaving the door open for other research on the subject. Hedging essentially invites observations on a topic and encourages additional research. Peers are not alienated by hedging, often joining in the discussion.

Such dialogue is accomplished through phrasing. A writer displays professional humility in these phrases: “It may be possible to…” and “Such results suggest…” and “The probability is high that…” Compare those assertions to these more rigid declarations: “It proves that…” and “The results show…” and “There is little question that…” The standing of a scholar is not undermined when he uses more conciliatory language in a paper. The opposite is true. By hedging, a scholar demonstrates confidence in research and methodology—and conclusions speak for themselves.

Last Update at 2014-10-24 PM 3:03 | 0 Comments




TPS 本月份專欄「4 Key Features of Academic Writing # 3– Use Precise Language 學術寫作四大要訣之三:精確」已刊登於官網,教您如何寫出一篇成功的學術論文。

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Last Update at 2014-05-19 PM 10:27 | 0 Comments

4 Key Features of Academic Writing # 3– Use Precise Language 學術寫作四大要訣之三:精確

撰寫學術論文必須遵守某些特定風格和技巧的規範,雖然這些規範不至於讓創作學者寫得縛手縛腳,但某些經濟的寫作方式和表達法的限制向來被視為奉行不悖的圭臬。本專欄為撰寫學術論文的四大要訣,每項要訣都會刊登在TPS 粉絲頁,最後集結於 TPS 學術電子報。
Academic writers must conform to certain expectations about writing style and techniques. The rules are not so tight as to place a creative scholar in a straitjacket. However, certain economies of writing and constraints on expression are generally considered de rigueur. Following are four of the principal guidelines for writers of academic papers. Each part in the series will be presented on the TPS Fan page before being compiled.

3rd Writing Guideline – Use Precise Language

Precision in academic writing can take several forms, but each formulation contains this characteristic: exactness. For instance, an academic writer should be precise in describing research materials and methods. Doing so accomplishes more than one task. Here is an example: Saying that a chemist identified 14 compounds gives concrete evidence of his laboratory skills, whereas saying that a chemist’s work resulted in more than a dozen compounds leaves a reader guessing. Furthermore, “14” is shorter than “more than a dozen” and wordiness is not a virtue.

Precision also refers to accuracy, which is a fundamental requisite of any celebrated academic paper. Inaccuracy leads to fallacy, misinformation, error and falsity. Can anything be more damaging to a paper and its author than to be described as wrong in its facts? In terms of language, inaccuracy misleads and confuses. For example, if a gathering of poets is called an “assembly,” one connotation is that formal rulemaking will occur. Calling it a “conference” suggests discussion. The words are not exactly interchangeable, and exactness matters.

Precision also is a virtue in terms of keeping a reader on track. When a reader experiences some confusion about a sequence of events or the thread of thought, a writer has failed to lead by not being explicit in his language. Such transition words and phrases as “consequently” and “in this way” help a reader stay on course. Similarly, clearly identifying a source rather than attributing it vaguely helps a reader weigh and sort complex information. Readers need help and precise verbal guideposts are helpful. A writer cannot be successful in an academic paper when readers get lost.

Last Update at 2014-05-16 PM 9:49 | 0 Comments




TPS 本月份專欄「4 Key Features of Academic Writing # 2– Use Objective Language 學術寫作四大要訣之二:客觀」已刊登於官網,教您如何從前言到結論正確地引導讀者,把論文從裡到外清楚地表達出來。

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Last Update at 2014-04-21 PM 10:11 | 0 Comments

4 Key Features of Academic Writing # 2– Use Objective Language 學術寫作四大要訣之二:客觀

撰寫學術論文必須遵守某些特定風格和技巧的規範,雖然這些規範不至於讓創作學者寫得縛手縛腳,但某些經濟的寫作方式和表達法的限制向來被視為奉行不悖的圭臬。本專欄為撰寫學術論文的四大要訣,每項要訣都會刊登在TPS 粉絲頁,最後集結於 TPS 學術電子報。
Academic writers must conform to certain expectations about writing style and techniques. The rules are not so tight as to place a creative scholar in a straitjacket. However, certain economies of writing and constraints on expression are generally considered de rigueur. Following are four of the principal guidelines for writers of academic papers. Each part in the series will be presented on the TPS Fan page before being compiled.

2nd Writing Guideline – Use Objective Language

The opposite of objective language is subjective language. The first places emphasis on the topic of a paper. The second steals some of the emphasis and places it on the writer. An example of subjective writing is the following: “I closed the cage door and accidentally bumped the water dish, spilling the metered water.” The incident is expressed better without a writer reference: “The closing door bumped the water dish, spilling some water and spoiling the record.” Nothing is lost in the second telling. The water was spilled and the reader knows exactly who spilled it.

So one reason to use objective language is to remove the writer from a reader’s train of thought. A reader can see on a title page the name of the person who authored a paper, and that’s sufficient credit. Objective language moves the narrative to a generally higher plain, where facts and clinical reportage reign. It is a level of discourse ruled by ordered thoughts and dispassionate explanation. Personal pronouns, opinions and other personal references spoil such prose and deflect the focus. Readers simply do not want to be interrupted by jarring allusions to self.

Therefore, impersonal pronouns like “this” and “that” and “it” steadily carry a reader to a conclusion. Overall project references are impersonal as well—“the research,” for example, instead of “my research.” This writing style produces clean content that leads a reader unerringly from introduction to conclusion. This does not suggest that identifying characteristics of a writer be totally absent from a paper. But be careful. The word choices an author makes must, above all else, reflect the persona of a serious researcher whose sole intent is to nail his thesis to the wall.

Last Update at 2014-04-21 PM 10:06 | 0 Comments



TPS 本月份專欄「4 Key Features of Academic Writing # 1– Use Formal Language 學術寫作四大要訣之一:正式」已刊登於官網,教您如何在寫學術論文時,擁有絕佳的選字判斷力,取得必備的學術技能。 

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Last Update at 2014-03-17 PM 5:53 | 0 Comments

4 Key Features of Academic Writing # 1– Use Formal Language 學術寫作四大要訣之一:正式

撰寫學術論文必須遵守某些特定風格和技巧的規範,雖然這些規範不至於讓創作學者寫得縛手縛腳,但某些經濟的寫作方式和表達法的限制向來被視為奉行不悖的圭臬。本專欄為撰寫學術論文的四大要訣,每項要訣都會刊登在TPS 粉絲頁,最後集結於 TPS 學術電子報。
Academic writers must conform to certain expectations about writing style and techniques. The rules are not so tight as to place a creative scholar in a straitjacket. However, certain economies of writing and constraints on expression are generally considered de rigueur. Following are four of the principal guidelines for writers of academic papers. Each part in the series will be presented on the TPS Fan page before being compiled.

1st Writing Guideline – Use Formal Language

This is perhaps the most recognized guideline. Young scholars with any experience at all in crafting papers know about couching language formally. Unfortunately, some of their role models in the academic community only think they know about it: Their writing is more futile than formal and is an example of how not to write formally. Such academicians believe a long word in English always is better than a short one and that multiple syllables somehow give a word greater standing in academic circles. This is not formal writing, it is pretentious writing. Avoid it.

In English, longer words tend to have roots in Latin or French, rather than Anglo-Saxon, so there is something of a haute couture factor in play: It is fashionable to dress up a paper in long words. Beware of such trends. What always is in fashion in English academic writing is clear language that communicates by melding long Latinate words and stubby Anglo expressions into a document of durable weight and significance. Hard and fast rules about word choices are not needed to accomplish this. Rather, a writer must develop good judgment about choosing words.

Some choices are easy: Abbreviations should be avoided, for example; they are almost by definition informal. And colloquial words and phrases like “things” and “pretty much” have no place in formal writing. The same generally is true of combination phrases such as “lived-in” and “put off.” The tougher choices are between legitimate words such as “commence” and “begin,” “demonstrate” and “show,” or “reside” and “live.” Such words can add to the understanding of a paper in one usage, but detract in another. Judgment. Choosing words is an academic skill.
有時候選字很簡單,例如縮寫一定要避免,本質上縮寫就是不正式。另外,口語用的字詞或片語,像是「東西(things)」和「差不多(pretty much)」,是絕對不可出現在正式寫作裡的,「不錯(lived-in)」、「等一下(put off)」等組合型片語也都不適當。較難選擇的是一些正統用法,例如「開始」要用commence或是begin、「顯示」要用demonstrate或是show、「居住」要用reside或是live,這些字在某個用法下能讓論文變得更易懂,但用另一種用法可能反而有反效果。關鍵就在判斷力。選字是一項必備的學術技能。

Last Update at 2014-03-13 PM 5:28 | 0 Comments




TPS 本月份專欄「3 Tips to Finding an Authentic Voice # 3– Putting it to Work 找出獨創表達方式的三大訣竅之三:實踐精進」已刊登於官網,點出一篇論文如果結構嚴謹、研究透澈、引用清楚,再運用個人獨特的表達方式,就能畫龍點睛。

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Last Update at 2014-02-17 PM 10:52 | 0 Comments